WordPress 5.5 beta release

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WordPress 5.5 beta version is released, and the official version is expected to be released on August 11, 2020. In addition to continuing to improve the block editor, the new version has two additional functions that are useful:

Picture delay loading

WordPress 5.5 adds the image delay loading function. The image is not in the field of view and will not be loaded, so that users can load the web page faster. However, this device is almost the standard configuration of domestic themes, and it seems to have effect only under Firefox after testing, Chrome and Microsoft's new Edge browser, although the image is not in the window, actually the image has been loaded. Do developers like Firefox just like me?

XML Site Map

WordPress 5.5 can generate an XML site map, which is crucial for search engines to discover the content on your website. The homepage, articles, pages, custom article types, etc. of the website will be included to improve the visibility of the website.

However, in Wordpress 5.5 beta2, I haven't found where the XML file generated by the site map function is

It can only be viewed through http://domain name/wp sitemap. xml, and it seems that it does not meet the format of domestic search requirements, and may only be suitable for the legendary Google

By default, the site map is enabled. How can I disable the site map? According to the official website, there is no selection switch. Normally, the site map will be disabled only when "it is recommended that the search engine not index this site" is set. Isn't this bullshit.

The WP official provides a disable method:


Add the following code to the topic function template functions.php to disable the site map function.

 wp_sitemaps_is_enabledremove_action( 'init', 'wp_sitemaps_get_server' );

It's a pity that an error was reported directly after adding it. Wait until the official version comes out.

In addition, in the test version, we found that various styles in the background were disordered, mainly reflected in the classic editor. The current WordPress has completely ignored the compatibility of previous editors.

It has never been understood that normal users only want to write a web article on a piece of white paper to let the readers see it clearly. Instead of designing the website style, they want to design the website layout, and they have special visual plug-ins. This is like trying to make beautiful office documents. There is PowerPoint, which is to build a web page with complex structure from blocks, but the rough appearance can not meet the needs at all, Change the style yourself?, If users can change their own styles and write web pages directly, do they still need blocks?

In other words, the development of the block editor is really more and more convenient. The newly added real-time preview block function looks very good, as shown in the figure:

 WordPress 5.5 beta release

What you see is what you get. Setting and saving reusable blocks is equivalent to creating your own blocks, which is still very useful.

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments twelve    Visitors nine    Author three
    •  aunsen
      aunsen five

      It seems that you can only guard 5.4?

        •  Robin

          @ aunsen No, there is no major problem, which does not affect the use

            •  aunsen
              aunsen five

              @ Robin That's OK. I have meat with Brother Bird :mrgreen:

          •  Jane Blog
            Jane Blog two

            Like every update of Uncle Bird theme

            •  Free inclusion website
              Free inclusion website four

              XML site map. I think this function is useful.

              •  Miya
                Miya three

                If one day WP is completely incompatible with the classic editor, how about using the changes of the classic editor!

                  •  Robin

                    @ Miya Don't worry about this temporarily. There will be plug-ins or other methods
                    Because there are still many people who like to use classic editors, they will be studied when necessary

                  •  I'm song.
                    I'm song. four

                    Wearing Superman's clothes can't become Superman. I can't make the weight of Brother Bird with the theme of Brother Bird. ha-ha.

                    •  Fun Fruit Net
                      Fun Fruit Net zero

                      Thanks for the analysis, the download speed is very slow

                      •  Blue skinned rat
                        Blue skinned rat two

                        We must closely unite around the bird brother. :cool:

                        •  Lvruan Bar
                          Lvruan Bar five

                          How about using rewrite or 301 directly for xml?
                          Wp jumps to sitemap.xml, which can solve Baidu's problem?



                        Anonymous netizens
                         :?:  :razz:  :sad:  :evil:  :!:  :smile:  :oops:  :grin:  :eek:  :shock:  :???:  :cool:  :lol:  :mad:  :twisted:  :roll:  :wink:  :idea:  :arrow:  :neutral:  :cry:  :mrgreen:

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