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The 2023 New Town Business Annual Conference of "Deep Operation Strategy" was successfully concluded

On October 13, the 2023 New Town Commercial Annual Conference was grandly opened in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. Focusing on the theme of "happy reunion and moving towards the new", New Town Holdings, together with numerous brand businesses and industry leaders from all over the country, discussed more possibilities for the future development of China's commercial real estate, and actively helped the consumer market recover in an all-round way under the era wave of expanding domestic demand and boosting consumption, It also shows the steady operation of New Town Holdings and the growing development strength of New Town Commerce to the outside world.

Since New Town Holdings was held for the first time in 2014, after years of precipitation and development, the New Town Business Annual Conference has become a leading important summit in the business field. In 2023, the New Chamber of Commerce attended more than 6000 people. Through the creation of immersive happy scenes, all-weather cooperation negotiation and signing, summit forum, award ceremony and other links, the event site further conveys the happy business energy of the New Town and its determination to work together with brand merchants to win the future. At this new chamber of commerce, New Town Holdings also officially released the "in-depth operation strategy" to show the thinking of breaking the situation under the new pattern of commercial development and continue to promote commercial advancement.

Wang Xiaosong, chairman of Xincheng Holding Group, said that Xincheng hopes to work with partners to truly link consumers and users, do a good job in products and services, and look forward to the future Wuyue, which will have more real data, more open ecology, more qualitative content, and more considerate services, "We are grateful for the strong support of the state for private enterprises, the policy support for improving consumer confidence and promoting consumption growth, the cooperation of partners, and the support and trust of consumers. We hope that the New Chamber of Commerce can promote cooperation, promote openness, inclusiveness, consensus and win-win, and contribute to business prosperity and social happiness together."

Gather together to build a happy business

In 2023, the New Chamber of Commerce will continue the concept of "happy business", take the door of happiness as the creative idea, combine elements such as the flower of happiness, the micro world, etc., and connect a headquarters exhibition area, a special area for customer service experience, six cooperation brand flash exhibition areas, and 18 regional characteristic theme exhibition areas to create a fashionable and dynamic happy space.

In order to create an opportunity for in-depth exchanges between brand businesses and commercial projects, the New Chamber of Commerce has specially set up an all-weather investment negotiation area and built a personalized negotiation area in combination with the local cultural characteristics of 18 regions. For example, the Northeast region focuses on ice sports, while Sichuan region gathers panda, mahjong, hot pot and other characteristic elements. The differentiated construction of the negotiation area not only can quickly bring brand merchants closer to the perception of regional culture, but also conforms to the consistent differentiated design concept of Wuyue Plaza, that is, "thousands of cities, thousands of faces, cities and cities are different". Each Wuyue Plaza will integrate the local natural, cultural, historical and traditional characteristics into the shopping center, Reflect the symbiosis and co prosperity of commerce and cities.

It is worth mentioning that the new Chamber of Commerce has also set up flash exhibition areas for six major cooperative brands in combination with the technology and outdoor lifestyle that young people like. For example, the leading technology brand Xiaomi displayed cutting-edge products such as bionic robots full of a sense of the future on the scene; The outdoor brand Camel has created a desirable camping life scene at the booth, bringing a fresh feeling, while providing a good opportunity for further promotion of the brand and seeking partners; Starbucks, Ruixing, Bawang Chaji and Naixue set up four beverage booths, which demonstrated the good service and brand appeal of the new city's business.

In fact, with its industry-leading scale advantage and operational strength, New Town Holdings has accumulated strong brand business resources. Up to now, there have been more than 32000 brand merchants in the New Town, with a three-year compound growth rate of 25%, including 18 brands with more than 100 stores in Wuyue Plaza and 28 brand merchants with more than 80 stores. After 15 years of intensive commercial development, New Town Holdings and brand merchants have worked together to create a win-win situation. In order to thank brand merchants for their long-term support, the New Chamber of Commerce specially awarded several awards, such as the Gold Store Manager Award, the Fashion Leader Award, the Wind and Rain Peer Award, the Win win Cooperation Award, and the Strategic Cooperation Award.

Deep Operation Helps Business Advance

In 2022, New Town Holdings put forward the concept of "deep operation" for the first time in the industry, and 2023 will be the first year of upgrading the "deep operation" strategy of New Town commerce. The core of in-depth operation is to take user thinking as the foundation, organize more rich and matching business content of user needs through data empowerment, improve Wuyue Plaza's service ability and operating efficiency, and realize greater value of Wuyue Plaza. Compared with traditional operation ideas, deep operation is committed to the transformation from space operation to user operation, from investment attraction thinking to operation thinking, from passenger flow creation to user service, and to building a new value relationship with users as the core to meet the value demands of owners, merchants, users and business management.

At this new chamber of commerce, New Town Holdings officially released the "deep operation strategy", simulating the panoramic business logic of deep operation as a flying fish model, and dismantling the three links of "users", "content" and "service" of the flying fish model. Among them, user insight is the starting point of the whole business logic, the key link to actively approach users and understand users, transaction transformation Re purchase is the result and the key link to realize the real business value. The user link is the main line, and the key business actions are planned around the user consumption journey; The content and service are supported by the two wings. Each link in the two wings corresponds to the user link one by one and cooperates with each other.

Li Fuchang, vice president of New Town Holding Group, said that "deep operation" is the inherent ability of New Town Holding in the process of continuously implementing the concept of happy business values, and also the path and strategy of New Town's business in the future in the era of stock and the market dominated by users, "The new town business hopes to achieve symbiosis and win-win through in-depth operation, create an 'increasingly' happy business ecosystem, and benefit every participant."

Based on the analysis of the current shopping center industry pattern and user demand, New Town Holdings focuses on in-depth operation and returns to the essence of business. Its commercial brand Wuyue Plaza gives full play to its scale and platform effect, by subdividing the portraits of core users, efficiently linking consumer demand, strengthening the construction of a multi win consumer field, and effectively improving online flow drainage+offline flow transformation, Deeply provide users with dual values of consumption and emotion, and promote transformation and repurchase. Relying on the constantly improving operation strength, so far, the sales revenue of Wuyue Plaza last year has reached 77.5 billion yuan, and the number of active users has exceeded 30 million.

Steady operation lays out a new pattern of development

2023 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Xincheng Group and the 15th anniversary of the layout of Xincheng Holdings' business. In the period of deep adjustment of the industry, the forward-looking dual wheel drive strategic advantage of "residential+commercial" will be further established.

In recent years, the new city's commerce has continued to achieve double growth in scale and quality, and has steadily entered the commercial harvest period: the opening scale will exceed 100 in 2020, and the total revenue of commercial operation will exceed 10 billion in 2022 for the first time In 2023, the business of the new town will continue to develop steadily, and the commercial potential will be further released. According to the 2023 semi annual report data of New Town Holdings, in the first half of the year, the total business operation revenue of New Town Holdings reached 5.201 billion yuan, up 10.24% year on year; The tax exclusive property rental and management income was 4.865 billion yuan, accounting for 11.65% of the company's operating income; The gross profit of property leasing and management business was 3.383 billion yuan, accounting for 42.55% of the company's total gross profit from 33.74% in the same period last year.

In terms of layout scale, as of September 30, the total number of Wuyue Plaza opened by New Town Holdings has reached 157, ranking first among listed companies at home and abroad; The total number of Wuyue Plaza opened, under construction and planned to be built by the company is 207, and it has settled in 143 cities nationwide.

key word: Xincheng Holding business operate New Town

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