Log function code with most comments (with thumbnail)

In order to make it easier for visitors to find the best content, many blogs will display the hottest articles in a prominent position, that is, the articles with the most comments, such as the hot news topics I have created, integrating this function. Today, I will send another comment code with thumbnails.

  1. <? php $popular = new WP_Query('orderby=comment_count&posts_per_page=5');  ?>
  2. <? php while ( $popular ->have_posts()) : $popular ->the_post();  ?>
  3. <? php $justanimage = get_post_meta( $post ->ID, 'image', true);
  4. if ( $justanimage ) { ?>
  5. <img src= "<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, " image ", true); ?>" alt= "<?php the_title();  ?> " />
  6. <? php } else { ?>
  7. <img src= " https://zmingcx.com/wp-content/themes/HotNewspro3/images/logo.png " alt= "" />
  8. <? php } ?>
  9. <h2><a href= "<?php the_permalink();  ?> " ><? php the_title();  ?></ a></h2>
  10. <? php endwhile ;  ?>

Paste this code to the appropriate location of the template, and the list of articles with the most comments and thumbnails will be displayed at this location. But don't forget to add a custom field: image to the article, and replace the address of my LOGO image with the address of a default image. If you don't add a custom field, this image will be used instead, and the effect will be better with CSS style.

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments six    Visitors three    Author two
    •  Yalan
      Yalan three

      This is very useful. Collect it. By the way, please consult the robin.
      I installed a plug-in with a multilingual interface, and found that all the links to directories, archives, and tags were invalid, and the page I clicked was blank; After deleting the plug-in, the problem was not solved, which made me crazy....
      Please give me some advice. Thank you

        •  Robin

          @ Yalan I don't know what plug-in it is

            •  Yalan
              Yalan three

              @ Robin qTranslate

                •  Robin

                  @ Yalan This plug-in has not been used, but it is estimated that you have downloaded the WP version of the wrong plug-in. There are options on the download page

            •  Robin, I love you
              Robin, I love you zero

              For a login interface, how to input two groups of accounts and passwords: wsx, 234 and eee, 333, and then click the login button to open 4.htm and 5.htm respectively. HTML or Javascript statements. http://faq.wopus.org/question/21882/



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