WordPress Program File Description

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 WordPress Program File Description


It is necessary for developers to understand the functions of Wordpress program files,

WordPress program root directory

1. index. php: Wordpress core index file, namely blog output file.

2. license. txt: WordPress GPL license file.

3. my-hacks.php: defines the appender to be processed before blog output. This file does not exist in the default installation, but if it exists, it will be referenced by the management page.

4. readme.html: WordPress installation introduction.

5. wp-atom.php: output Atom information aggregation content.

6. wp-blog-header.php: define the content displayed on the blog page according to the blog parameters.


8. wp comments post. php: receive comments and add them to the database.

9. wp commentsrss2. php: RSS information aggregation content used to generate log comments.

10. wp-config-sample.php: Sample configuration file for connecting WordPress to MySQL database.

11. wp-config.php: This is the configuration file that really connects WordPress to the MySQL database. It is not included in the default installation, but because WordPress needs this file to run, users need to edit this file to change relevant settings.

12. wp-feed.php: defines the feed type according to the request and returns the feed request file.

13. wp-links-opml.php: generate a list of links in OPML format (added through WordPress management menu).

14. wp login. php: defines the login page of the registered user.

15. wp mail. php: used to obtain blog posts submitted by mail. The URL of this file is usually added to the cron task, so that cron will periodically retrieve files and receive mail logs.

16. wp pass. php: Review the password of password protected articles and display the protected articles.

17. wp-rdf.php: Generate RDF information aggregation content.

18. wp-register.php: allows new users to register their user names through online forms.

19. wp rss. php: Generate RSS information aggregation content.

20. wp-rss2.php: generate RSS 2 information aggregation content.

21. wp settings. php: Run the routine before execution, including checking whether the installation is correct, using auxiliary functions, applying user plug-ins, initializing the execution timer, and so on.

22. wp trackback. php: Process trackback requests.

23. wp. php: A simple template for displaying blog logs. There is nothing magical about it, but it includes some index.php content.

24. xmlrpc. php: Process xmlrpc requests. Users can publish articles without the built-in network management interface.

Wp admin directory

1. wp-admin/admin.php: core file for managing files. It is used to connect databases, integrate dynamic menu data, display non core control pages, etc.


3. wp admin/admin footer. php: defines the footer of all management consoles.

4. wp admin/admin functions. php: defines various functions used by the management console.

5. wp admin/admin - header.php: defines the upper part of the management console, including the menu-header.php file of menu logic.

6. wp-admin/bookmarklet.php: define the pop-up page when using the bookmark function. Use the default edit-form.php file when writing logs.

7. wp admin/categories. php: defines the category management of the management page. Reference: Manage – Categories


9. wp admin/edit.php: defines the log management of the management page. Reference: Manage – Posts

10. wp admin/edit comments. php: defines the comment management of the management page. Reference: Manage – Comments

11. wp admin/edit form advanced. php: defines the log advanced editing management of the management page, including post.php. Reference: Write – Write Post – Advanced

12. wp admin/edit form. php: defines the simple editing management of logs on the management page, including post. php. Reference: Write – Write Post

13. wp admin/edit form comment. php: edit specific log comments.



16. wp admin/edit page form. php: defines page editing of management module pages, including post.php and page-new.php. Reference: Write – Write Page

17. wp admin/edit pages. php: defines page management of management module pages. Reference: Manage – Pages



20. wp admin/index.php: the default management page. Display the corresponding page according to the user's request.


22. wp-admin/install-helper.php: defines database maintenance functions, including popular-in-plugins maybe_create_table() and maybe_add_column().

23. wp admin/install.php: Install WordPress.

24. wp admin/link add. php: add a link. Reference: Links – Add Link

25. wp admin/link categories. php: link classification management. Reference: Links – Link Categories

26. wp admin/link import. php: import links. Reference: Links – Import Links

27. wp admin/link manager. php: link management. Reference: Links – Manage Links

28. wp admin/link parse opml.php: used to parse OPML files when importing links.



31. wp admin/menu header. php: used to display the menu in the management interface.

32. wp admin/menu. php: defines the default management menu structure.

33. wp admin/modeling. php: defines the comment approval function.

34. wp admin/options.php: used to change all settings after upgrading.

35. wp admin/options discussion. php: Manage comments and trackback related options. Reference: Options – Discussion

36. wp admin/options general. php: Manage basic configuration options. Reference: Options – General


38. wp admin/options misc.php: Set file upload, link tracking, custom "hacks" and other related options. Reference: Options – Miscellaneous

39.wp-admin/options-permalink.php: Manage persistent link options. Reference: Options – Permalinks

40. wp admin/options reading. php: set how to send website information to readers' browsers or other applications. Reference: Options – Reading

41. wp admin/options writing. php: management log writing interface. Reference: Options – Writing

42. wp admin/page new. php: Create a new page.

43.wp-admin/plugin-editor.php: Edit the plug-in file.

44.wp-admin/plugins.php: management plug-in.

45.wp-admin/post.php: Create a new log.


47.wp-admin/profile.php: manage personal data or configuration.

48. wp admin/setup config. php: used to create the wp-config.php file during installation.


50.wp-admin/templates.php: Edit server writable files.

51.wp-admin/theme-editor.php: Edit files in a specific topic.

52. wp admin/themes. php: Manage themes.


54. wp admin/upgrade functions. php: defines the version upgrade function.

55. wp admin/upgrade schema. php: defines the default table structure and options used in the upgrade.

56. wp admin/upgrade. php: version upgrade.

57. wp admin/user edit. php: Edit user.

58. wp admin/users. php: Manage users.

59. wp admin/wp admin. css: defines the default style sheet of the management console.


Wp includes directory



3. wp includes/class Ⅸ R.php: IncutioXML-RPC library. Includes XML RPC support functions.

4. wp includes/classes. php: includes basic classes, such as the core article extraction mechanism WP_Query and rewrite management WP_Rewrite.

5. wp includes/class-pop3.php: includes classes that support the use of POP mailboxes. Available for wp-mail.php.

6. wp includes/class snoopy. php: Snoopy is a PHP class, which is used to imitate the functions of Web browsers. It can automatically complete the tasks of retrieving web pages and sending forms.




10. wp includes/functions compat.php: function files used in the new version of PHP to support the old version of PHP.

11. wp includes/functions formatting. php: used to clean XHTML and format text correctly with a specific character set.

12. wp includes/functions post. php: defines functions such as managing logs, querying user permissions, extracting and writing comments in the database.

13. wp includes/functions. php: contains many important support functions. It is the largest file in WordPress, and the number of functions is almost twice that of the second largest file.

14. wp includes/gettext. php: part of the PHP gettext GPL translation library.

15. wp includes/kses. php: used to render and filter HTML in logs or comments.

16. wp includes/links. php: used to manage and use the link function of WordPress.

17. wp includes/locale.php: used to replace the default week and month values.




21. wp includes/streams. php: defines the class that wraps file streams and character streams.

22. wp includes/template functions author. php: contains topic functions related to the blog author or reviewer.

23. wp includes/template functions category. php: contains topic functions related to categories.

24. wp includes/template functions comment. php: contains topic functions related to comments.

25. wp includes/template functions general. php: includes general theme functions.

26. wp includes/template functions links. php: contains link related theme functions.

27. wp includes/template functions post. php: contains the theme functions related to logs.

28. wp includes/template functions. php: contains all the above "template -" files.


30. wp includes/vars.php: used to set miscellaneous variables.

31. wp includes/version.php: used to set the current WordPress version.

32. wp includes/wp db. php: contains functions for connecting to MySQL databases.

33. wp includes/wp-l10n. php: provides functions that support multilingual versions.

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments twenty-eight    Visitors twenty-four    Author two
    •  musk100
      musk100 four

      The legendary sofa?

      •  Slight opening of eye curtain
        Slight opening of eye curtain five

        Very good Very powerful

        •  ctwolf
          ctwolf zero

          Legendary bench?

          •  aunsen
            aunsen five

            This is going to be collected!

            •  lufan
              lufan six

              Brother Bird, can you edit the theme text in a style like WORD (optional), such as http://zuowen.mofangge.com/html/zwDetail/20140418/kpf51535.html If you pay, you can decide how much silver you need.

              •  Moisten
                Moisten five

                Brother Bird. After updating the latest version of wp, click the picture added in the article, click the picture in the article, and then jump to the website address of the picture directly. The effect is as follows: http://www.andfuwu.com/spring-wellness-what-to-eat-fish.html After clicking on the picture, I will jump to the website address of the picture. What's the problem? Please give me some advice. Thank you very much.

                  •  Lee Bo
                    Lee Bo four

                    @ Moisten Maybe jq conflicts

                    •  Lee Bo
                      Lee Bo four

                      @ Moisten try http://zmingcx.com/disable-wordpress-jquery.html

                    •  Xu Yacheng
                      Xu Yacheng three

                      This is a comprehensive introduction to the WP file. I often come here to learn and collect it decisively.

                      •  Maasige
                        Maasige two

                        It's very detailed. You don't have to look up information everywhere. Mark, please.

                        •  ok
                          ok zero

                          Brother Bird Hello

                          •  ok
                            ok zero

                            Hello, Brother Bird. Why can't you comment after WORDPRESS is upgraded to 3.8.3

                              •  Robin

                                @ ok Try disabling all plug-ins

                              •  What is popular this year
                                What is popular this year three


                                •  cxd
                                  cxd two

                                  Here we go again and ask two questions
                                  1. Is there any way to hover over the thumbnail and display the large picture?
                                  2. If you want to include multiple tags such as tag1 and tag2 at the same time, what is the solution?

                                    •  Robin

                                      @ cxd It must be OK to display the large picture. I don't understand the method
                                      Multi tag search has not been studied

                                    •  Two days
                                      Two days six


                                      •  Grey memory
                                        Grey memory one

                                        It's complicated No wonder it's bloated

                                        •  Reten
                                          Reten three

                                          It is not clear what tags are in the template.

                                          •  Ali Books
                                            Ali Books five

                                            Good benefit

                                            •  Xiaokang Blog
                                              Xiaokang Blog zero

                                              wp-admin/install-helper.php Can I delete it?

                                              •  Movie Paradise Thunderbolt Download
                                                Movie Paradise Thunderbolt Download five

                                                Well, good study
                                                Learn more about wordpress

                                                •  Herb Garden Navigation
                                                  Herb Garden Navigation one

                                                  Good thing, clear at a glance

                                                  •  Herb Garden Navigation
                                                    Herb Garden Navigation one


                                                    •  webkv
                                                      webkv two

                                                      By default, several topics twinyten – twintyeventeen and readme.html license.txt are always automatically downloaded on a regular basis (deleted many times before). I wonder whether this is the reason for automatic updates.



                                                    Anonymous netizens
                                                     :?:  :razz:  :sad:  :evil:  :!:  :smile:  :oops:  :grin:  :eek:  :shock:  :???:  :cool:  :lol:  :mad:  :twisted:  :roll:  :wink:  :idea:  :arrow:  :neutral:  :cry:  :mrgreen:

                                                    Drag the slider to complete validation