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Shared | North Area of Nanyuan Village | Room 3, Hall 1 | Secondary Bedroom

The house has not been verified yet Check the house at any time Stay at any time
 The rent of the second bedroom in Room 3 and Hall 1 in the north area of Nanyuan Village is 900 yuan/month
 The rent of the second bedroom in Room 3 and Hall 1 in the north area of Nanyuan Village is 900 yuan/month
 The rent of the second bedroom in Room 3 and Hall 1 in the north area of Nanyuan Village is 900 yuan/month
nine hundred RMB/month
  • Charge 1 to pay 3
3 rooms, 1 hall and 1 bathroom
Building surface: 10 ㎡
Middle floor /18th floor

Listing description

Updated on September 22, 2023, house code:


House information
  • Viewing time: available at any time Check in time: September 22, 2023
  • Lease term: 12 months Heating: to be updated
  • Water: to be updated Power consumption: to be updated
  • Duwei: None Independent balcony: none
  • House type structure: to be updated Window types: interior windows
  • Tenant requirements:
Housing supporting facilities
  •  cupboard
  •  table
  •  wardrobe
  •  air conditioner
    air conditioner
  •  Gas
  •  heater
  •  Washing machine
    Washing machine
  •  WIFI
  •  Heating
  •  Bed
  •  natural gas
    natural gas
  •  Refrigerator
  •  desk
House description

(Free of intermediary fees) 1. Real pictures of houses are real. The location is superior. The environment is beautiful
2. Adjacent to bus and subway, convenient transportation, convenient travel, convenient commuting
3. There are many stores around and shopping is convenient to save your precious time
4. The high green area, beautiful environment, quiet and harmonious environment of the community can bring you a good mood
5. The house is clean and tidy, warm and comfortable, bright and convenient
6. Complete household appliances, spacious and bright, generous layout and excellent lighting.

Listing pictures

 Pictures of real houses rented from Room 3, Hall 1, North District, Nanyuan Village
 Pictures of real houses rented from Room 3, Hall 1, North District, Nanyuan Village
 Pictures of real houses rented from Room 3, Hall 1, North District, Nanyuan Village
Fee Details Annual rental price: when the lease term is less than one year, the rent may rise. Please consult the housekeeper for details
  • payment method rent (yuan/month) deposit (yuan) service charge (yuan/one-time charge) agency fee (yuan)
    Quarterly payment
    nine hundred
    Negotiate in person
    Negotiate in person
    Negotiate in person

Carefully select semi annual/annual products

Other shared rooms
  •  Shared rental of the third bedroom in the north area of Nanyuan Village
    Secondary sleeper | 12 ㎡ | South
    one thousand and five hundred RMB/month Charge 1 to pay 3
  •  Co renting the master bedroom of Room 3 in the north area of Nanyuan Village
    Master bedroom | 14 ㎡ | South
    one thousand and seven hundred RMB/month Charge 1 to pay 3

Contact Broker

Jincheng Real Estate |1 year of employment

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  • On sale zero set | Renting three set
  • average price thirty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-two RMB/m2
  • type residence
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