Uploaded on: August 20, 2015 14:54:22 come from: electrical engineering / Building electrical / Cultural architecture
4 points

This project is located in Hunan Province, and the project is Anhua Grand Theater. The project has 4 floors on the ground, with a total construction area of 9483.05 square meters; The total height of the building is 21 meters. The project belongs to Class II public building project, and the fire resistance rating of the building is Grade I.

 [Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 1

[Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 1

 [Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 2

[Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 2

 [Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 3

[Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 3

 [Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 4

[Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 4

 [Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 5

[Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 5

 [Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 6

[Hunan] 30 electrical construction drawings of a grand theater (Class A design institute) - Figure 6

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    cai1234502 LV2

    Very comprehensive, high version.

    2016-02-25 16:49:47
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