Station B BV number link to av number

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Previously, the Smartideo plug-in was used to reprint the video of Station B, which only needed to copy and paste the video address into the article. Station B is the only video site that has no advertising at present. However, recently, the ID number of the video link suffix of Station B changed from av to BV, and the function of the plug-in failed.

Some users have reported to the plug-in author that the author did not respond. Try to modify the plug-in first and find this code:

 '#https?:// www\.bilibili\.com/video/av(?: (?<video_id1>\d+)/(?:index_|\#page=)(?<video_id2>\d+)|(?<video_id>\d+))#i',

The av is changed to BV, and the ID of BV is changed from pure number of the original av to number+large and small letters. The original code can no longer obtain the ID number. Add regular [a-z0-9_= -]+to obtain the ID number.

 '#https?:// www\.bilibili\.com/video/BV(?: (?<video_id1>[a-z0-9_=\-]+)/(?:index_|\#page=)(?<video_id2>[a-z0-9_=\-]+)|(?<video_id>[a-z0-9_=\-]+))#i',

The result was very disappointing. The player window was displayed and the ID was obtained, but the video could not be loaded If you have time to study it again, or some expert can help you solve it, but even if the modification is successful, the av link originally added to the article may also fail.

Here is a simple way to get the original av link:

Open the video link of station B: for example

Viewing the source code and searching the av will find the following in the meta tag:

<meta data-vue-meta="true" itemprop="url" content=" ">

The following link is the original av link, which can be added to the article.

Someone on the Internet has developed a conversion tool, which can also be found, but it is most convenient to view the source code directly on the computer.

Related articles: Let Smartideo, the video playback plug-in of WordPress, support the BV number of station B



 Station B BV number link to av number

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments eight    Visitors seven    Author one
    •  MaxhyTV
      MaxhyTV one

      After changing the bv number, many previous methods for downloading station b video failed, which made it a bit uncomfortable

      •  Advocate Sprouting
        Advocate Sprouting three

        As long as you get the string BV1EW411g7ES, and then encapsulate the iframe video URL, you do not need the aid parameter. You can directly set the value of the bvid parameter to BV1EW411g7ES to obtain and play normally:
        // bvid=BV1EW411g7ES&cid=&page=1

        In other words, there is no need to try to get the av

          •  Advocate Sprouting
            Advocate Sprouting three

            @ Advocate Sprouting If the old website is filled in: , you can continue to use the previous regular, and then judge that if the URL contains BV, you can use a new method to obtain the BV number, so that the modification can be compatible with the previously added URL.
            Current test, previous old URL It can still be accessed normally

            •  Robin

              @ Advocate Sprouting Well, just change the aid to bvid in iframe

            •  Sewing machine
              Sewing machine one

              Am I the only one who came in because of the word av

              •  ethylenediamine
                ethylenediamine one

                Oil Monkey has an expansion that is very useful

                •  Meet Taierzhuang
                  Meet Taierzhuang five

                  Why do video websites like to change these things casually... What about the video they shared :???:  :shock:



                Anonymous netizens
                 :?:  :razz:  :sad:  :evil:  :!:  :smile:  :oops:  :grin:  :eek:  :shock:  :???:  :cool:  :lol:  :mad:  :twisted:  :roll:  :wink:  :idea:  :arrow:  :neutral:  :cry:  :mrgreen:

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