Large company websites based on WordPress

WordPress four seven hundred and thirty-two Reading mode

There are still some people who think that WordPress is only suitable for blogs or small and medium-sized enterprises. In fact, many large company websites with high foreign visitors also use WordPress, such as the following.


The  official James Bond website The total number of visits per month exceeds 148.5K

 WordPress based websites of large companies - Picture 1

Angry Birds

The  Angry Birds website It is also known as Angry Birds, which is about 393.4K Access Quantity.

 WordPress based websites of large companies - Picture 2


Capgemini It is the first multinational technology consulting service company in France. Headquartered in Paris, it has nearly 270000 employees in nearly 50 countries. Their WordPress website 3.8 million visits per month


Essence It is a monthly magazine of fashion, beauty, culture and entertainment for African American women, More than 3.7 million views per month Times.


FanSided It is one of the fastest growing sports, entertainment and lifestyle websites on the Internet More than 6 million visits per month Times.

Microsoft Blog

The  Microsoft blog Microsoft blog, about every month 681.8K access Quantity.

 WordPress based websites of large companies - Picture 3

Microsoft News

Microsoft News website Microsoft News About 1.7 million visits per month

 WordPress based websites of large companies - Picture 4

News Corp Australia

News Corporation of Australia is one of the largest media groups in Australia. Its website 1.1 million visits per month Times.

National Review

The National Review is an American conservative editorial magazine, focusing on news and commentary on political, social and cultural issues. Its website has about 6.2 million visits per month

New York Post

The  New York Post Is is the oldest newspaper in the United States, The number of monthly visits reached 145.6 million.

Obama Foundation

Obama Foundation , contact and authorize people to change the world, about 318.4K Access Quantity.


Observer It is a network source of news and data about world trends, 1.6 million visits per month.


Reason It is a leading liberal magazine and video website, covering news, politics, culture, etc., and providing reports and analysis. It has a total of 3.2 million visits.

Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones website The Rolling Stones website has 23.4 million visits per month.

Science News

Science News , is a website for science and technology news and information, The number of monthly visits is 1.4 million.

Sony Music

Sony Music's website 187.9K visits per month

Spotify Newsroom

Spotify’s news website About 862.6K visits per month Quantity.

Tech Crunch

Tech Crunch website monthly About 11.9 million visits were made.

TED Blog

The TED Blog website has about 270.1K access Quantity.

Texas Monthly

Texas Monthly 1.6 million visits per month.

The American Scholar

The American Scholar 161.2K visits per month Quantity.

The New York Review of Books

The New York Review of Books website 583K visits.

The White House

White House website A total of 7.1 million visits per month.

The WholeDog Journal

This magazine for pet owners All Dog Magazine 465.8K views per month.

US Weekly

American Weekly's celebrity magazine has 27.3 million monthly visits.

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five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
five hundred and ninety-eight million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and six
Comments four    Visitors four
    •  maqingxi
      maqingxi five

      These big websites are Powered by WordPress VIP

      •  Four Five Design Network
        Four Five Design Network two

        It's really awesome

        •  Google Optimization
          Google Optimization two

          It seems that it is applicable to both large and small enterprises

          •  Star Cinema
            Star Cinema two

            It seems that there are a lot of enterprises using WordPress as their websites abroad, especially some official websites of consumer goods. Many of them are made with wp



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