Sleeping in these two positions during pregnancy is both comfortable for the pregnant mother and beneficial to the development of the fetus

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Source: North Network Author: Edited by: Guo Xiaolin 2024-05-06 14:15:40

In the long days and nights of pregnancy, many women will encounter such a problem - insomnia. Lying in bed and tossing and turning, they tried to find a trace of comfort in the endless night. Insomnia in pregnant women is not a rare phenomenon, but a normal phenomenon. According to incomplete statistics, almost nine out of every ten pregnant women will experience the pain of difficulty in falling asleep. In the fight against insomnia, most pregnant women will receive a general suggestion: try sleeping on the left side.

Xiaolan is no exception. At the beginning of her pregnancy, she found that her sleep was intermittent every night. At night, due to abdominal discomfort and backache, she often wakes up, while during the day, she looks very tired and listless. Under such circumstances, Xiaolan listened to the suggestions of the experienced Baoma around and began to try to sleep on the left side. However, this sleeping position did not bring her the comfort she expected, but made it more difficult for her to fall asleep.

Faced with this dilemma, Xiaolan turned to a professional obstetrician. Surprisingly, the doctor did not insist on recommending her to sleep on the left side, but reminded her that although sleep on the left side is suitable for most pregnant women, it does not mean it is suitable for everyone. The doctor's advice made Xiaolan realize that in the end, she should choose her sleeping position based on her physical comfort. After putting aside her obsession with a particular pose, Xiaolan was surprised to find that her sleep quality began to improve significantly.

Many doctors and experienced mothers will advise pregnant women to sleep on the left side for many reasons. As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus of the pregnant woman will gradually increase, which will compress the internal organs and blood vessels and affect blood circulation. Sleeping on the left side can reduce this pressure to a certain extent and help improve blood circulation. In addition, from the clinical observation, the uterus of most pregnant women tends to be right-handed, while sleeping on the left side helps to improve this phenomenon, which is conducive to the breathing and nutrition supply of the fetus.

However, for some pregnant women, sleeping on the left side is not the best choice. Some pregnant women may find that sleeping on their right side or on their back is more suitable for them. For example, those pregnant women with left-handed uterus may feel more comfortable sleeping on the right side; In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, sleeping on your back is also a feasible option due to the relatively small size of the uterus. It is important that pregnant women should choose their sleeping position according to their physical condition and comfort.

For some pregnant women in special circumstances, sleeping on the left side may not be a suitable choice. For example, for patients with heart disease or pregnant women with left-handed uterus, sleeping on the left side may cause unnecessary discomfort. At this time, it is necessary to adjust the sleeping position according to the specific situation of individuals to ensure the safety and comfort of mothers and babies.

In addition to choosing the right sleeping position, there are other ways to help pregnant women improve their sleeping quality. It is a good choice to use the maternity pillow, which can provide better physical support. It is also important to choose a mattress with moderate hardness, which should ensure that the pregnant woman's body can maintain a straight line whether lying on her side or on her back. In addition, pregnant women should avoid drinking too much water before going to bed to reduce the frequency of getting up at night and going to the toilet. Drinking a small cup of milk or yogurt can help you sleep, but it should be controlled within 200 ml. Proper warm water soaking feet or taking a warm bath before going to bed is also a good way to relax and promote sleep.

In general, it is very important to find the most suitable sleeping position and sleeping style during pregnancy. Every pregnant woman should choose the sleeping position according to her own physical condition and comfort, and should not blindly follow the advice of others. A good sleep quality is vital to the health of pregnant women and fetuses. By trying different sleeping positions and adopting appropriate sleep aids, every pregnant woman can find her own way to sleep.

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