WordPress version 5.4 is expected to be released on March 31, 2020

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WordPress version 5.4 is expected to be released on March 31, 2020, and the first beta version will be released on February 11, 2020.

 WordPress version 5.4 is expected to be released on March 31, 2020

WordPress version 5.4 is expected to be released on March 31, 2020

WordPress 5.4 RC4 download: https://wordpress.org/wordpress-5.4-RC4.zip

Address: https://wordpress.org/news/2020/02/wordpress-5-4-beta-1

WordPress 5.4 rc2 download address: http://wordpress.org/nightly-builds/wordpress-5.4-latest.zip

What has been updated? In addition to continuing to update the block editor, or updating and optimizing the block editor, there is nothing else

Developers only pay attention to the upgrade and optimization of the block editor, and they don't care about the style errors that abound in the background UI interface

Machine translation of the following content, please take a look

The software is still under development, so we do not recommend running it on the production website. Please consider setting up a test site to play the new version.

You can test WordPress 5.4 beta in two ways:

WordPress 5.4 scheduled two thousand and twenty Released on March 31, 2006, we need your help to achieve this!

Although the main goal in 2020 is to use blocks for website editing, WordPress participants are working in every area of the project to ensure that the software continues to move forward.

Testing bugs is an important part of polishing the version in the testing phase, and also a good way to make contributions. The following are some major changes and functions that should be noted during testing.

Block Editor: features and improvements

WordPress 5.4 core will merge 10 versions of Gutenberg plug-in. This means a long list of exciting new features. Here are some:

  • Two new blocks: social links and buttons.
  • More color options for buttons, covers, groups, and columns.
  • Welcome Guide Mode
  • A tool for adding featured images to the "Latest Posts" block.
  • Easier navigation in block traces.

Some other changes need attention:

  • On a mobile device, the toolbar stays at the top, so you won't lose it.
  • Resize images more easily in library blocks.
  • Drag and drop the image into the function image box.
  • Several new APIs.
  • A more friendly offline error message when a REST API request fails.
  • Table block title.
  • You can now shade only part of the text in any RichText block.

Accessibility improvements

  • Easier selection of multiple blocks.
  • Support changing the title attribute of an image in a tile.
  • Easier tabulation. This has always been one of the biggest accessibility issues for editors, but now tabbed programs use the sidebar of blocks.
  • Visually switch between Edit and Navigation modes and enable screen reader notifications.

To view all the features of each version, please see the published posts: 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5.

Continue to improve performance

Since WordPress 5.3, the block editor team has achieved 14% load time reduction and 51% load time reduction. For a particularly impressive post (about 36000 words, 1000 blocks). This point.

Site Health

When a project provides power for 34% of global websites, security must be concerned. This is why contributors continue to work very hard on the site health project.

WordPress 5.4 has added a widget to the dashboard to warn administrators of potential problems that may affect the performance or security of their websites. The call to action button will lead to the Site Health screen for details and suggested fixes.

Accessibility improvements

WordPress is committed to improving the accessibility of each version, and this version is no exception. Version 5.4 will include the following accessibility enhancements:

  • Better focus management in menus, customizations, and site health screens to fix some existing keyboard navigation problems.
  • Easier keyboard navigation and better semantics in Media mode.
  • A more readable privacy policy guide.

For developers

5.4 also contains a bunch of developer centric changes.

Calendar Widget

The HTML 5.1 specification requires that tags must follow tags (not in calendar widgets). WordPress 5.4 moves the navigation link to the HTML element after the element in order to generate valid HTML. <tfoot> <tbody> <nav> <table>

Apply_shortcodes() as the alias of do_shortcode ()

Instead of using, instead of using. Although the new function is not deprecated, it provides better semantics. do_shortcode() apply_shortcodes() do_shortcode()

Better Favison treatment

Now you can manage favicon requests more flexibly. Administrators can select an icon in Customize or upload files. The WordPress logo will always load as a fallback. /favicon.ico

Other developer changes

  • More clear information about errors in. wp_login_failed
  • The site ID has been added to the filter of the multisite installation. newblog_notify_siteadmin
  • Added support for WordPress and PHP version headers required in themes.
  • Embedded support has been added for TikTok.

In the next few weeks, please note WordPress Core Blog , understand 5.4 Relevant developer notes To break down these and other changes in more detail.

So far, contributors have fixed More than 255 tickets in WordPress 5.4 More tickets are coming.



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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments twelve    Visitors ten    Author two
    •  simple life
      simple life four

      Bleeding Edge Nightclub - What the hell!

        •  Robin

          @ simple life ha-ha
          Translated by Microsoft Bing, Google "bleeding every night"
          The exact translation should be "nightly development version"

        •  Notes of Daddy Building Website
          Notes of Daddy Building Website four

          The image delay loading has become the default configuration, and many plug-ins need the castration function.

          •  Yan
            Yan six

            One thing I can't stand is, for example, I posted five paragraphs of text and a picture copied from the website to the background to make blockquotes. He posted five blockquotes and a picture to me. It's impossible to select all of them and merge them with one click, so I can only change the html in the background. I don't know if there is a good way.

              •  Robin

                @ Yan Find the classic block in the format, and then add the content you said. The operation is the same as the previous classic editor. You can mix doubles

                  •  Yan
                    Yan six

                    @ Robin You don't want to add classic blocks. If you play classic blocks, you might as well switch back to the classic editor directly

                •  _Wr_
                  _Wr_ two

                  Alas, it will be 429 Too Many Requests again.

                    •  Peerless villain
                      Peerless villain three

                      @ _Wr_ You can pay attention to the wp china yes plug-in I developed. This plug-in will take over all the official traffic from the WP site to the mainland's cache acceleration node. The traffic taken over includes but is not limited to: plug-in theme installation, mall image loading, theme preview, etc
                      Continental acceleration nodes use CDN to distribute data, which can cache hotspot resources for better acceleration.
                      The purpose of this plug-in development is to completely improve the user experience of domestic users accessing WP official services and solve the 429 error reporting problem by the way

                      •  Peerless villain
                        Peerless villain three

                        @ _Wr_ If it is easy to use, remember to recommend it. It has only been online for a few days, and there are still few people who know about it. The more people use it, the better the acceleration effect

                      •  Cost circle
                        Cost circle four

                        Not used to new editor

                        •  Activity line network reporting
                          Activity line network reporting two

                          It is recommended that the code related to bear palms be completely deleted from the theme. Anyway, Baidu has abandoned the bear's paw, and another bear's paw will lead to Google News
                          The value type "@ context" is incorrect
                          There are two mobile device usability errors,
                          Error The distance between clickable elements is too close
                          The error content width exceeds the screen display range



                        Anonymous netizens
                         :?:  :razz:  :sad:  :evil:  :!:  :smile:  :oops:  :grin:  :eek:  :shock:  :???:  :cool:  :lol:  :mad:  :twisted:  :roll:  :wink:  :idea:  :arrow:  :neutral:  :cry:  :mrgreen:

                        Drag the slider to complete validation