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Yang Peichang : Why does the Federal Republic of Germany prohibit preschool education?




During my academic visit to Freiburg University in Germany, I lived in an apartment by the lake. Not far from the apartment, there is a small sand flat with some facilities for children to play. Every time I pass this place, I always see three or four children playing in the sand flat. There was a lady standing nearby, staring at the children. Even though the children's faces were covered with sand and their clothes were covered with sand, she did not interfere. Another Chinese colleague who took a walk together could not help sighing: "Lao Yang, look at the sunshine on these children's faces, which is hardly seen on the faces of domestic children". I feel the same way. My daughter goes to school in one of the best primary schools in Beijing eight I was 20 years old, but my speech and facial expression were no different from those of adults. Although the mother of the child was satisfied, I was a little sad.


There is a wide lawn around the lake, but some trees can shade it. On sunny days, there are people playing volleyball, tennis, badminton and football on the lawn. Some people spread cloth on the grass and sit around in twos and threes. They don't know whether there is a chat or just want to bask in the sun, or some people are having a barbecue. I used to sit under the pergola of the cafe and watch people on the lawn. One scene is still unforgettable: there is a family playing football not far from me: husband, wife, big boy and little boy (about four or five years old). The four people are divided into two groups: one is the husband and the little boy, the other is the wife and the big boy. Although it was divided into two pairs, it was actually the husband and two boys playing, and the wife just kicked one foot at a time without a fight, but she never left her husband and two children with her eyes. The father passed the ball to the younger son, and the older son went to grab it. The father was worried about kicking his eldest son, so he acted very lightly. Sometimes he deliberately made mistakes and asked his eldest son to grab the ball. The younger son is more brave, but his skill is not good. Seeing his brother coming, he passed the ball to his father from afar. What impressed me most was that the children were full of enthusiasm to play, and the expression on their faces could be described by the word "sunny".

Out of curiosity, I went to chat with the family. The man told me that both children were in kindergarten and took them out to play on weekends. I asked, "Don't you take your children to attend various classes on weekends?" The man looked at me with a puzzled expression, "What classes do you attend?" I said, "For example, dancing, gymnastics, painting, piano, foreign languages, Olympic mathematics, etc. My daughter learned almost all the courses except Olympic mathematics in kindergarten". The man replied: "Here, preschool education is prohibited. Children are not allowed to teach professional knowledge during kindergarten, and there is no similar training class in society.".

It was originally thought that only kindergarten children were not allowed to learn professional knowledge, but it was later discovered that children in primary schools were not allowed to learn additional courses, even though their IQ exceeded that of their peers. Sandra from Cologne wrote: "This year my son seven I asked my school teacher if I could teach him something extra because he 5-6 At the age of, I learned basic reading, writing and simple mathematical calculation at home. The teacher objected and said: 'You should keep your child in sync with other children'. A week later, I went to see the teacher again, and showed the child's high IQ certificate, hoping to get her understanding and support, but the teacher looked at me with a strange eye, as if I were from an alien. The teacher further explained that it is not a good thing for children's intelligence to be over developed, because they must leave room for imagination in their brains. Too much knowledge will make the child's brain become the hard disk of the computer. If this continues, the child's brain will slowly become a memory and will not actively think.

Nevertheless, I still don't understand the practice of banning pre-school education in Germany. In order to clarify this issue, I specifically consulted German educators, who asked me to look at the Basic Law. Open the Basic Law (i.e. the Constitution) of the Federal Republic of Germany. It surprised me. Paragraph 6 of Article 7 clearly stipulates that it is prohibited to set up a prerequisite school (Vorschule)

I still don't understand why the German Constitution stipulates this, so I have to consult relevant education experts again. They told me that the "only task" of children before primary school is to grow up happily. Because children's nature is to play, they should do things that conform to their nature and should not violate their growth laws. If it is necessary to "educate" children before school, the focus of "education" is only three aspects: first, basic social common sense, such as not allowing violence, not speaking loudly, etc. 2、 Children's hands-on ability. During kindergarten, children will participate in handcrafting according to their own interests, so that they can take the initiative to do specific things from an early age. 3、 Cultivate children's emotional intelligence, especially leadership.

It was thought that only Germany had such strange regulations. Later, I checked the situation of relevant European countries and found that their treatment of children was basically the same. For example, Hungarian legislation stipulates that teaching children in kindergarten to learn writing, reading, calculation, etc. is strictly prohibited. Kindergarten education is free. Ungarn Es ist strengstens verboten in diesem Jahr den Kindern Schreiben, Lesen, Rechnen, usw. beizubringen. Die pädagogische Arbeit der Kindergärten ist kostenlos .

In contrast to Europe, Chinese children have basically completed the first grade of primary school in kindergarten. People have reason to worry that European children have lost to Chinese children at the starting line. In fact, such concerns are unnecessary. Europeans generally believe that children have their own laws of growth, and they should do the corresponding things at the corresponding stage. On the surface, China's pre-school education and basic education are solid, but their imagination and thinking ability have been destroyed, resulting in children's habit of passively accepting knowledge and neglecting active thinking.

Putting aside the disputes and judgments on the merits of Chinese and Western education, let's focus on the achievements of German education: since the establishment of the Nobel Prize, nearly half of the total number of Germans (including German immigrants to the United States, Canada and other countries) have won the Nobel Prize. let me put it another way, eight thousand and two hundred Ten thousand Germans shared half of the Nobel Prize, while the rest of the world sixty More than 100 million people only got the remaining half.

Is this a race issue? I'm afraid it's not that simple. Let's re-examine German education to see whether their practices are worth learning from. At the same time, I hope that Chinese educators should not be complacent, because what they have done today has actually destroyed China from generation to generation.


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Mother's School

Q: Young people nowadays have lost respect for their elders and moral values. As a mother, what role can I play to help these children?

A: You know, parenting is a very difficult art. That's why I said, please don't do it unless you are really qualified to be a parent. This may be your greatest contribution to the planet. Otherwise, bringing new life here is not only suffering, but also adding to the suffering of the world.

Therefore, the whole art starts before feeding a child and growing up, and before breeding a new life.

You must be very clear about what kind of children you and your spouse want and what kind of children they will be. You must be very clear about this, and you must take this child with you. It must be such a great soul like this or that. No matter what you want to base on - your constraints, your culture and your belief system, to construct this intention, you have complete freedom.

Now, according to your intentions before you conceived. The process of incubation is very important. So you must learn that art. After that, everything that happens in the womb is extremely important. No matter what you and your husband think, what stage of pregnancy you are at, what you are doing, all these things are very important, because your whole life has been controlled by a program.

You are just a computer. You are not aware of this. You are computers. Usually computers process linear programs, and your brain processes parallel programs at a slower speed. Computers are faster and you are slower, but you have the advantage that you can process parallel programs. One day, when computers can process parallel programs, they will become like human beings.

So, you are just a computer programmed, nothing else. And your procedure is exactly what happened before birth, at the moment of conception, and in the womb. In those cases, we basically classify them and call them "four baskets". According to this fact, whether you will succeed or fail in life, rich or poor, healthy or ill, all depend on this, and everything is more or less decided in that nine months.

The moment of production is very, very critical. When a child is born, who is watching the child and what comments they make. (This is very, very important). Suppose a child was born in a hospital. The child happened to be very dark, and there was a doctor who did not like black skin. He said, "Oh! The child is really black!" The child left an impression on that sentence.

Remember that in the first 6 hours after the birth of a child, he/she is not a child, but an adult in the body of a baby. His/her thoughts and feelings are just like an adult, and he/she also records (everything happened around) like an adult. What happened was recorded and stored in the child's memory, and accompanied him to grow up and die. If the child lives to be 120 years old, it will be stored for 120 years.

Therefore, what the child receives at the moment of birth and the first six hours after birth is very important. Has the child been touched by his parents in the first six hours? Are there any good things to tell him/her? It's all a problem. So, we should peel off what happened. Those of you who are interested in it, we will help you to complete this. (Note: participants in the Oneness University course can achieve this part of healing in the course.)

After the first 6 hours of birth, the first 6 weeks, the first 6 months, and the first 6 years, this procedure is over, and is called the primary procedure or the most basic procedure. The mystery of your life, whether you will live long, who you will marry, and what kind of life you will have - mediocre or adventurous, great or ordinary, are all implied in this program, and everything is determined in this program.

Then, at the age of 6-12 or 14, it is the second procedure. You implant some personal values into the child, and you restrict the child. The rest of your life after the age of 14 is just what you learned and picked up. The first programming is the most powerful. It supports the second program that is not so powerful, and then the third program that is not so powerful.

  These three programs together control your life. Now, if you want to make a real change in your life, you must modify the first program. The second and third procedures are relatively easy to handle.

Now, the best tool for guiding your own program is to have internal honesty. If you use it, you will correct your program.

Therefore, before you talk about your children, you must correct your procedures as a very loving mother, a very kind mother, and a very qualified mother. How do you do it? By using the tool of internal honesty.

Once you use it, you will know who you are. After that, you will know who your child is. You won't know who your child is unless you know who you are. You can't accept yourself unless you know who you are. If you can't accept yourself, you can't accept your children.

You think you accept it, but you don't. This is the problem between you and your child. If you accept yourself, you will love yourself. If you love yourself, you will love your children.

Once you find love for your child and start to give it to him/her, no matter what your child's procedure, it will be corrected and the child will change. You already have a wonderful child, so you must start from yourself.

(2009-10-30 14:08)



    Recently, I interviewed editors and asked them about their understanding of the magazine. Some people said that Ann was too "warm" and lacked personality and sharp content. I smile, just as food has different flavors, and magazines have different flavors. Some are highly publicized, some are gossip interesting, some are relaxed and joyful... What An presents to readers is not a big meal with a strong taste, but a cup of light soup with a long aftertaste. It's really warm, but it's as warm as jade.

Different from other fashion magazines' extensive reports on popular stars, we focus on such a group of gentle women who live a gentle life. In the newly opened celebrity zone, we can enjoy their calm and gentle light and learn how to spend wisely. And the beauty version of "ageless beauty ≠ can't see the age" is also a warm point of view. Compared with the age, it is more important to accept the old face calmly. Confidence is always the magic weapon to overcome the years. Look at the 78 year old famous model Carmen on the catwalk of London Fashion Week in 2009. She is more than any young girl. She is flawless and elegant, which is amazing. She is a good example of beauty until old. Another example, Maggie Cheung, who is getting older and more beautiful, also said, "Since you don't care about being 35, why don't you accept your 42 year old face? After 40 years old, I am very comfortable... In fact, the more you resist, the older you get, the less beautiful you look..."

Such a calm is the necessary to cultivate yourself into a warm and smooth jade. The true taste is light, and the extreme person is constant. In late autumn, when you are impetuous, when you are tired and disappointed, you might as well read "An", which is a little "warm". The years are quiet and hope is born in your heart.



    October is the best season of the year.

    Every October is the anniversary of Ann 25ans, the most abundant issue of the year. When I spread the first anniversary, the second anniversary and this year's third anniversary on the table, my heart was filled with the harvest like joy of autumn.

   From its orientation to its style, An 25ans has become more and more clear since its growth. As the most high-end Japanese magazine, its Japanese version will be 30 years old next year. The DNA accumulated over the past 30 years has great value. Just as it has a high popularity among Japanese celebrity readers, China's An 25ans is also gradually gathering Chinese celebrity readers.

    But unlike those born with a golden key, we extend the term "celebrity" to "new celebrity". Because a large number of Chinese women are not from famous families, but they also have exquisite life, good taste, social circle, influence, self realization and internal growth. In addition to good birth and marriage, we see more well done women.

As people grow older and have experienced the ups and downs of life, few people feel happy all the time. The source of happiness is different at different stages. When I was in my twenties, I worked as a workaholic and was immersed in it. Work brought me a sense of mission, which was really a kind of happiness; In his thirties, he married and had children. From then on, he opened another window in his life and immersed himself in the joys and sorrows of raising children. This is also a kind of happiness

   When God gives you one thing, he takes another. I have no doubt about it. Therefore, learn to feel happy moments, no longer regret not having them, but cherish all the present, and you will be happier from happiness to more happiness.

(2009-09-03 15:44)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: 25ans forever

  Compared with men, women are more sensitive to seasonal changes. After an autumn rain, I smelled the refreshing coolness in the air. In the early morning, looking out of the window, the sky is vast and high. So, I thought that it was time to update the white dress in summer to a smoky color, so as to meet the feeling of autumn.

  This season's smoky color is more mature than pink and younger than purple. There is no lack of tenacity in the softness. The low-key sexy desire is not enough, which perfectly conveys the noble and awe inspiring femininity that Ann 25ans loves. Dior transparent smoky shirt, Bottega Veneta's aromatic and mellow smoky dress, Ferragamo's beautiful smoky leopard print scarf, Chanel's lovely smoky crystal ring... all kinds of subtle color changes are moving.

In addition to practicality, Ann 25ans hopes to bring happiness to the readers by adding a poetic touch to the daily commonplace life and nourishing the soul with beauty. Looking back on my more than ten years of magazine career, I am full of gratitude because this job can touch the soul and care for the soul. In the book "The Way Few People Walk", the author Thomas said that for the soul, memory is more important than plan, art is more persuasive than reason, and love is more meaningful than understanding. If you ignore the care for your own soul, you will be dissatisfied and unhappy.

At the beginning of this season, do not forget to update your mind while updating your wardrobe. When the youth is gone and love is fading, let us find the happiness of our hearts.




Classification: 25ans forever


Perhaps because of the hot, dry and hot weather in Beijing, the skin that has never been allergic suddenly becomes itchy. Looking at the dressing table full of various skin care products, I am at a loss. Although I am not a beauty expert, I like to try new products, which are often mixed by multiple brands. If there is a problem with your skin, you dare not be "half hearted" again. I have locked in a brand, which is mild and anti sensitive. After using it for several days, my skin really calmed down. It seems that we should not be greedy. It is necessary to give up in time.

Choose skin care products, clothes, jobs and lovers... Even the popular online drama "An and An Xun" has two endings, A and B, for the audience to choose. The job of editors is to select the right ones for the target readers from many brands and information. The process of selection requires insight and quick judgment.   

An 25ans has always emphasized a style since its inception: more noble than daily life, more sexy than conservative. In this issue, the theme of "Sheng Xia Hidden Muscle Dressing" can be said to fully demonstrate this style again. What kind of beauty and etiquette can you bring to your skin? The answer to this multiple choice question that women have to do in midsummer is: 5% prudence can revive elegant temperament. Every July and August is the discount season for major brands. Many readers of An 25ans are fashion experts who must go to Hong Kong every month to shop. When faced with many choices, you can refer to the private map of Hong Kong's new generation celebrities. There must be a cup of tea for you. Recall that when I was young, I still enjoyed shopping until my legs were soft, but now maybe time and strength have become valuable. I don't want to go shopping for a long time without success, so I fixed my choice on several brands, and the better the better.

In the same way, people do not need to be all embracing and overexerted. Believe me, in the era of economic downturn, reducing choices is to reduce pressure on life and reserve positive energy for yourself.

(2009-07-10 15:52)


Classification: 25ans forever


Dream is the source of vitality and power. When I think of Stella, my girlfriend, who went to Paris to study, she also gave up the company she had operated for many years to pursue her dream. For this dream, she ignored the dissuasion of her family and friends. I remember her saying that I was the only friend who supported her dream. In the mail, she excitedly told about her life in Paris: she participated in the drama interest group, and the play she wrote and acted won a big prize at the school's Christmas party. The prize was to see a real New Year play in an old theater... She was also a strong woman, and now she is more like a literary girl. Living in a foreign country, there must be hardships not for outsiders, but I think she is happy. It is the dream of many women to have such a free study tour in their life? Although we all know that smart women need to distinguish between dreams and land of daily necessities, women with dreams can overcome the erosion of daily necessities and will not become "big faced cats" (this is said to be a new name for women over 40 years old, so terrible! Ha ha!).

Fortunately, although we can't realize many dreams, the magazine "dream machine" can lead you to sleepwalk. This issue focuses on "cruise vacation", which is the most advanced way to enjoy the sea. The fresh sea breeze and sufficient sunbathing are both comfortable and healthy, so they are the first choice for this year's holiday. Another interesting book, The Voyage of Bi Shumin's Mother and Son, shows that the 40 year dream of traveling around the world hidden in the minds of female writers has been realized. She said that the dream should be realized as soon as possible, instead of waiting until I am old. I listed "cruise vacation" in my wish list, thinking that when my son Bao Guai is 3 years old, this dream will come true.


(2009-05-27 16:06)


                                          June · Further Study

                                       Enrich yourself

    We were having a topic selection meeting with the editors. During the discussion, the art director suddenly opened the door with a smile, carrying two small boxes for everyone to taste the chocolate cake she baked last night. I am very surprised that she, who usually looks boyish, has added a little femininity to the cake.

This femininity is called "femininity" in Japan, which is also called "femininity". What other ways can you make your "female power" stronger? This issue recommends the talent training beauty classroom in Beijing and Shanghai, which can bring you into another world who are busy with meetings, business trips, team assignments, and families. In the summer when it is easy to get upset and irritable, you can give yourself a period of pure and quiet time: at this moment, there is no job, no lover, no children, and only you can experience the complete joy.

When I spread out the manuscript, I read and wandered. Learn flower arrangement? Yearning forward! The spirituality and richness of flowers seem to be more able to express their feelings than words; Learn table layout? Fresh! The weekend reception for friends will become more relaxed due to the romantic and beautiful details; Learn to cook Italian food? Timely! No matter the authentic Tuscan flavor or simple pasta, it is the most suitable for summer appetite; Learn to make hand soap? Intimate! Hearing the reason why Winnie, the teacher, began to make hand soaps, was very moved: the little girl's skin was super sensitive, her skin was red and itchy with the soap she bought, and her heartbroken mother had to buy essential oils and materials to make hand soaps for her daughter

It's good to have so many beauty classrooms worth going to for talent training! What if I have no free time? Then read Ann 25ans every month for further study, because in Ann 25ans, the ubiquitous beauty consciousness will improve your female strength and make your muscles, body and heart 25 years old forever!

(2009-05-19 18:04)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: 25ans forever

                                        May · Leisure

The high-end reader survey meeting was held at the weekend, and most of the guests were beautiful chairmen. The host asked, what would you do if you didn't come to the event this weekend? Some talked freely about riding horses, some talked about taking her twin son and her 21 dogs at home... One of the women with a strong sense of existence said that her work frequency was very high, so there must be a period of time when she didn't think about anything, such as getting up in the middle of the night and swimming alone in the swimming pool of her club when the moonlight was light and everything was quiet, Her brain paused for a few minutes, so the whole person could recover from the busy and tired week.

This reminds me of attending the Hermes event not long ago. I particularly like collecting its annual poetic theme magazine. The theme of spring and summer 2009 is "beautiful escape". The "beautiful escape" mentioned here does not mean going to the countryside for a weekend, nor participating in a team trip to Mexico, or taking a cruise to the Caribbean. It refers to walking around without purpose, crossing daily life, and being able to take a break and escape.

The word "leisure" hit me instantly, just like those women in the readers' meeting, everyone has their own leisure time. My recent leisure was a stroll in Beijing's Huamao District. Like many people, I don't think walking is particularly suitable in Beijing. But the good news is that "the magic of the city is like the sea. With the color of the sky and the light of the sun, it is constantly changing and changing." The area centered on Xinguang Department Store and Huamao Apartments is rapidly growing into a new fashion landmark in Beijing. The atmosphere here is a bit like Daiguan Mountain in Japan, which is exquisite and has a sense of life. There are many distinctive shops hidden beside the street, the quiet and comfortable book bar "ReadyEasy Cave", the small Italian restaurant "Cassina" with family feeling... all have become my latest leisure gas station.

Therefore, in this issue of Life Planning, we will introduce and recommend Beijing China Trade Zone to our dear readers. I hope you can find something unexpected here, some longing and some admiration.

   May and October are my favorite months of the year. May is warm and charming, which makes people yearn; October is quiet and gentle, making people calm and calm. Interestingly, for babies, May is also the fastest growing month of the year, which shows how vigorous this month is! If you want to stay as young as 25 years old, you can take a break in May and discover the beauty of the world



Classification: 25ans forever

Editor in Chief

                                 April conversion


Have children, raise children and return to work. Suddenly, through the autumn and winter of 2008, we ushered in the spring of 2009. For more than five months, I accompanied and looked after my son Bao Guai. I saw him grow from a little man with eyes closed all day to a little boy with bright eyes and a bright smile, so strong and energetic.

Looking back on the day before I gave birth to him, I was still working overtime to do the annual magazine. The next day, Baohao came early and cried loudly. As a professional woman who devotes herself to work every day, I suddenly face a major role change: becoming a mother. Excited, flustered, anxious, confused... In the first three months, we should learn how to take good care of this fragile and delicate little life, and also adjust to our own state. Xiaowu, who has written many parenting books, said that the scars of childbirth will heal slowly, but becoming a mother will leave a fresh wound that will never heal in her heart, making her vulnerable all the time. Because the child is always the little piece of meat on the tip of the mother's heart, the most tender, the most tender and the most pain.

   The maternity leave soon ended, and I was faced with the transformation again: from a mother at home to a working mother. On the first day of work, when I returned to a strange office, my colleagues used warm flowers and greetings to ease my sadness of having to leave my child. Soon, I quickly switched from the home state of slow thinking to the working state of always having new ideas.

   Work during the day, and treasure at night. Because of my absence during the day, I cherish the time at night more. Smart as a treasure, I seem to understand my mind. When my husband and I returned home, he was awake and tried not to let himself fall asleep. He likes listening to us talking to him and playing with various toys with him. Until he fell asleep, he even laughed contentedly. At that moment, he was exhausted and happy beyond words.

  Although almost none of us can remember the time before we were 3 years old, the intimacy, trust and dependence that parents gave to their children during this period will be the source of happiness in his life. Some friends also asked me, will you accept that your child will leave you when he grows up? I was stunned and didn't know how to answer. It seemed very far away. I found a book "Dear Andre" in the Photosynthesis Bookstore, but it gave me the answer 18 years in advance.

  This book was co written by Taiwanese female writer Long Yingtai and her 18-year-old son Andre. It took mother and son three years to enter each other's life, world and soul by means of letters and dialogues. In front of the mother's love, Long Yingtai's writing is no longer sharp, but tender. He saw me cry several times. The cute boy who let you hug and kiss will disappear one day. You will face an independent adult. What should you do then? As a mother, you must change your mind to know the first eighteen year old in your life.

   Without these 35 letters, the mother and the son would probably swing apart like duckweeds on the water when he was 18 years old. In real life, how many parents and children are so indifferent. Thanks to Long Yingtai for his hard work.

   Seasonal change, trend change, economic change, role change... Life does not have a permanent relationship. Three years of correspondence record, the most frank communication, son Andre said to his mother, thank you for giving me a link with you. Mother smiles, what else can I expect.  


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