According to the observation of the tunnel face on the construction site and the geological sketch of the longitudinal and transverse sections, the surrounding rock in front is judged by the trend, dip angle, tendency of the rock stratum, the development degree of the joint gap, the thickness of the rock stratum and its change trend and other factors; The advanced horizontal geological drilling is used to drill 15~30m in the direction of the working face to verify the development range, groundwater volume, water pressure and other geological parameters of the unfavorable geological body.

 Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 1

Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 1

 Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 2

Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 2

 Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 3

Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 3

 Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 4

Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 4

 Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 5

Organization Design Scheme of Leijiahe Tunnel in Northern Shaanxi - Figure 5

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