1. The whole site of the project has an elevation difference of 45m. According to the geological survey data, the groundwater level is high, and the requirements for the dewatering depth of the basement of the main building are high. 2. The basement of the main building is a deep foundation pit operation, and the embedded depth of the bottom plate is about 10 meters, so the safety measures for foundation pit support are very important. 3. The basement baseplate of the main building is 1.8m thick. The strength grade of raft concrete is C30 waterproof concrete, the impermeability grade is S10, and the underground waterproof grade is Grade I. The waterproof requirements are high. Corresponding technical measures must be taken for mass concrete construction to control temperature cracks. 4. The column and seismic wall concrete are C45 and C40 respectively, which are high-strength concrete. Since there is only fine sand in Nankang, it is difficult to ensure the quality of high-strength concrete. 5. There is a post cast strip between the main building and the podium building of the project, which covers a large area; The two sides of the main building plane are curved, and the floor elevation is three-dimensional curve; The strength of beam, column and slab concrete changes greatly, and the size of cross section also changes greatly; High requirements for finishing materials and large variety changes bring certain difficulties to the construction.

 38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 1

38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 1

 38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 2

38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 2

 38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 3

38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 3

 38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 4

38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 4

 38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 5

38268m2 frame shear wall structure residential construction organization design - Figure 5

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