Inclusive Finance | In cooperation with "New", Bank of Shanghai improved the accuracy of financial support and helped new citizens live and work in peace and contentment

Source: North Network Edited by: Guo Xiaolin 2024-05-21 08:20:27

In order to further help new citizens better integrate into urban life, Bank of Shanghai has continuously improved the availability and convenience of financial services for new citizens, and escorted new citizens to take root in the city. In 2024, while strengthening the top-level design, Bank of Shanghai will focus on the urgent problems of new citizens and further improve the service level of new citizens.

   Enrich the characteristic services of new citizens' accompanying parents

Recently, the "Shanghai Huitong" fund collection product of Bank of Shanghai welcomed the first customer. Under the explanation and guidance of the outlet staff, Ms. Xie, who helped take care of her grandchildren after retirement in Suzhou, completed the business in just a few minutes through the Bank of Shanghai's aging mobile APP.

In order to better serve the parents of new citizens who move with them and expand financial inclusion, Bank of Shanghai launched the "Shanghai Huitong" product to provide capital collection services for customers aged 50 and above who have not paid pension funds on behalf of Bank of Shanghai. Contracted customers can uniformly and automatically manage their funds on a monthly basis, and enjoy the exclusive deposit and value-added rights activities of Bank of Shanghai for pension clients, so that financial convenience can benefit more parents of new citizens who move with them, and help create the warmth of "hometown is hometown".

   Increase the innovation and investment of new citizen credit products

In order to enable new citizens to realize their dream of living in Shanghai as soon as possible, the Bank of Shanghai actively optimized the policy of co repayment of new citizens' house purchase demand in Shanghai and further optimized the service process. For example, Shinan Branch of Bank of Shanghai takes the initiative to provide door-to-door services to facilitate new citizens to complete the application and supporting work for housing loans at one time, reducing the cumbersome and waiting time for them to go to the bank to handle business.

In order to meet the daily consumption demand of new citizens, Bank of Shanghai, in combination with the "10 billion households" activity, issued interest free coupons and actively promoted new citizens' exclusive consumer credit products. Among them, Fumin Sub branch of Bank of Shanghai, in response to the differentiated financial needs of new citizens in the transition stage of settlement and house purchase, worked together with Shanghai Shangmingju to promote decoration loans and fiduciary loans, and provided consumer credit support for new citizens' reasonable needs such as purchasing furniture and household appliances.

   Strengthen support for new citizens' entrepreneurship and employment

Recently, with the recommendation of the District Employment Promotion Center, Mr. Liu, a new citizen of Tongji University Pioneer Park, successfully applied for a guaranteed loan from the Bank of Shanghai.

When young new citizens enter the city, they have both the pursuit of a better life and the pursuit of better development opportunities. The Bank of Shanghai continued to pay attention to the financial needs of new citizens and entrepreneurs, constantly promoted the sinking of services, and did a good job in supporting financial services. Shibei Branch of Bank of Shanghai and Shanghai Zhangjiang Ronghuai Science Park jointly held a new citizen salon to introduce inclusive products and services such as science and innovation loans, e-home instant loans, and asset pool products to enterprises in the park. The business department of the head office of the Bank of Shanghai actively participated in the activities of the District Employment Promotion Association, held a financial briefing for the Tongji University Pioneer Park, helped new citizens understand the latest market trends, government policies and inclusive financial products, and helped them go further on their entrepreneurial path.

   Strengthen the publicity and popularization of new citizens' financial knowledge

Centering on the theme of "preventing illegal fund-raising", "preventing illegal professional agents", "anti fraud and anti fraud", Bank of Shanghai actively organized and carried out sinking publicity and education activities such as "entering business circles", "entering enterprises" and "entering communities". Shenzhen Branch of Bank of Shanghai held the activity of financial knowledge "entering the village in the city" to serve "new citizens" in Shangmeilin Village, Futian District. Ningbo Branch of Bank of Shanghai walked into the construction site, propagandized financial knowledge such as "beware of illegal intermediaries to induce and recognize illegal re lending risks" to construction workers, told workers to use wage cards carefully and stay away from unnecessary money laundering disturbances. Since this year, the Bank of Shanghai has organized 118 sinking education activities, covering more than 250000 people in total.  

In the future, Bank of Shanghai will continue to practice social responsibility, closely integrate the concept of serving new citizens with daily operation, actively create service characteristics, and provide the most solid and reliable financial support for new citizens to root in the city and live and work in peace and contentment.

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