A few days after upgrading Typecho1.2, I found that the background comment email notification did not work, and I could not find the problem by testing the debug sending records of different comment reply notification plug-ins back and forth. (My unprofessional blind guess is that the new version of Typecho does not connect well with the old version of the wheel hook after the reconstruction, and that some language definitions are different after the upgrade of the new version of PHP 7.2, while the original plug-in code does not add definition support compatible with the new version of PHP 7.2. It should be like this 🤔)

My method for invalid plug-ins is simple and crude. I can directly change new plug-ins. After all, I can change the notification template.

Today, I came back from work and found a plug-in for a long time. This is a new comment reminder plug-in developed by @ Zeze President for the new version 1.2.

Watch out Typecho1.2.0 and above required !!!

Plug in address: CommentNotifier

Plug in Installation Tutorial

After downloading, unzip the compressed package to the/usr/plugins directory
Change the folder name to CommentNotifier
Log in to the management background and activate the plug-in
Configure plug-ins to fill in SMTP parameters
To upgrade an old version of a plug-in, you need to disable the deletion of old version files, and then transfer them to the new version!

Software architecture

Typecho version is 1.2.0 and above
php: >=7.2.0
If you enable the SMTP encryption mode, PHP needs to open the openssl extension
Mail service is based on PHPMailer

In addition, plug-ins have been entered and put on the shelf TE plug-in warehouse Yes, you can directly install and use it by searching the plug-in repository directly.


I use QQ email SMTP. You can just copy the original SMTP server address and login name you set. As for other email push methods, I won't do it. Let's stick to the sauce



  1. That's great, boss

    1. I have nothing to do but write. The plug-ins are all ready to carry 😬

  2. After testing and upgrading 1.2, the email prompt is invalid. Collect it decisively, thanks!

    1. Hahaha, didn't you say to upgrade 1.2 slowly? I didn't expect to upgrade so soon 😄

      1. Yesterday I took a free space test upgrade and found many problems Old article reviews also have bugs; But we can be sure that the comment prompt is really gone.

        1. I haven't seen any bugs in the old article reviews. It may be that the topics you use are compatible.

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