Xinfu Street, East Gate of the Temple of Heaven, newly decorated, two bedroom, brand new furniture, home appliances, long-term rental, middle floor

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six thousand RMB/month Charge one to pay three
Rental mode
2 rooms, 1 hall and 1 bathroom
House type
50 square meters
built-up area
Floor (5 floors in total)
Xu Tingfeng

Employment information card

Beijing Xiangyu Housing Leasing Co., Ltd

Business license

Enterprise credit record Release 991 houses Reported 0 times
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Listing description
  • Housing highlights
    Core selling points: combine and deeply plant in the field of housing asset management, continue to create a wide range of high-quality rental space, a large number of houses, multiple product choices, and create a better rental life for customers with considerate quality services
  • Service introduction
    Commission: 1 month rent, If any problem is found, please call the company's complaint hotline: 4008515515
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Praise rate 100%
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Professionalism five
Xu Tingfeng
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Rental houses around Beigangzi Community - houses around bus and subway, convenient transportation
Disclaimer: The source information is provided by the website user, and the authenticity and legitimacy of the information provider is in the charge of the information provider. The final registration and filing by the government department shall prevail. All the area units involved in the content of this website are building area. This website does not declare or guarantee the correctness and reliability of the content. Please check carefully when renting the house.
Beigangzi Community six thousand RMB/month Whole tenancy 2 rooms and 1 hall 50㎡
Xu Tingfeng
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