Enrollment Regulations of Beijing Jiaotong University in 2024

Enrollment Regulations of Beijing Jiaotong University in 2024

general provisions

Article 1 In order to standardize the enrollment work, ensure the smooth progress of the full-time regular undergraduate enrollment work of Beijing Jiaotong University, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of candidates, in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on Enrollment Work of Regular Institutions of Higher Learning and other relevant laws and regulations of the Ministry of Education and the Articles of Association of Beijing Jiaotong University, The Articles of Association is hereby formulated in combination with the actual situation of the school.

Article 2 The name of the school is Beijing Jiaotong University, referred to as Beijing Jiaotong University for short; The English name is Beijing Jiaotong University, abbreviated as BJTU. The legal registered address of the school is No. 3, Shangyuan Village, Xizhimenwai, Haidian District, Beijing. Weihai Campus of Beijing Jiaotong University is located at 69 Xiandai Road, Nanhai New District, Weihai City, Shandong Province.

The university is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, co founded by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the Beijing Municipal People's Government and China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., and is one of the first batch of universities with graduate schools to award doctoral and master degrees in China. National "double first-class" universities.

Article 3 Those who have obtained our school status and have met the graduation requirements within the specified number of years will be awarded the diploma of Beijing Jiaotong University, which is a general higher education diploma; Those who meet the relevant regulations on degree awarding will be awarded the degree certificate of Beijing Jiaotong University.

Article 4 In addition to general enrollment, there are also Sino foreign cooperative education majors, special plans for colleges and universities, arts majors, national special plans, South Xinjiang plans, ethnic class plans, inland Tibetan high school classes, Xinjiang high school classes, Xinjiang cooperation plans, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese enrollment, and second degree enrollment.

Article 5 The school plans and enrolls students according to the codes of Beijing Jiaotong University and Beijing Jiaotong University (Weihai Campus).

learn Among the enrollment majors, seven undergraduate majors, including information management and information system (Sino foreign cooperative school running), communication engineering (Sino foreign cooperative school running), computer science and technology (Sino foreign cooperative school running), environmental engineering (Sino foreign cooperative school running), digital media art (Sino foreign cooperative school running), industrial and commercial management (Sino foreign cooperative school running), and accounting (Sino foreign cooperative school running), are studying in Weihai Campus, Other undergraduate majors are studied in the school headquarters.

The standard undergraduate education system is five years for architecture majors, four years for other majors, and two years for the second bachelor's degree.

Article 6 The enrollment work of Beijing Jiaotong University will fully implement the principles of "fair competition, fair selection, openness and transparency, comprehensive assessment of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor, comprehensive evaluation, and merit based admission", and will be subject to the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision department, candidates, parents, media, and all sectors of society.

Chapter II Organizational Structure and Responsibilities

Article 7 Beijing Jiaotong University has set up a leading group for college enrollment, which is composed of the president, the school leader in charge of enrollment, the school leader in charge of student work, and the main principals of the undergraduate school, the Student Affairs Office, and the Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center. It is the decision-making mechanism for undergraduate enrollment.

Article 8 The Discipline Inspection Commission Office and the Supervision Office of the University supervise the undergraduate enrollment of the University.

Article 9 The Admission Office, as the permanent working body of the leading group for enrollment, is located in the College and is responsible for the daily work of undergraduate enrollment. Its responsibilities are:

(1) Implement the regulations of the Ministry of Education on enrollment, as well as the supplementary regulations or implementation rules of the competent department and the relevant provincial recruitment committee;

(2) According to the annual enrollment scale approved by the state and relevant regulations, prepare and submit the provincial and professional enrollment plan of the university;

(3) Formulate the enrollment regulations of the school;

(4) Organize and carry out the school enrollment publicity, consultation and other work;

(5) Organize and implement the enrollment work of the university, and be responsible for coordinating and handling the relevant issues in the undergraduate enrollment work of the university;

(6) Organize and coordinate the reexamination of new students;

(7) Organize the independent enrollment examination and special type enrollment examination work of the university, and be responsible for the examination safety and examination epidemic prevention, identify and deal with the illegal candidates according to the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities, and report the results of handling violations to the recruitment office at the provincial level where the source of students is located;

(8) Fulfill the corresponding responsibilities of the university enrollment information disclosure;

(9) Support the relevant enrollment management departments to complete other work in enrollment.

Chapter III Enrollment Plan

Article 10 According to the annual enrollment scale approved by the Ministry of Education, in combination with the school running conditions and provincial plans in previous years, based on the principle of optimizing the student source structure and promoting regional balance, taking into account the needs of national economic and social development and national policy guidance, the number of applicants and the quality of student sources for the college entrance examination in various regions in recent years, the employment of graduates, and the degree of recognition of examinees to our majors Various special types of enrollment and other factors determine the provincial enrollment plan and relevant special plans. The specific number of people, subjects and other requirements of the provincial and professional enrollment plan shall be subject to the announcement of the provincial recruitment office.

Article 11 1% of the total number of undergraduate enrollment plans is reserved to adjust the imbalance of online students in the unified examination or the admission of students with the same score. The principle of standardization, order and quality priority will be adhered to when using.

Chapter IV Admission Rules

Article 12 Beijing Jiaotong University, under the leadership of the Ministry of Education and under the unified organization of the provincial admission committees, implements the admission work in accordance with the principle of "school responsibility, recruitment supervision".

Article 13 According to the batch of parallel volunteer filing, the proportion of file transfer is controlled within 105% in principle, and all candidates who meet the admission requirements and obey professional transfer will be admitted; In principle, the proportion of the batches that volunteer to file in order shall be controlled within 120%. The shift ratio can be adjusted appropriately according to the source of students in each province.

Article 14 Under the condition that the advanced candidates pass the ideological and political morality assessment and their physical health meet the training requirements of relevant majors, they will be admitted and divided into different majors according to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following the wishes" and the candidates' record results and professional aspirations. There is no specialty level difference when dividing specialties. Recognize the national policy bonus included in the pitching results, and the maximum score shall not exceed 20 points.

Article 15 If there is the same score of the advanced candidates when they are enrolled and divided into different majors, they will be enrolled according to the ranking rules for the same score determined by the provincial recruitment office. If there is no ranking rules for the same score in the relevant batches, then the scores of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages will be compared in order for enrollment. Candidates who can not meet the professional aspirations but meet the admission conditions and are subject to the transfer will be transferred from the highest to the lowest in the order of filing scores to the uncompleted majors until the enrollment is full.

Article 16 In Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the admission rule of "professional volunteer clear" is adopted, and the admission is conducted according to the rule of "professional volunteer queue admission within the 1:1 enrollment plan". If the scores of the advanced candidates are the same when enrolling and dividing majors, compare the scores of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages in order to enroll.

Article 17 English is the only foreign language teaching for design majors after admission. All Chinese foreign cooperatively run majors, and the foreign cooperatively run colleges and universities are English speaking countries. A large number of courses are taught in English, and professional courses are taught in English, which requires a good foundation in English. Non English language candidates are requested to fill in carefully.

Article 18 The standard of physical examination shall refer to the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Regular Institutions of Higher Learning formulated by the Ministry of Education, the former Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation and relevant supplementary regulations. See the recruitment information website of Beijing Jiaotong University for the majors limited to color vision.

Article 19 According to the batch of parallel volunteers, the unfinished plan will be recruited according to the arrangement of the corresponding province. The batch of candidates who volunteered to file in order can accept non first volunteer candidates if the number of first volunteer candidates is insufficient. If the number of eligible non first volunteer candidates is still insufficient, they will be recruited according to the arrangements of the corresponding provinces. If the recruitment of volunteers is still insufficient, the remaining plans will be transferred to other provinces with good quality students to complete the enrollment plan.

Article 20 According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, the enrollment of various types of colleges and universities such as special plans, arts, second bachelor's degrees, etc. shall be carried out in accordance with the corresponding enrollment brochures and relevant regulations.

Article 21 The ethnic class plan only enrolls ethnic minority examinees. According to relevant documents, the examinees' record score should not be lower than 40 points below the line of the school's general majors (excluding Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools). If the examinees of Tibetan senior high school and Xinjiang senior high school in the mainland are located in a province or region with comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, their majors should meet the requirements of the selected subjects of the corresponding majors.

Article 22 There is no limit on the proportion of men and women in all types of enrollment.

Chapter V Miscellaneous

Article 23 Candidates who have passed the examination of the provincial recruitment office and been admitted by our university will be issued an admission notice signed and issued by the president and stamped with the official seal of Beijing Jiaotong University. Candidates will report to the designated campus within the specified time with the admission notice.

Article 24 Candidates admitted as art majors shall not be transferred to non art majors after enrollment. Candidates admitted to the major of Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools shall not be transferred to the major of non Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools after enrollment. Students admitted by Weihai Campus cannot be transferred to the Beijing campus. The majors set by different partners in Weihai Campus cannot be transferred to each other. The specific policies for changing majors shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations issued by the school that year.

Article 25 After the freshmen enter the university, our university will review their admission qualifications in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Students in Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning (Order No. 41 of the Ministry of Education). Those who fail to pass the reexamination shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant regulations until their admission qualification is cancelled, and those who have already obtained student status shall be cancelled.

Article 26 According to the spirit of relevant national documents, the tuition standard for all undergraduate majors of the university headquarters is generally 5000 yuan or 5500 yuan per academic year, except for arts majors and Sino foreign cooperative education majors, and 16000 yuan per academic year for software engineering majors in the third and fourth grades; For design majors, 10000 yuan per academic year.

The tuition fees for nanomaterials and technology (Sino foreign cooperation in running schools), mechanical and electronic engineering (Sino foreign cooperation in running schools) majors are 60000 yuan per academic year during the study in the school headquarters, and the tuition fees during the study in foreign countries are charged according to the standards of the other party. The tuition for the digital media art (Sino foreign cooperative education) specialty in Weihai Campus is 85000 yuan per academic year, and the tuition for other Sino foreign cooperative education specialties is 80000 yuan per academic year.

The accommodation fee for the campus of the headquarters is 750 to 1200 yuan per academic year according to different accommodation conditions. The accommodation fee in Weihai Campus is 1200 yuan per academic year. If the state adjusts the charging standards, the new regulations shall be implemented.

Article 27 The school has established a complete subsidy system of "awards, assistance, loans, attendance, compensation and compensation" to ensure the growth and success of students from economically disadvantaged families in an all-round way. A "green channel" is specially set up for students with financial difficulties on the day of registration, so students can go through enrollment procedures without paying tuition fees for the time being.

Article 28 Email for accepting candidates' complaints: jwss@bjtu.edu.cn

Article 29 Consultation mode

Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Office Tel:


Weihai Campus Consulting Tel.: 0631-3806000

School website: https://www.bjtu.edu.cn

Enrollment information website: https://zsw.bjtu.edu.cn

WeChat official account: bjtuzs


 WeChat Picture_20240524151357.jpg

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 30 Our school does not entrust any intermediary or individual to enroll students, and does not charge any fees other than those stipulated by the state. We reserve the right to investigate the responsibility of intermediaries or individuals who conduct illegal enrollment publicity and other activities in the name of our school.

Article 31 The enrollment of Beijing Jiaotong University (Weihai Campus) shall comply with the Articles of Association.

Article 32 In the enrollment of overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the enrollment of overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students through ordinary colleges and universities, enrollment based on Taiwan academic test results, enrollment based on Hong Kong secondary school diploma examination, and enrollment of Macao recommended students shall comply with the relevant national regulations, the Articles of Association, and the relevant provisions of our school.

Article 33 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. In case of changes in national laws, regulations, rules and relevant policies of the superior, the changed provisions shall prevail. In order to avoid misunderstanding of the contents of our enrollment regulations published by various media excerpts, the complete enrollment regulations published by our university shall prevail.