Google Translation Exits from Mainland China

Web text information Source: baidu four four hundred and twenty-one Reading mode

Recently, many users reported that Google Translate could not be used normally in China. Later, a spokesperson of Google replied to foreign media via email, acknowledging that Google Translate has stopped providing in mainland China. It is reported that the utilization rate is too low.

 Google Translation Exits from Mainland China

Google's website, which should have provided translation functions, has been replaced by Google's search page, as shown in the following figure. This practice is consistent with the withdrawal of Google search, Google Maps and other functions from mainland China.

As early as 2010, Google, the technology giant, has withdrawn from the Chinese market, and only retains Google Translation and Google Maps. But in February 2020, Google Maps stopped its service in mainland China. Now, the last service is also suspended in China. Google Translate is the most frequently used translation tool by many cross-border e-commerce sellers. It is reported that Google Translate is a free service that supports translation in 133 languages. This translation tool uses statistical machine translation, which will conduct a large number of searches and speculations in the manually translated documents during the translation process, so as to obtain the most appropriate translation results, which is popular with many users.

Surprisingly, the reason why Google Translate withdrew from the mainland of China was that "the utilization rate was too low".

However, some netizens said:

Always use Google translation, too suddenly;

To be honest, I use Google Translate most;

Google is the best and most convenient website translation I use;

I also use it every day, but the usage rate is low;

Cry, my Google Translator, Wuwuwuwuwuwu;

So what should we do? The browser Google translation software can only work with a VPN. It is too difficult to get research monks by reading English literature all day long.

Some netizens said that "the translation of WeChat and Baidu is not inferior to that of Google", while Google Translation is in a competitive disadvantage in mainland China due to various constraints, so it is difficult to improve its utilization rate.

For some users who have used Google Translate for a long time, the withdrawal of Google Translate is bound to leave many unaccustomed phenomena. Some users have found alternatives and said they can try to use Deepl instead.

In addition, many people worry that after Google Translate withdraws from the mainland of China, the domestic translation software will start charging, saying that "the day is not far away from charging for domestic translation software".

In short, Google Translate's withdrawal from the mainland of China has certainly had an impact on many sellers who are accustomed to using this tool to varying degrees.

Compared with those translation tools in China DeepL Translation Relatively better

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Comments four    Visitors four
    •  Beijing monitoring installation
      Beijing monitoring installation three

      Google is still unconvinced

      •  Hello
        Hello zero

        Is that the reason for acclimatization? If the whole people can withdraw without restrictions, it may not be Google

        •  i'msong
          i'msong four

          Because they provided long-term free services, they delayed others to earn money.



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