Uploaded on: 2018-07-23 21:17:30 come from: HVAC / central air-conditioning / Other air conditioning engineering design drawings
4 points

This project is the central air-conditioning project of sauna bath center. The total building area is about 2000 square meters, and its use functions are sauna, bath, etc. The calculated cooling capacity of the project is about 180kw. From the perspective of applicability and economy, three York air source heat pump units (YHAC60H, cooling capacity of 60KW, heating capacity of 65KW) are used as the cold source of air conditioning. The chiller provides 7 ℃/12 ℃ cold water in summer and 40 ℃/45 ℃ hot water in winter for end equipment. Some areas of the basement use fan coil units plus fresh air systems, where fresh air units provide fresh air, and end fan coil units are used for refrigeration and heating. In other areas, fresh air is supplied by forced draft fan and exhaust fan is used for exhaust system. The fan coil unit plus fresh air system is used on the first and second floors above the ground.

 Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 1

Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 1

 Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 2

Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 2

 Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 3

Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 3

 Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 4

Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 4

 Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 5

Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 5

 Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 6

Central air conditioning construction drawing of a bath center - Figure 6

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