The old bell echoes in the earth, and festive fireworks bloom in the starry sky. On the stage of the 2024 Foyin Spring Festival Gala in Fahua Homeland, science, technology and art are integrated into the wonderful performances to jointly paint the beautiful dream of the new year. There is a saying: "In the peaceful and prosperous times, in the free years, Sanskrit music and drum music dance lightly, and Sanskrit incense sticks to the Buddha, and we wish that happiness and wisdom will increase immeasurably."

since two thousand and seventeen Since, China Buddhist Spring Festival Get-together The event has been successfully held for several times two thousand and twenty-four Foyin Spring Festival Gala uphold With the sound of Buddha, the great love between generations With the purpose of inheriting Buddhist culture and helping to build cultural self-confidence of modern people as the starting point Zen ”“ Comprehension ”“ blessing Three themes, corresponding to gold ”“ blue ”“ red Three major color systems. At the party, Sanskrit music was curling, solemn, wonderful, joyful and peaceful.


The Buddhist Spring Festival Gala in Fahua Homeland focuses on Buddhist grand music and focuses on original Buddhist art. The Buddhist light and colorful wings dance together, and the Buddhist sound and drums sing together song and dance The splendid evening party integrating science, technology and art came into sight with gorgeous lights and fireworks. In the future, the Buddhist Spring Festival Gala will connect more good deeds with the melodious Sanskrit and Buddhist language on the basis of taking root in the Fahua homeland. Spreading the way of universal salvation and infecting the hearts of all living beings. Pray that the world is full of great love, so that all living beings can bathe in the rain of Dharma and enjoy Dharma together, step into the door of wisdom of Buddhism, and purify and release their hearts.

Dharma Master Fahua Yu fifteen When I was young, I had the chance to touch Buddhism, to two thousand and seven year nine month one Day, studying China Buddhist Academy Putuo Mountain College. two thousand and eight year eight month thirty-one Day, received the foot ring at Xuebao Temple, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province ( Sami Ring, Picchu Ring, Bodhisattva Ring ) two thousand and ten year seven month one Graduated from Putuo Mountain College of China Buddhist Academy on July 1, 2010. two thousand and ten Year to two thousand and twelve In 1997, he became the supervisor of the Great Buddhist Temple in Malaysia and established Fahua Homeland in Hong Kong. two thousand and thirteen Year to two thousand and fourteen In, Dharma Master Fahua stayed in the Ciguang Jingshe in Shatin, Hong Kong for nine months. After leaving, he returned to his hometown to make a vow to build Longhua Temple. two thousand and fourteen year two month twenty-six On January 1, the mage was the abbot of the Jinyuan Temple, Longhua Temple (formerly Longwang Temple), Dafeng District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. two thousand and fourteen year four Month to eleven Month, Dharma Master Fahua Three steps and one bow Worship Mount Putuo. two thousand and fifteen year two Month, on Chairman of the Hong Kong Ciguang Foundation. four In September, he filmed a documentary about the eight holy places of the pilgrimage Buddha Follow the Path of Buddha Again · one 》。 two thousand and sixteen year three In July, Dharma Master Fahua received the Linji Zongdi forty-four Descendants of Dai Famai, Tiantai Clan forty-six Described on behalf of Famai. ten In July, Dharma Master Fahua ascended the throne of abbot at the Great Buddhist Temple in Malaysia. twelve In September, he launched the "Opening Ceremony of the First Foyin Spring Festival Gala". two thousand and seventeen year four In June, the mage shot a documentary Follow the Path of Buddha Again · two 》, welcomed the Buddhist relics back to Nepal for worship( CCTV4 Special report of Chinese International Channel). two thousand and eighteen year one In September, it launched the second Foyin Spring Festival Gala, the Opening Ceremony of the Second Foyin Spring Festival Gala. eight In September, he participated in and starred in the Buddhist film "Luck and Opportunity". ten Month, to star The Buddhist film Inside the Temple and Beyond.

The laser light show and the science and technology flight show are brilliant and eye-catching. Amidst the drumbeats and flying flags, monks and monks work together to break all illusions and open the new year with a clear heart.
A melodious ode to the lotus flowers and a Zen style spring festival gala. The monks show the Buddha ceremony, and the viewers get Bodhi. The cold mountain monk is trapped, and Guanyin is like the autumn moon. Great Compassion Mantra, wisdom into the heart. Infinite Avalokitesvara, the Buddha on earth.
The Dharma Chinese Sanskrit sound appears, and the monk's language purifies the mind. To realize the boundless mind, Sanskrit chants the heart mantra. All beings practice great love and Maitreya realizes reincarnation. Loyalty serves the dream of the country, and the Buddhist voice is sincere. Dedication to Bodhicitta is like Buddha everywhere.
The legend has been handed down forever, and Manjusri Heart Mantra is a mantra. Shaolin Bronze Man Array is a pagoda for all the people. Sincerity is required for seeking Buddha's heart, and where is the way to the west. Compassionate Bodhisattva Ket asks Buddha to realize Prajna. Faraway is here, and the blessing of the French Chinese Way.
The more come The more good
"Come on, come on, come again more and more; be more willing to give up more and more." As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, it is getting better and better. The drone countdown returns to zero, and the fireworks show is gorgeous and magnificent. This Spring Festival Gala drew the curtain in the joy of the crowd.
Live performance
Conference site
Gags video unveils the mystery of the party, to feel those unknown hard work. The presentation of the Spring Festival Gala is inseparable from the cooperation of each team member. With the assistance of all units, the event was successfully held.
General Gags of 2024 Foyin Spring Festival Gala
Foyin Spring Festival Gala

General Gags of 2024 Foyin Spring Festival Gala


The 2024 Foyin Spring Festival Gala enters the countdown


Preparation for 2024 Foyin Spring Festival Gala


UAV maintenance team is preparing


The meeting affairs group is preparing


The meeting group is preparing vegetarian food

The Chinese Buddhist Spring Festival Gala adheres to the pure and good concept of "the natural sound of Buddhist music and the great love between generations". It has been consistent for many years, never forgetting the original intention, promoting law and benefiting life, and helping the world. Now it has become a window for Chinese traditional culture and Buddhist culture to go global, helping Chinese culture go global, and promoting the development and inheritance of global Buddhist culture. So far, it has been successfully held for several times, with a cumulative audience of more than several hundred million people. Now, the Spring Festival Gala of Buddha's Voice is about to lead people on a spiritual journey of complete happiness and wisdom, and they will travel through five famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism - Mount Wutai, Mount Putuo, Mount Emei, Mount Jiuhua and Mount Xuedou. Further promote the exchange and integration of Chinese Buddhist culture, and spread the history and culture, Buddhist wisdom, and Buddhist truth of the five famous mountains to all corners of the world. In the winning dojo of five Bodhisattvas, the great love of Buddha's voice will be turned into the true love melody of boundless happiness and wisdom, and a holy movement full of happiness will be composed together.

The Dharma teaches all living beings with compassion and wisdom. The sound of the Buddha comes to the ears like a clear spring. It cleanses the dust of the soul and leads all living beings to peace. It knows that everything is empty, and only the power of the heart is the most true. Let go of greed, hatred, and ignorance, and cultivate one's morality to understand the truth.
Everything will be OK
Fahua mage
"One Heart to Buddha"
Fahua mage
Bodhi Heart
Fahua mage
"Make a wish in front of the bodhisattva"
Fahua mage
Temple courtyard Intermediate Shao
Fahua Homeland
Tianfu Relic Tower
Temple Introduction

two thousand and sixteen year six In June, Fahua Homeland Chengdu Qingcheng Mountain Zen Base was completed.


two thousand and seventeen year two Month to twelve In August, Fahua Homeland was established in India, Nepal, Malaysia, Hong Kong (China) and Changchun (China). two thousand and eighteen year four Month to seven In August, Fahua Home was established in Shanghai, Haikou, China, and Sydney, Australia.

When Dharma Master Fahua restored and rebuilt the Longde Temple, there was a pagoda left on the site of the ancient temple. The pagoda has seven floors and is 44.5m high. According to the fourth volume of the Fahua Sutra, there was the leader of the Oriental Baojing World, Duobao Tathagata, countless times ago. In the past, when he was practicing the Bodhisattva Way, he vowed that every place in the ten directions where the Fahua Sutra was proclaimed would emerge from the ground to prove the true meaning of this Sutra after he became a Buddha. Therefore, when Sakyamuni Buddha said the Dharma Hua Sutra, seven pagodas rose out of the ground and stood in the air. In the pagoda, there was a multi treasure Tathagata sitting in the Shizi seat, whose whole body posture was like a meditative state, and was divided into half seats and Buddha. This karma is consistent with the great wish of Dharma Master Fahua, just like a blessing from heaven, so it is called "Tianfu Sarira".

Longde Temple, located about 280 meters to the northwest of Dongbei Farmer's Apartment Building, East Road, Xinghua City Center, Taizhou City, was built in the eighth year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (AD 1743). The founder of Longde Temple was Grand Monk Longde. Because of his amazing medical skills in his early years, he was given a temple to cure a disease with the Emperor Qianlong's concubine. It was initially named as Choxiang Temple, and later renamed as "Longde Temple" by the eminent monk Dade in memory of the founder of Grand Monk Longde.


In 2020, Dharma Master Fahua, the abbot of Ciguang Temple in Shatin, Hong Kong, will be invited to live in Wuxi by the two rank public. Dharma Master Fahua became a monk when he was young. Inspired by the study of the Fahua Sutra, he vowed to popularize the sutra of the King of the Sutra, and named the temple "Longde Temple Fahua Garden", and started construction in 2022 to carry forward the legacy of the founder, Dharma Master Longde, and restore and rebuild Longde Temple.

Temple courtyard wind light