The high-pressure jet grouting method is to use the drill to drill the grouting pipe with nozzle into the predetermined position of the soil layer, and then use the high-pressure equipment to make the slurry or water, (air) become 20~40MPa high-pressure jet from the nozzle, punching, disturbing, and destroying the soil. At the same time, the drill pipe is gradually lifted at a certain speed, and the slurry and soil particles are forced to mix. After the slurry is solidified, A cylindrical consolidation body (i.e. rotary jet grouting pile) is formed in the soil to strengthen the foundation or stop water and seepage.

 High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 1

High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 1

 High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 2

High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 2

 High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 3

High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 3

 High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 4

High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 4

 High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 5

High pressure rotary jet grouting pile construction organization design scheme - Figure 5

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