Hot News 2.33 Upgrade Instructions for Stable Edition

Please go to the release page to download HotNewspro2.33

After more than half a month of continuous modification, HotNewspro version 2.3 can finally produce a stable version 2.33. Because this theme has many integrated functions, it is very troublesome to modify it. Only one thumbnail function has been changed three times. This is the reason why we directly skip to version 2.33 instead of version 2.22. First test it on your own station. If there is no problem, it will be released soon.

Hot News 2.33 Upgrade Instructions for Stable Edition

  • Thumbnails can automatically display the outer chain pictures by default, but the pictures will deform due to different scales. In addition, if the outer chain pictures are large in size, they will load slowly. Therefore, it is recommended that blog pictures be uploaded locally or switched to the automatic screenshot function in the background, so that the loading will be faster. The function of shielding automatic thumbnails by adding custom columns is reserved.
  • Remove the tangled Gravatar avatar cache function, and install the avatar cache plug-in if necessary.
  • Randomly display the top four hot news and related log thumbnails.
  • Friendship links are not displayed at the bottom of the body page.
  • New message board
  • IE relief effect is turned off by default.
  • A picture template may also be attached

Last but not least, the tested theme background control panel fails under Wordpress3.1beta1. If you are going to use this theme, you should not upgrade the program to 3.1beta1 at present. I don't know whether the official version can still be used when it is released. It is estimated that the background control panel style that I prefer is about to die

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments eighty-three    Visitors seventy-four    Author nine
    •  Little fart
      Little fart six

      Seize a seat, ha ha, serious support

      •  Little fart
        Little fart six

        The first line of Brother Bird should be HotNews pro2.3, right? Hee hee

        •  Dots
          Dots five

          3.1 What version does beta1 refer to? 3.0.2??

            •  robin
              robin five

              @ Dots Wordpress 3.1 will be released soon

            •  Dots
              Dots five

              By the way, please ask me how to add the code of the reader wall to the message template?

                •  robin
                  robin five

                  @ Dots Is not the existing reader wall on the side?

                    •  Dots
                      Dots five

                      @ robin Want to add one to the message board's page body, which is more intuitive!

                        •  Robin

                          @ Dots Add the function in top_comment.php to the appropriate location of the Message.php template and match it with the style

                            •  Dots
                              Dots five

                              @ Robin Alas, I don't understand the code

                                •  wmtimes
                                  wmtimes seven

                                  @ Dots It's simple. Ctrl+c and then Ctrl+v

                        •  Memory fragment
                          Memory fragment two

                          Updated again?

                          •  - Black, small and bright
                            - Black, small and bright four

                            Isn't the latest 3.02? What 3.1? Solve

                            •  A Zhe
                              A Zhe one

                              I found a problem. I used version 221 before, but I just used version 231.
                              When I wrote an article in html, there was a blank line between two paragraphs. When I viewed the article in version 2.21, there was a blank line between paragraphs. However, in version 2.31, it seems that the empty line was automatically removed. It seems that the article is crowded. I don't know whether this is a bug.
                              I tested that the 2.23 version can also display the empty line, but the 2.31 version will not work. I hope Brother Bird can fix it. Release the perfect theme of version 2.33

                                •  Robin

                                  @ A Zhe When I first came into contact with WP, I was crazy about getting rid of this empty line. Unexpectedly
                                  OK, this function must be added

                                    •  A Zhe
                                      A Zhe one

                                      @ Robin I think Wp will automatically adjust to a blank line if there are many empty lines.
                                      I wanted to be empty, but I removed the empty line. It felt a little crowded.
                                      Thank you for your answer.

                                    •  water6000
                                      water6000 four

                                      @ A Zhe I have reflected that people say we are childish! So, there is no need!

                                        •  Little fart
                                          Little fart six

                                          @ water6000 This can be realized by shift+enter. This is the difference between and!

                                            •  Little fart
                                              Little fart six

                                              @ Little fart I suddenly found that the code is not supported!
                                              This can be implemented by shift+enter. This is the difference between br and p!

                                        •  Loong
                                          Loong four

                                          Does Bird Brother 223 support custom top popular articles? I think you mean random

                                          •  wmtimes
                                            wmtimes seven

                                            Mmm. pretty good. Modified the thumbnail function I proposed. ha-ha. There is a wall on the message board. sure.

                                            •  Fall in love with an apple
                                              Fall in love with an apple four

                                              Good~Support Brother Bird, release official version, continue to follow up and update~

                                              •  Taobao Photography
                                                Taobao Photography zero

                                                Come to admire Brother Bird!

                                                •  lovesoo
                                                  lovesoo five

                                                  Support Brother Bird to follow Brother Bird

                                                  •  Hu Shezhong
                                                    Hu Shezhong six

                                                    Brother Bird's technology is awesome, support updating! But pay attention to your health and don't often stay up late to work overtime

                                                    •  lovesoo
                                                      lovesoo five

                                                      Brother Bird, after I fill in the code of Google Adsense in the advertising management set up in the background of the theme, why can't the ads be displayed?

                                                        •  Little fart
                                                          Little fart six

                                                          @ lovesoo Is your new application code? It will take about ten minutes, or you can change your browser! Some browsers will automatically block!

                                                        •  iMagic
                                                          iMagic three

                                                          Brother Bird, after I upgrade to 3.0.2, the fixed connection of the page I added changes to? Page_id=xxx... Change the fixed link in the settings to the default, and the page fixed link can be customized~~~This is a feature of 3.0.2? Or did I make a mistake?

                                                            •  iMagic
                                                              iMagic three

                                                              @ iMagic I know rewrite.php. I added one more!

                                                                •  water6000
                                                                  water6000 four

                                                                  @ iMagic How does your rewrite.php write it? Can you give me a copy! thank you very much!

                                                                    •  iMagic
                                                                      iMagic three

                                                                      @ water6000 Well, I haven't modified rewrite.php. Because I am a WIN host, I saw a tutorial on how to solve the 404 error in the Chinese label of the WIN host on the Internet. Add one somewhere according to its method! It can be solved later, but this method does not work.. So my rewrite.php is the original.. I sent the tutorial to you~~

                                                                        •  Little fart
                                                                          Little fart six

                                                                          @ iMagic Similarly, the Windows host was upgraded to 3.02, and there was no error! For 404 error, you can take a look at this

                                                                            •  iMagic
                                                                              iMagic three

                                                                              @ Little fart Thank you, but I have solved the problem

                                                                    •  Shanren Network
                                                                      Shanren Network two

                                                                      I love you so much

                                                                      •  Dots
                                                                        Dots five

                                                                        Can you add a water wall on the message board and copy a file without a side water wall to load the message board?

                                                                          •  Robin

                                                                            @ Dots Well, it's finished. Look at my message board

                                                                              •  Dots
                                                                                Dots five

                                                                                @ Robin Can you add comments to the default template!
                                                                                A non reply message item has been added to the message template!

                                                                                •  Dots
                                                                                  Dots five

                                                                                  @ Robin
                                                                                  I modified it too carelessly! Loading will not be modified!

                                                                              •  aunsen
                                                                                aunsen five

                                                                                Brother Bird's serious, responsible and rigorous attitude makes people have to admire! Brother Dingniao!

                                                                                •  wmtimes
                                                                                  wmtimes seven

                                                                                  If only remote pictures could be automatically cropped.

                                                                                  •  Pseudo robin
                                                                                    Pseudo robin zero

                                                                                    When will it be released? Boss, it's urgent to buy a space to build a website

                                                                                    •  xqiushi
                                                                                      xqiushi five

                                                                                      Queue up

                                                                                      •  Mood
                                                                                        Mood two

                                                                                        Could you send me a copy first? It's very necessary,

                                                                                        •  Little fart
                                                                                          Little fart six

                                                                                          Ha ha, Brother Bird's logo has been replaced with official script!

                                                                                          •  Mr. Bean
                                                                                            Mr. Bean six

                                                                                            Could you please see why there are typographical errors here?

                                                                                              •  Little fart
                                                                                                Little fart six

                                                                                                @ Mr. Bean Do you mean that the paragraph is empty or there will be extra spaces? Or some more blank lines?
                                                                                                You can try the difference between enter and shift+enter!

                                                                                              •  Yiwei marketing seo
                                                                                                Yiwei marketing seo five

                                                                                                Brother Bird is really powerful. These days, he keeps updating. I don't know which version to use. I support you very much. I'm still using the 2.23 version.

                                                                                                •  Yiwei marketing seo
                                                                                                  Yiwei marketing seo five

                                                                                         ”, Brother Bird, this is the corresponding link of your article. How does your article link end in. html?, My answer is "/index. php/archives/242". How can I set it?

                                                                                                    •  Dots
                                                                                                      Dots five

                                                                                                      @ Yiwei marketing seo Background - fixed link - custom archives/article name.html

                                                                                                        •  Dots
                                                                                                          Dots five

                                                                                                          @ Dots /archives/%postname%.html

                                                                                                            •  water6000
                                                                                                              water6000 four

                                                                                                              @ Dots Prompt that the file cannot be found. Do you want to write the rewrite file!

                                                                                                                •  Little fart
                                                                                                                  Little fart six

                                                                                                                  @ water6000 What host is your server? If it is a Windows host, it will use 404 to forward. Now try not to change the fixed link, which is troublesome! Attachment 404 Use of Error Codes

                                                                                                                  •  Dots
                                                                                                                    Dots five

                                                                                                                    @ water6000 WIN host plus/index. php/archives/% postname%. html
                                                                                                                    That's it!

                                                                                                                      •  Little fart
                                                                                                                        Little fart six

                                                                                                                        @ Dots Hee hee, I'm talking about removing index.php. It's the same format as Brother Bird's. In fact, it's good to see here!

                                                                                                                •  Yiwei marketing seo
                                                                                                                  Yiwei marketing seo zero

                                                                                                                  @ Yiwei marketing seo Thank you for your warm answer!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll try first, and ask if I don't understand

                                                                                                                •  hxxkj
                                                                                                                  hxxkj zero

                                                                                                                  Well, I want to use a framework to implement such a function.
                                                                                                                  For example, I have a website whose homepage address is
                                                                                                                  I now make a framework file named default.asp, and the default.asp content uses a framework
                                                                                                                  Now the result is that I open the website You can see home.asp. On this basis, no matter which other column I click, the web page will open in this frame.
                                                                                                                  The function I want to achieve now is: I enter the URL in the address bar: After entering, this page will automatically jump to open in default.asp.
                                                                                                                  Or, I can enter the web address Similarly, this page will automatically jump to default. asp to open, which is the same as my settings in default. asp.

                                                                                                                    •  Robin

                                                                                                                      @ hxxkj asp, Dizzy, I don't know whether you are talking about WP theme or other website program development

                                                                                                                    •  Looking forward to the new version
                                                                                                                      Looking forward to the new version zero

                                                                                                                      Look forward to the new version, or release the old version for everyone to use first, and it is not too late to upgrade after the new version comes out

                                                                                                                      Thank you

                                                                                                                      •  And24
                                                                                                                        And24 one

                                                                                                                        Brother Bird, when will the latest version be released

                                                                                                                        •  Hu Shezhong
                                                                                                                          Hu Shezhong six

                                                                                                                          Waiting for the new version of Brother Bird

                                                                                                                          •  Badou Document Network
                                                                                                                            Badou Document Network zero

                                                                                                                            The themes you developed are great and I really like them!

                                                                                                                            •  poco
                                                                                                                              poco two

                                                                                                                              Do you know whether this image template supports paging functions?

                                                                                                                              •  → → → → Wait for a new version → → → →
                                                                                                                                → → → → Wait for a new version → → → → zero

                                                                                                                                Brother Bird, when will the new version be released?

                                                                                                                                •  Dots
                                                                                                                                  Dots five

                                                                                                                                  In fact, it has been posted, which is on the page 2.31! Faint you!

                                                                                                                                  •  Be ambitious and brave
                                                                                                                                    Be ambitious and brave four

                                                                                                                                    Support Brother Bird, expecting

                                                                                                                                    •  Dots
                                                                                                                                      Dots five

                                                                                                                                      Download link error......

                                                                                                                                      •  drift
                                                                                                                                        drift zero

                                                                                                                                        I like the theme of Brother Bird! Ask a question. I think the "reply" on the message board is too eye-catching, and my eyes will be attracted by the intricate blue buttons. How can I keep the reply hierarchy aligned with the "Reply" button?

                                                                                                                                        •  night
                                                                                                                                          night two

                                                                                                                                          I really like this theme, but now I find that I have to stop updating 3.1. I don't need to faint. I wonder if 3.1 will provide a similar theme when it is over 10? If yes, I'm ready to wait for the theme to change, because it seems that the theme can't be changed too much and wait for a reply

                                                                                                                                            •  Robin

                                                                                                                                              @ night It is estimated that 3.1 will be issued next month, and the theme will not be followed up immediately, because it is very complicated to make a theme control panel, and this theme can hardly be used without background control

                                                                                                                                            •  SatSun
                                                                                                                                              SatSun three

                                                                                                                                              Alas.. I always make mistakes with this. Is it a bad Win host supported by some php functions of the server

                                                                                                                                              •  ugg boots discount
                                                                                                                                                ugg boots discount zero

                                                                                                                                                Eh? I didn't see it..

                                                                                                                                                •  Little fart
                                                                                                                                                  Little fart six

                                                                                                                                                  Is Brother Bird ready to develop towards cms? The homepage template has changed to this style of article list! But just in time, wp is also developing towards this step, hee hee

                                                                                                                                                  •  Drunken Eight Worms Muscle and Bone Stick
                                                                                                                                                    Drunken Eight Worms Muscle and Bone Stick zero

                                                                                                                                                    Is there a message board function



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