WordPress 5.5 Simplified Chinese Version Download

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The official simplified Chinese version of WordPress 5.5.3 was finally released on November 27, 2020, just before the release of WordPress 5.6. The previous imperfect Chinese version can be ended.

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The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

WordPress 5.5 has been released for more than half a month, but the official simplified Chinese version has not been released simultaneously. It is estimated that it is still far away. You'd better simply translate it into Chinese by yourself, so as to avoid being upset by watching the background foreign languages. The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

 WordPress 5.5 Simplified Chinese Version Download

WordPress 5.5 Simplified Chinese Version Download

The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

Unfortunately, the save button of the gadget and the color selection button in the customization have not been translated into Chinese. After trying other language packs (Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Russian), they have not been translated. The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

I accidentally found that a sentence was added to the WP configuration file wp-config.php: The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

 define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);

Later, it was translated successfully. The general purpose of this sentence is to record JS script errors. Why is it useful for translation? The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

Making language packs takes time and effort, and takes a whole day. Because there are many places that need to be translated, it is inevitable that there are omissions. First share them, and then translate slowly. The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

You can only upload and overwrite the wp content languages language folder The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

The article comes from the knowledge that more birds- https://zmingcx.com/wordpress-5-5-zh_cn.html

In addition, install the latest version of WP-China-Yes Plug in. In Background → Settings → WP China Yes Settings, select "Local Application Market" to update Chinese language files.

If you want to participate in localization translation, you can go to WP Chinese Localized Community A large number of people have great power to submit translation.

Current version: WordPress 5.5.3

Here is a brief introduction to the basic translation methods:

Modify po file

The po file is relatively simple. Open the po file in the traditional WordPress language wp content languages directory with a text editing tool, search for untranslated English words, copy the code to the end of the corresponding file in the simplified Chinese language pack, and save it, such as:

 #: wp-includes/media.php:4241 msgid "Attachment details" Msgstr "Attachment Details"

Then use the Poedit software to open the po file to modify the text and save it.

Modify and add a json file

It's a bit complicated. You can also open all the traditional language json files with a text editing tool, and search for untranslated English words. However, json converts Chinese to unicode code for output, which requires similar methods Conversion tool Add Chinese transcoding to the file. For example:


Find the code and copy it to the corresponding simplified language file. If the original simplified language does not have a corresponding json file, you need to copy the traditional language file to the simplified language pack, change the zh_TW in front of the file name to zh_CN, and modify the traditional unicode encoding text in it.

According to the upgrade method of disorderly changing core code like WP, it is estimated that it will not be long before the program files can only be manually changed into Chinese

The basic translation method is like this. There are children's shoes that like tossing about. You can also add the simplified language of the block editor. I don't need to do blocks myself.

Untranslated widget save button text:

Wp admin js directory widgets.min.js file

The translation file is: zh_CN-5251f7623766a714c8207c7edb938628.json


Download information Resource name: WordPress 5.5+Simplified Chinese Resource version: 5.5.3 Last updated: November 28, 2020 File download 1107 times
Recent updates 2021-9-16
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  • WordPress 5.5 Simplified Chinese Version Download
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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments thirteen    Visitors eleven    Author two
    •  simple life
      simple life four

      It seems that the big guy has upgraded to 5.5. Keep up, despise those who only download but do not reply

      •  ljy
        ljy two

        Support boss, update program

        •  Funny or not
          Funny or not three

          For technical Xiaobai, he is still upgrading. :razz:

          •  simple life
            simple life four

            The new code highlighting style is very good!!

            •  Brother Jing
              Brother Jing four

              Thank you, Brother Bird. Replacement has been installed.

              •  Blue leather
                Blue leather two

                It's beautiful to install the latest theme by pressing. The QR code on this page has been restored, and the access to the mobile PC terminal is fast and convenient. It's great. support!

                •  Royal Yuanlin
                  Royal Yuanlin two

                  Why don't I feel that there is no change
                  Is this language pack the same as the official direct download package?

                    •  Robin

                      @ Royal Yuanlin There is no official 5.5+Chinese version. Where can you download it

                        •  Royal Yuanlin
                          Royal Yuanlin two

                          @ Robin Oh, I upgraded directly from the old version
                          Some of them felt that they didn't translate, so they looked for a Chinese bag
                          But this one feels the same after trying

                      •  GT Taoist
                        GT Taoist one

                        Download and replace it. Recently, I used the theme of Brother Bird. It looks comfortable and I want it

                        •  Foolish mortals
                          Foolish mortals zero

                          Updated, leave a message to thank you



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