A concise tutorial on using the WP Super Cache static cache plug-in

There are many WordPress static cache plug-ins, which one is better than the other. I will not comment here, but just talk about the basic use method of WP Super Cache, the static cache plug-in with the highest usage rate, including plug-in installation settings and disabling cache deletion.

This plug-in has always been in the recommended position on the home page on the Wordpress background plug-in installation page. It can be seen that it is one of the plug-ins strongly recommended by the official.

Install the WP Super Cache plug-in

About 100 words are omitted here

Plug in Settings

1、 Preparatory work

Ensure that the wp content directory has read and write permissions, because the cache files generated later will be stored in this directory. Use the Ftp client to log in to the space. Right click the wp content directory attribute and set the permission to 755.

At the same time, ensure that the wp-config.php and. htaccess files in the Wordpress root directory also have write permissions. It is better to back up the wp-config.php and. htaccess files.

2、 Plug in Settings

Enter the plug-in settings page. The plug-in supports multilingualism, including simplified Chinese.

Go directly to the "Advanced" plug-in settings tab page and check all options marked with "Recommended", including "When there are new comments on a page, only refresh the cache of that page".

It is recommended to set the cache timeout to "0", and manually clean the cache if necessary.

Other tab settings page, no need to set.

If you don't know what other options are not recommended, don't try.

My Blog Default Settings

Click here to view my default settings

It should be noted that there are three cache modes:

  • Mod_rewrite cache mode. (Recommended)
  • PHP cache mode.
  • Traditional cache mode.

The best cache effect is recommended by default mod_rewrite Cache mode, followed by PHP cache mode.

3、 Update Rules

After setting, click the update button, you will be prompted to click the "Update Mod_Rewrite Rules" button, scroll down to find the button and click it.

The plug-in will automatically write relevant rules to the wp-config.php and. htaccess files in the Wordpress root directory.

At the same time,. htaccess in the default cache directory must also have rules.

Clean cache and disable plug-in

1. Clean cache

You can manually clean cache files regularly, open the WP Super Cache plug-in setting page, click the "Content" tab, and click "Delete Cache".

If you are constantly tossing about the theme like me, you need to manually clear the cache at any time to view the modified and adjusted situation. Otherwise, the previous static cache content will be displayed.

2. Deactivate Plug in

Repeat the previous step (mandatory), then click the "Advanced" tab, uncheck "Enable cache to speed up access. (Recommended)", and click the "Update" button below,

3. Delete plug-in completely

Repeat the above two steps (mandatory), and then enter the plug-in page to deactivate the WP Super Cache plug-in and delete it.

Normally, when the WP Super Cache plug-in is deleted, the cache folders modified and created by the previous plug-in will be deleted together, but there may be exceptions. Therefore, log in to the Ftp client, overwrite the files with the same name in the Wordpress root directory with the wp-config.php and. htaccess files previously backed up, and delete the cache folder in the wp content directory, so that the cache files can be completely uninstalled and deleted.

In addition, it is recommended to install a web page compression plug-in: Autooptimize is used together with WP Super Cache to further speed up web page opening.

When setting the Autooptimize plug-in, you only need to check "Optimize HTML code and CSS code". Other defaults are OK. Do not check "Optimize JavaScript code", otherwise some functions of the theme may be unavailable. Remember!

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments forty-two    Visitors thirty-nine    Author three
    •  Boke112 navigation
      Boke112 navigation five

      These cache plug-ins have never been installed. It seems that you should start to consider installing them, otherwise the opening speed is too slow

        •  I love sports bike network
          I love sports bike network seven

          @ Boke112 navigation  :razz: I haven't installed this cache plug-in before, but I finally installed it two days earlier because I recently found that my blog was too slow to open. After several days of use and observation, I feel OK (you can go to my blog to see the effect, and test the opening speed of the web page. Welcome to share your experience on use and specific settings with Xueer)

        •  372 Movie Download Network
          372 Movie Download Network one

          This plug-in is necessary.

          •  skyym
            skyym two

            It has been installed for a long time, but now I don't know how to enable the advanced mod mode (iis8.5),

            •  wys.me
              wys.me zero

              Look at the sliding unlocking. It's really not easy. Is there an emlog plug-in?

              •  Leaning against the snow
                Leaning against the snow four

                After the plug-in is installed, does it affect the count?

                •  Julaibao
                  Julaibao four

                  Can I use this plug-in under nginx?

                  •  iyyo
                    iyyo zero

                    Blogger, how to solve the incompatibility between wp super cache and article archiving? Every time a new article is published, the article archiving will not be updated

                      •  Nini
                        Nini one

                        @ iyyo Mine too, and the setting button is missing. It's really dizzy

                      •  A Long's Personal Blog
                        A Long's Personal Blog two

                        Personally, I think this plug-in is just so so, but in order to open the blog faster, although my personal blog is also using it at present, I'm really not very satisfied!

                        •  TeachCourse
                          TeachCourse two

                          After installing the cache plug-in, please give more guidance on how to check the access speed!

                          •  Nini
                            Nini one

                            After installation, the setting button cannot be found. Now the production theme has not changed. How can I update the cache? Hurry!

                            •  dociu
                              dociu zero

                              Warning! Garbage collection is not scheduled!

                              Garbage collection by this plugin clears out expired and old cached pages on a regular basis. Use this form to enable it.
                              Will this prompt affect you. Set Cache Timeout: 0. Scheduler timer:600s

                              •  uncle
                                uncle zero

                                Blogger, why do I use this plugin? The article opens slowly!!!! Is there no cache? How to operate?

                                •  wsaddd
                                  wsaddd zero

                                  What is the meaning of the text at the bottom of the website after using this plug-in
                                  Page not cached by WP Super Cache. Check your settings page. Not caching requests by known users. (See Advanced Settings page)

                                    •  thirteen
                                      thirteen one

                                      @ wsaddd Because you checked "Don't cache for known users. (Recommended)", all the pages that appear in the login status are not cached pages, but the translated pages are not cached. Please check your settings and don't cache for known users.

                                    •  NAMESILO discount code
                                      NAMESILO discount code zero

                                      I just installed it, but I still feel confused. Brother Bird, by the way, does this article introduce what needs to be done to delete plug-ins? After I installed it, I just opened the cache as required, and did not have permission to set the host. I do not know how to test whether the cache was successful.

                                      •  I love sports bike network
                                        I love sports bike network seven

                                         :wink: I have been following this plug-in for a long time. It can be said that it is the most famous cache plug-in, with many users. However, it's not clear how to set it, so I haven't tried. It was not until this period of time that I couldn't stand the problem of slow opening speed that I had a hard time yesterday. Now my small station has begun to use it: I feel satisfied and praise it from the bottom of my heart!

                                        •  BandwagonHost
                                          BandwagonHost zero

                                          Update sharing.

                                          •  American Stock House
                                            American Stock House two

                                            Brother Bird, enable mod rewrite mode, and the prompt is as follows:

                                            Mod_headers – This module is used to set the cache information of the supercache page. Without this module, IE7 users will only see the old page.
                                            Mod_expires – Sets the expiration time of the cache file. Without this module, visitors may not see the new page when they refresh or leave comments.

                                            How to deal with this? thank you!

                                            •  American Stock House
                                              American Stock House two

                                              Previously, the PHP cache mode was used. (Recommended)

                                              •  thirteen
                                                thirteen one

                                                Brother Bird, I have several questions that I hope you can answer:
                                                1. After using the rewrite mode, because my website belongs to a small station and there are not many pages as a whole, can I set the refresh time to 0 in the pre cache?
                                                2. After one day or so, I will add a ". feeds build" to the original link. I don't know why.
                                                3. I set the "Expiration Time and Garbage Collector" in the advanced settings to 0 (disabled) and 600 seconds. Because I am a small station, there are not many updates. Is this OK? But will the original cache file be automatically refreshed when updating the content of the article (or comments) in the future?
                                                4. My home page will never be cached. I also checked the extra check on my home page. Do you want to delete the forbidden "index. php"? Is there any problem?
                                                5. The official tutorial recommends novices to use the "PHP cache mode". For small stations, which is better than mod_rewrite?

                                                  •  thirteen
                                                    thirteen one

                                                    @ thirteen Let me add: My pre cache time is set to 0, and the manually generated super cache page will disappear one day later. I also closed the collector. I don't know why? After I close the recycler, ordinary cache pages will disappear. How can the generated cache file exist all the time and can only be deleted manually?

                                                  •  Crossroads
                                                    Crossroads zero

                                                    Thanks for sharing. Although this plug-in has many negative effects, the speed increase is really high from 5S to 1S

                                                      •  Absolutely Lai
                                                        Absolutely Lai zero

                                                        @ Crossroads I'll try the message reply function

                                                      •  Gospel Home
                                                        Gospel Home one

                                                        This plug-in has been installed, but the published articles are still invisible as html pages... seek help

                                                        •  Bell Express
                                                          Bell Express one

                                                          Thank you for your great tutorial. It's simple and practical

                                                          •  Lounger
                                                            Lounger one

                                                            Brother Bird, please ask two questions. I hope it's convenient to tell you that one is about Apache's Mod_Rewrite rule. My previous fixed connection was/% postname%. html, and I want 301 to redirect to/% category%/% post_id%. html. How should I write this rule? Don't understand regularity.
                                                            The second one is related to the cache plug-in. Because the website has enabled https, think about http forcing https and writing 301 rules to the htaccess file. In this way, the http included in Baidu will be skipped by others when they visit it, but there is a problem, The htaccess file is always updated. Every time I set this 301, it soon becomes the default rule of the cache plug-in. The 301 rules I added are overwritten. What's wrong with me? I enabled the garbage collection bin and pre cache, hoping to get a reply.

                                                            •  Lounger
                                                              Lounger one

                                                              Hello, I used the mod_rewrite cache mode, but I have a problem. At the beginning, I also turned on the pre cache and recycle bin, but it seemed to have no effect. Then it turned off, and the pre cache and recycle bin were both turned off. Then there was a problem. Every time I visited the page, it would load for half a day, This process is because the plug-in does not cache this page, and it will refresh very quickly after opening the page. At this time, there is a cache file. What I don't understand is that it is not automatically updating the cache file, but automatically deleting it. Every time, the cache file under the wp contentcache directory disappears after a period of time, which also leads to the fact that my current website has turned on caching as a decoration, It is also useful to refresh when visiting. I see that your websites are super fast. This is because the cache page has not been deleted. Why is my page automatically deleted? I clearly closed the garbage collection bin, and I even cleared the previous cache files when a new article or page was published or updated. If this option is turned off, it still doesn't work. Look for answers. thank you

                                                              •  think deeply about sth.
                                                                think deeply about sth. zero


                                                                •  Zheng Zhiren's Blog
                                                                  Zheng Zhiren's Blog one

                                                                  Brother Bird, I want to geodetically delete this plug-in now, but the wp-config.php and. htaccess I backed up at that time are gone. What should I do now? Everything else is finished. Now I always feel that the website is strange, and it seems that the homepage is still cached. Brother Bird, please teach me!

                                                                    •  Robin

                                                                      @ Zheng Zhiren's Blog Delete the. htaccess file directly, and then save the fixed link again in the background. A new one will be generated normally
                                                                      Open the wp-config.php file
                                                                      Define ('DB_NAME ',' blog '); Just delete the two codes above the data name

                                                                    •  have a look
                                                                      have a look zero

                                                                      The count doesn't show how to handle this

                                                                      •  asdas
                                                                        asdas one

                                                                        What if the latest version 1.5.8 is installed, but only the home page is cached?

                                                                        •  666
                                                                          666 zero

                                                                          Once the cache is enabled, like it once, and then refresh the page, you can like it again, and you can like it indefinitely -

                                                                          •  Su Su
                                                                            Su Su zero

                                                                            I think the cache plug-in is the best one for me

                                                                            •  VPNBay
                                                                              VPNBay zero

                                                                              Speed improved slightly, thanks for sharing



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