Number of WordPress article comments called outside the loop

WordPress one five hundred and thirty-three Reading mode

Number of WordPress article comments called outside the loop

 function add_comment_count_to_posts() { global $wpdb, $post; $id = $post->ID;//  Article ID $comment_count = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT comment_count FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND ID = $id" );//  Get article comments $comment_status = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT comment_status FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = $id" );//  Whether the article has opened comments $html = '<div class="comment-popup">'; $html .= '< span>'; $count = ''; if( $comment_status == 'open' ) { $count = $comment_count; } else { $count='Comment closed'; } $html .= $ count . '</span></div>'; return $html; }

Get the latest comment date of an article:

 $comment_args = array( 'post_id'   => get_the_ID(), 'number'    => 1, ); $latest_comment = get_comments($comment_args); echo $latest_comment[0]->comment_date;
 Number of WordPress article comments called outside the loop

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
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