Uploaded on: August 13, 2020 11:30:16 come from: Road and bridge municipal administration / Road and bridge works / traffic engineering
3 points

The static groundwater level elevation of the project is 42.98~45.00m (2.95~3.70m deep), and its groundwater belongs to perched water. The highest groundwater level in the history of the region is close to the natural ground. The highest groundwater level elevation in recent 3-5 years is about 40.80~38.20m (decreasing from west to east). Underground soil: the subgrade soil layer of this section is, and the surface layer is manually filled soil layer, including house slag soil, poorly graded gravel fill, pebble mixed soil fill, gravel fill with fine grained soil, pebble soil fill, poorly graded sand fill, low liquid limit clay, low liquid limit silt, and high liquid limit clay. The manually filled soil layer contains brick, gravel, and brick ash. The thickness of the artificially filled soil layer varies greatly, and the thickness of most sections is 1.3~4.1m. Below the artificially filled soil layer is the Quaternary alluvial proluvial layer.

 The municipal organization design scheme of a road project and comprehensive pipeline section in Beijing - Figure 1

The municipal organization design scheme of a road project and comprehensive pipeline section in Beijing - Figure 1

 Municipal Organization Design Scheme of a Road Project and Comprehensive Pipeline Bid Section in Beijing - Figure 2

Municipal Organization Design Scheme of a Road Project and Comprehensive Pipeline Bid Section in Beijing - Figure 2

 The municipal organization design scheme of a road project and comprehensive pipeline section in Beijing - Figure 3

The municipal organization design scheme of a road project and comprehensive pipeline section in Beijing - Figure 3

 Municipal Organization Design Scheme of a Road Project and Comprehensive Pipeline Bid Section in Beijing - Figure 4

Municipal Organization Design Scheme of a Road Project and Comprehensive Pipeline Bid Section in Beijing - Figure 4

 The municipal organization design scheme of a road project and comprehensive pipeline section in Beijing - Figure 5

The municipal organization design scheme of a road project and comprehensive pipeline section in Beijing - Figure 5

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  • A road engineering organization in Beijing design scheme
    The excavated stratum of the project is mainly miscellaneous fill, mucky clay and mucky silty clay, which is characterized by low strength, high compressibility and poor engineering properties. The project site is long and narrow, and there is no vehicle access on the north and south sides. The west side of the construction section is the only material import and export, which restricts the interpenetration of various processes. It is difficult to stack materials and process materials on site.
  • Construction Organization Design of a Bid Section of Huaiyang Road Project in Beijing
    This project is the first bid section of Huaiyang Road Project, with the starting and ending stake numbers of K0+030 ~ K1+901; It is located between the central urban area of Huairou New Town and Yangsong Group, starting from Jingmi Road in the west and ending at Fengxiang Street, with a total length of 3115.32 meters. Huaiyang Road is planned as an urban trunk road with a red line width of 50 meters. The construction and implementation of Huaiyang Road is required to implement the overall planning of the new town, improve the main skeleton of the new town road network, and drive the economic development of the areas along the line. The construction and implementation of this project will play an important role in improving the main road network of the new city and promoting the development and construction of the Yangsong Film Television Cultural Base. This project is the first bid section of Huaiyang Road Project, with the starting and ending stake numbers of K0+030 ~ K1+901, including the construction projects of roads (including the removal of old road structures and the construction of new roads), rainwater pipeline works, sewage pipeline works, rainwater ditches, and two bridges, namely Xiaoquanhe Bridge and Xiaoquanhe East Branch Bridge.
  • Professional drawing of a road project in Shenzhen

    Complete set of drawings for urban roads, including design description, catalog, general layout, plan, profile, cross section, soft foundation treatment, pavement structure, slope protection, retaining wall, etc.

  • Comprehensive pipeline planning of Zhujiang Road Road Project
    • Design description: None
    • Function: traffic road
    • Design content: water supply system, sewage drainage system, wastewater drainage system, rainwater drainage system
    • Design phase: construction drawing design
    • Number of drawings: less than 10

    Content introduction: 4 cross sections and regional maps of the planned pipeline of Zhujiang Road

  • Construction Scheme for Pier Column and Tower Column Formwork of South Ring Bridge of a Road and Bridge Project in Changping District, Beijing

    2 Project overview xx Bridge of xx Road Bridge Project in Changping District, Beijing is located in the east of Changping City, starting from the intersection of xx East Road and Longshui Road in the west, extending eastward to the intersection of Changbai Road and Nanfeng Road after crossing Dongsha River, and taking the intersection of the planned river course center line of Dongsha River and the center line of xx Road as the midpoint of the whole bridge and the main bridge. The bridge starts at stake No. 0+401.539 and ends at stake No. 1+151.539, with a total length of 750m, of which the main bridge is 316m long, the span composition is 70.5m+175m+70.5m, the bridge width is 43m, and the road boundary line is 60m wide.  

  • Supervision Outline of a Municipal Road Project in Beijing
    2.1 Project overview * * is located in * * District, Beijing. In order to restore the ancient capital around * *, the * * section was repaired** Duan starts from Di'anmenwai Street in the west and ends at * * Yanda Street in the east. The restoration of this project focuses on the restoration of the * * section (* *) river channel and the improvement of the environment, so that the area can reproduce the style of Beijing's historic and cultural city, and achieve the harmony and unity of history and modern times** The starting point is connected with the * * Haiqian Sea, which is divided into the south and north areas by the Di'anmen East Street. The north area retreats into the Sihai sewer of Ping'an Street, and the south area retreats into the sewer of * * along the street. The restored * * can be used as the outlet for the retreat of * * Haiwaiti Airport. While restoring the traditional urban style, it can reduce the pressure on flood control and drainage in the Six Seas area, ensure the safety of flood control in the urban center, and improve the local ecological environment. 2.1.1 The river course of this restoration project starts from Di'anmenwai Street in the west, passes through * * East Street in the southeast, and then reaches * * East Street in the east, with a total length of 1061 meters. The opening on the river course is 12 meters wide. A rubber dam is set in the front of the river course, and a butterfly valve and a drop well are set at the end of the south and north areas respectively. 2.1.2 Build a new river circulation and water purification system, and simultaneously implement the river landscape and greening and lighting works on both sides. 2.1.3 Hydrology * * Located in the urban area of Beijing, it has a temperate continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. The northwest wind prevails in winter, and the weather is cold and dry with little rain and snow. The southeast wind prevails in summer, and the weather is hot and rainy. The annual extreme maximum temperature is 39.7 ℃, the coldest in January and the hottest in July. According to the data statistics from 1956 to 2000, the average annual rainfall in the urban area is 602.5mm. The interannual variation of precipitation is large, with the maximum annual precipitation of 1261.8 mm (1959) and the minimum annual precipitation of 289.8 mm (1999). Rainfall is distributed unevenly in the year, mainly in the flood season (June to September), of which the precipitation in July and August accounts for 64% of the whole year. Due to the low rainfall and dry air, the humidity in the basin is low and the evaporation capacity is large. The annual average relative humidity is 58%, and the annual average water surface evaporation is about 1200 mm. 2.1.4 The engineering geological conditions are restored. The overall terrain on both sides of the river site is flat, and the general ground elevation is 45.01-47.50 m. The surface layer is an artificial fill layer with a general thickness of 3.5~4.9 m and a local thickness of more than 8.0 m, including clayey silt, silty clay fill, house slag soil, coal ash fill, crushed stone fill, etc. The artificially filled soil layer contains bricks, tiles, lime slag, etc. The newly deposited layer is below the artificial fill layer, and the layer top elevation is 41.45-43.00m below is grayish black~gray. The soft plastic medium dense layer contains organic clay, heavy silty clay and silty fine sand, and the maximum thickness of this layer is 4.0m. The Quaternary sedimentary layer is below the recent sedimentary layer. The top elevation of the layer is 38.90~40.70m below the brown yellow~brown yellow, medium dense silty clay, sandy silt and clayey silt. The maximum thickness of this layer is 4.2m. According to historical data, the highest groundwater level in 1659 is close to the natural ground, and the highest groundwater level elevation in recent 3-5 years is about 43.00~44.50 (including perched water). Groundwater is not corrosive to concrete structures, but it is weakly corrosive to reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures under alternate dry and wet conditions.
  • Organization design and construction scheme for reconstruction of a road project in Beijing
    The strength test of the pipeline in this project is carried out before the corrosion prevention of the fixed port. The compressed air is used as the medium for the strength test, and the spring pressure gauge with an accuracy of not less than 0.4 is used for observation during the test.
  • Construction organization for reconstruction of a road project in Beijing design scheme
    The pipe jacking construction of this project is strictly controlled to excavate the soil within the 20cm pipe range, and it is not allowed to excavate the soil in advance. In case of any deviation, the site chief engineer shall negotiate with the relevant personnel to study and adopt the correction method, and the rest shall not move without permission. Every 10cm of excavation is a jacking.
  • Beijing Municipal Road Engineering Supervision Safety Planning
    This material is the safety planning of Beijing municipal road engineering supervision. It is very valuable for reference and is hereby shared for everyone to learn. The content is detailed and can be downloaded for reference.
  • Construction scheme of an outdoor pipeline in Beijing
    This project is a full-scale road acceleration loading test loop construction project. The site is located in the road traffic test site of the Ministry of Transport in Majuqiao Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing (formerly Dadushu Township), 28km away from the city center. The test site is adjacent to the heavy cargo transportation road in the north, the Fenggang Jianhe River in the south, and 8 kilometers away from the Majuqiao entrance of Beijing Tianjin Tanggu Expressway in the northwest. The project includes 7 # distribution substation, waiting building, switching station, maintenance workshop, (1 #, 2 #, 3 #) maintenance shed, fire pump room, comprehensive laboratory building and supporting municipal infrastructure works.
  • Construction organization of a road reconstruction in Beijing
    Tiancun Road is located in the west of Haidian District, Beijing, to the north of Fushi Road, and its route is east and west. It starts from Xihuangcun Bridge on West Fifth Ring Road in the west and ends at Dinghui North Bridge on West Fourth Ring Road in the east. The planned length of the road is about 5.5 kilometers. The red line of Tiancun Road is 40m wide and is planned as a secondary trunk road in the city. Tiancun Road connects with Pingguoyuan South Road in the west and Enjizhuang Road in the east. It is an important traffic channel connecting Haidian District and Shijingshan District. At the same time, in order to improve the traffic situation in this area, divert the traffic pressure of some Fushi Road, ease the traffic tension of surrounding roads, meet the traffic demand caused by the development of residential areas along the line, and cooperate with the laying of municipal pipelines
  • Construction Organization Design of a Bid Section of Beijing Huaiyang Road Project (word format)
    First of all, I would like to thank the owner for his full trust in our company and for giving us the opportunity to participate in the bidding of "Bid Section I of XXX Road Project"! We are fully aware of the particularity and importance of this project. Our company attaches great importance to this project, and we will cherish this rare opportunity!
  • Supervision planning of a railway project in Beijing
    According to the scope of authorization and work requirements of the Employer to the Supervisor, and according to the project contract signed between the Employer and the Contractor, the whole process, all-round and all-weather supervision work shall be carried out during the construction preparation period and construction period of the project, and supervision services shall be provided for the remaining and remedial work of the project implemented by the Contractor during the quality warranty period. Provide various forms of reports related to the project to the construction unit regularly or irregularly according to the management requirements of the construction unit.
  • Beijing Caihuying Bridge Lower Auxiliary Road Overhaul Project Organization design scheme
    The project funds shall be paid in strict accordance with the contract signed by both parties after winning the bid. Since the construction period of this project is relatively short, the largest amount of funds is paid for materials. The main material of this project is asphalt concrete, which is more than 1.2 million yuan. After the construction of road asphalt concrete, the project is basically completed, so it is reasonable to pay the project progress funds after the completion of the main project.
  • Construction Organization Design of Beijing Caihuying Bridge Lower Auxiliary Road Overhaul Project
    This document is the construction organization design for the overhaul project of the Xiafu Road under Caihuying Bridge in Beijing. It is detailed and can be used for reference.
  • Supervision outline of a municipal road project in Beijing _secret
    **It is located in * * District, Beijing. In order to restore the ancient capital around * *, the * * section was repaired** Duan starts from Di'anmenwai Street in the west and ends at * * Yanda Street in the east. The restoration of this project focuses on the restoration of the * * section (* *) river channel and the improvement of the environment, so that the area can reproduce the style of Beijing's historic and cultural city, and achieve the harmony and unity of history and modern times** The starting point is connected with the * * Haiqian Sea, which is divided into the south and north areas by the Di'anmen East Street. The north area retreats into the Sihai sewer of Ping'an Street, and the south area retreats into the sewer of * * along the street. The restored * * can be used as the outlet for the retreat of * * Haiwaiti Airport. While restoring the traditional urban style, it can reduce the pressure on flood control and drainage in the Six Seas area, ensure the safety of flood control in the urban center, and improve the local ecological environment.
  • Comprehensive design and construction drawing of pipeline of a foreign language school in Beijing
    This drawing is the comprehensive design and construction drawing of pipelines of a foreign language school in Beijing. The drawing includes. Road layout, pipeline comprehensive drawing, general drawing and road detail drawing.
  • Construction Organization Design of Beijing Caihuying Bridge Lower Auxiliary Road Overhaul Project
    After 16 years of use, the existing road is partially damaged and can no longer meet the use requirements and future traffic development needs. In order to improve the driving quality of the road, improve the smoothness of driving, and play a good use function, the Beijing Municipal Road Administration Bureau has invested in the major repair of the road. The construction drawings are designed by Beijing Municipal Engineering Design Institute Co., Ltd.
  • [Pearl River] Road Engineering Pipeline Comprehensive Planning Drawing Design
    This data is the design of the comprehensive planning map of the pipeline of the [Pearl River] Road Project, including the cross section of the planned pipeline of the Pearl River Road, 4 sheets in total, for reference.
  • Pipeline comprehensive planning drawing of a Zhujiang Road project (4 sheets in total)
    This document is a comprehensive pipeline planning drawing of a Zhujiang Road Road Project (4 sheets in total), including the plan for reference only.
  • Earthwork construction scheme of a road in a district of Beijing
    In order to prevent groundwater and rainwater from soaking the bottom of the tank, a 50cm wide temporary drainage ditch is reserved 30cm away from the side of the foundation pit, and a temporary ponding pit is set at the corner. Each pit is equipped with a pump to pump out the ponding in the pit at any time.
  • Engineering design of heat source and outdoor heating pipeline in a residential area in beijing

    With the adjustment of urban energy supply structure, the reform of heating system, building energy conservation and other market changes, a variety of heating modes have emerged under the premise of centralized heating. Based on the above background, it is possible for people to choose the optimal and most suitable heating mode. The existence of multiple heating modes requires that different factors should be considered when selecting different modes, such as reducing energy waste, improving heating efficiency, reducing environmental pollution and facilitating management. This design requires that the system has a high balance, reduce the system imbalance loss, save fuel, electricity and water consumption, and improve the heating quality. There are many ways to lay pipes. Due to its low cost, fast construction, simple maintenance and increasingly reliable performance, the direct buried laying, which has emerged in recent years, has been widely used in practical projects. Trenchless direct buried laying is adopted in this design.   

  • On site supervision scheme for a sewage reconstruction pipeline in Beijing
    5、 Pipeline corrosion prevention 1. Internal corrosion prevention of steel pipe (1) The rust, oxide scale, welding slag, oil stain and other substances on the inner wall of the pipeline shall be completely removed to ensure the construction quality. (2) Spray coal tar enamel anticorrosive paint, one coat of primer and three coats of finish. 2. External anti-corrosion of steel pipes (1) Mechanical sand blasting shall be carried out on the pipe surface to remove rust, and oil, soil, moisture and other substances shall be cleaned. The quality of paint surface pretreatment shall reach Sa2.5. (2) Apply anti rust primer on the pipe surface. (3) Super strong anti-corrosion structure composed of glass cloth and coal tar enamel. (4) The glass cloth shall be dry, dewaxed, edge sealed, reticulated plain and medium alkali products. 3. The specific anti-corrosion construction methods required above shall strictly follow the product instructions. 6、 Pipe water test 1. The pressure test shall be carried out after the installation of the pipe behind the pump. 2. The drainage pipeline shall be subject to tightness test. 2. Relevant clauses in Code for Construction and Acceptance of Water Supply and Sewerage Pipeline Engineering (GB50268-97) shall be implemented in the water test stage. (7) Steel pipe installation 1. Steel pipe quality shall meet the following requirements: (1) The material, specification, pressure rating and processing quality of pipe joints shall meet the design requirements; (2) The surface of the pipe joint shall be free of defects such as spot, crack and serious rust; (3) Two cracks are allowed on the same pipe joint. When the pipe diameter is greater than or equal to 600mm, the spacing of longitudinal welds shall be greater than 300mm; When the pipe diameter is less than 600mm, the spacing shall be more than 100mm 4. When the pipe joint is used to form the pipe section, the length and hanging distance of the pipe shall be determined according to the pipe diameter, wall thickness, type of external anti-corrosion materials and the pipe laying method. 5. The distance from the bending pad of the bend to the interface shall not be less than the pipe diameter, and shall not be less than 100mm. 6. The welding rod used for pipe joint welding shall meet the following requirements: (1) The chemical composition and mechanical strength of the welding rod shall be the same as that of the base metal and match, taking into account the working conditions and processability. (2) The quality of welding rod shall comply with the current national standards Carbon Steel Welding Rod and Low Alloy Welding Rod; (3) The welding rod shall be dry. 7. When aligning, the inner wall shall be flush. When a 300mm long ruler is used to stick around the inner wall of the interface in sequence, the allowable deviation of staggered joints shall be 0.2 times the wall thickness, and shall not be greater than 2mm. 8. When aligning, the position of longitudinal and circumferential welds shall meet the following requirements: (1) The longitudinal welds shall be placed at about 45 ° of the semicircle on the vertical line of the pipe center 7、 Management of on-site site supervision project 1. The supervisors of each bid section shall reasonably arrange site supervision personnel according to the site supervision project provisions of the site supervision management method; 2. During the construction of process items requiring site supervision, site supervision personnel must be in place. Among them, the Supervisor must be invited to the site when the Class I process and Class II process projects are started, and the Contractor shall not carry out construction without the presence of on-site supervisors. 3. The site personnel shall carefully site and fill in the site record according to the site management requirements. 8、 On site content 1. Check whether the construction project and technology of the contractor conform to the approved construction scheme; 2. Check whether the contractor's on-site responsible person, management personnel and test personnel are in place, and whether the allocation of operators meets the construction requirements About 64000 words
  • Construction organization plan for a road reconstruction in Beijing
    The design starting point of this section is K0+240 ~ K1+150 section of Xihuang Village Bridge, West Fifth Ring Road, where the planned road overlaps with the existing road. The planned main road is located on the existing road, and the planned auxiliary road and brick footpath are located in residential areas and unit plants on both sides of the existing road; The planned road of K1+150 ~ K2+000 section deviates from the existing road and enters the beautiful land agricultural and sideline products market. A closed railway frame bridge is set; The planned main road of K2+000 ~ K2+850 section is located on the existing road, and the planned auxiliary road and brick footpath are located in residential areas and unit plants on both sides of the existing road.
  • Construction organization design of a road reconstruction in Beijing
    According to the characteristics, difficulties and key points of the project, combined with our construction expertise, experience, technology and equipment capacity, the overall planning is carried out according to the system engineering theory. The construction period is planned and controlled by the project management software; The quality is controlled in the whole process according to the ISO9001/2000 quality assurance system; To ensure road traffic safety and construction safety, we should focus on "prevention first and always pay attention to".
  • Detailed Rules for the Supervision and Implementation of a Road Reconstruction Project in Beijing
    This document is the detailed rules for the supervision and implementation of a road reconstruction project in Beijing. This article is of great reference value and is hereby shared for everyone to learn. The contents are detailed and can be downloaded for reference.
  • Detailed construction organization design of a road reconstruction project in Beijing
    The project includes: road works, rainwater, sewage, gas, electricity, telecommunications and other municipal public pipeline works, as well as road works, rainwater, sewage, gas, electricity, telecommunications and other municipal public pipeline works in K1+810 ~ K1+910 and K2+275 ~ K2+325 sections, except for railway overpass box culvert jacking and railway overpass, as well as temporary works necessary for the completion of the project, The whole process until the whole contract section reaches the delivery acceptance standard and the acceptance is completed.
  • Construction Organization of Beijing Caihuying Bridge Lower Auxiliary Road Overhaul Project design scheme
    The asphalt concrete bottom layer of the project is paved by half width construction method, and the surface layer is paved after 11 o'clock at night (the last bus stops), and the traffic is interrupted for 5 hours, but the construction shall be strictly in accordance with the traffic guidance scheme.
  • Construction Organization Design of a Road Reconstruction and Extension Project in Beijing
    Project name: a road reconstruction and expansion project Address: a road construction project Construction unit: a limited liability company in Beijing Design unit: Beijing Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Planned commencement date: July 20,, Planned completion date: July 1
  • Beijing Xiyuan South Road Reconstruction Project and Comprehensive Pipeline Organization Scheme
    It is built to speed up the traffic conditions of one mountain and two parks in the region. It is an important passage to the Summer Palace and one of the important roads connecting the urban traffic. Its main contents include: road works, rainwater and sewage works.
  • Survey construction scheme of a complex building in Beijing
    The six floors above the ground and the two floors below the ground of the project are frame shear wall structure system, with roof eaves of 23.1m high, basement floor elevation of -9.9m and -8.75m, and internal and external non load bearing walls are ceramsite hollow bricks. The owner does not require the main body to conduct settlement observation.
  • Special Construction Document of Deep Trench of Sewage and Power Pipeline Works in a Bid Section of Beijing Municipal Engineering
    2.1.1 The Project is located at the junction of xx District and xx District, south of xx Road. The deep trench in this bid section involves sewage works in xx Street (Jinghai 8th Road~xx Road); Sewage works and power works of xx Street (Jinghai 7th Road to East Drainage Canal Road); Sewage works of xx Road (xx Street~xx Seventh Street). The sewage project of xx Street starts from Jinghai 8th Road in the west and ends at xx Road in the east. The pipeline is arranged in a single line, and the sewage is 7.0m north of the planned Yongzhong. The rainwater project is located 1.5m north of the road planning Yongzhong, and is arranged along the single line of the road. The sewage project of xx Street starts from Jinghai 7th Road in the west and ends at xx Road in the east. The pipeline is arranged in a single line, and the sewage is located 4.0 meters north of the planned Yongzhong. Rainwater works are located in Yongzhong of the road planning and arranged along the single line of the road. The power engineering of xx Street starts from the current power trench at the intersection of xx Street and Jinghai Seventh Road, to the northeast of the intersection of xx Street and xx Road to the east, and the plane position of the pipeline is 11.5 meters north of the planned Yongzhong of xx Street. The rainwater and sewage of xx Road starts from xx Second Street in the south and ends at xx Street in the north. The pipeline is arranged in a single line. The rainwater is located in the planned Yongzhong, and the sewage is located 4.0 meters west of the planned Yongzhong. The road stake number of this project is 2+719.12~2+890 of xx Street, with a total length of 170.88m, 12+300.42~2+630 of xx Street, with a total length of 330m, and 1+850~3+030 of xx Road; The total length is 1284m. The average excavation depth of sewage in xx Street is 6.2m, and the local excavation depth is nearly 7m; The average excavation depth of xx Street sewage works is 6m; The average excavation depth of xx Street power project is 6-7m; The average excavation depth of xx road sewage is 8.5m; Excavate in two steps. 2.1.2 Basic information (1) Project name: bid section xx of municipal works of xx phase in 2010 (2) Construction site: xx Street (Jinghai 8th Road to xx Road), xx Street (Jinghai 7th Road to Paiganqu East Road), xx Road (xx Street to xx 7th Street). (3) Date of commencement and completion: Planned date of commencement: July 12, 2010 Planned date of completion: September 16, 2010 Total duration: 62 calendar days. (4) Construction unit: Infrastructure Office of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Design unit: Beijing Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Survey unit: Sinochem Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd. Supervision unit: Beijing Sifang Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. Construction unit: xx Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd. (5) Structural form: the diameter of sewage pipeline is D = 400~D = 1600, and concrete tongue and groove pipe (Class II) and concrete socket pipe (Class II) are used (see the construction drawing for details). (6) Main quantities: 1. Sewage pipeline of xx Street, main pipe diameter D=800~1600mm, 120 ° concrete foundation, sliding rubber ring interface, length 427m. There are 15 inspection wells in total, including 7 brick inspection wells, 8 cast-in-place reinforced concrete inspection wells. 2. The diameter of the main sewage pipe in xx Street is D=800mm, D=1600mm, 120 ° concrete foundation, sliding rubber ring interface, and the length is 470m. The branch line is a 92m long reinforced concrete spigot and socket pipe with D=400mm. There are 16 inspection wells in the whole line, including 12 brick inspection wells and 2 cast-in-place reinforced concrete inspection wells. 3. The trunk line of xx Street power project is a new 1.2 × 1.9 open cast in situ concrete tunnel, with a length of 383.2m. The branch line is 84m long glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe, and there are 5 manholes in the whole line. 4. The main sewage pipe of xx road has a diameter of D=1600mm, a 120 ° concrete foundation, a sliding rubber ring interface, and a length of 982m. The branch line is D=400mm reinforced concrete spigot and socket pipe, and there are 21 inspection wells in the whole line.
  • Special Scheme for Deep Trench of Sewage Power Pipeline Project in a Bid Section of Beijing Municipal Engineering
    According to the construction period requirements of the project, scientifically organize the construction and reasonably allocate resources, so as to ensure the orderly connection of the construction of various divisional works, make full use of the resources of the project, so as to ensure the realization of the overall construction plan and ensure the total construction period.
  • Supervision Outline of a Pumping Station Project in Beijing
    1.3.1 Intake structure Intake structure includes inlet gate, forebay, intake gate and intake pipe. The section with stake number H0+000 ~ 0+035.0m is the entrance gate. The stake number H0+000 ~ 0+022.5m is the transition section between the entrance gate chamber and the Beijumahe underground channel, with a length of 22.5m. Stake No. 0+022.5 ~ H0+035m is the entrance gate chamber. The entrance gate is a flat bottom plate integral structure, with 4 holes in total, each hole is 4m wide and 12.5m long. The gate chamber is equipped with trash racks and flat steel gates. The upper part of the gate chamber is enclosed by a local two-story frame structure house. The first floor is the gate shed and the cleaning workshop, the second floor is the hoist room, and the gate room is equipped with an electromechanical control room. The forebay section is at stake H0+035 ~ H0+200m, with a total length of 165m, starting point bottom elevation of 56.720m, and ending point bottom elevation of 49.980m. The partition wall in the forebay is divided into two independent grids with the same size. The forebay is divided into diffusion section, straight section and steep slope section. The forebay structure is formed into a box structure by the bottom plate, top plate, middle partition wall and diversion wall, which mainly includes two holes in parallel, one hole in parallel and two holes in a single row. The top plate is provided with a vent pipe and a manhole for maintenance. The total length of the pump station inlet pool is 29m (including 2m end wall), and the stake number is H0+200 ~ 0+229m. The inlet pool of the pump station is composed of 8 independent inlet chambers, each of which is 10.5m wide. The small flow pipes at the east and west sides feed water from the side walls of 1 # and 8 # inlet chambers, respectively. The diameter of the small flow pipes is 3m. The diameter of the inlet pipe is 2.6m, and the elevation of the pipe center is 55.200m. Every two water inlet chambers form a structural unit, and the top of the water inlet chamber is closed. The pump house of forebay is built on the east side of 8 # intake chamber. The water inlet pipe of the pump station adopts a single pipe and single pump type water supply. Eight water inlet pipes are set for eight units, and separate water inlet chambers are set in front of each water inlet pipe. The water inlet pipe of the pump station is DN2600 steel pipe, and the full section is encased in reinforced concrete. The diameter of suction bell is DN3400. 1.3.2 The main power house of the main and auxiliary plant houses is located in the north of the intake pool, 17.25m away from the intake pool, and 30m from the positioning axis. Eight units are arranged in the powerhouse, with two rows staggered. The main power house has a clear span of 28.50m, a clear length of 100.5m, a pump installation elevation of 57.05m, an inlet pipe center elevation of 55.20m, an outlet pipe center elevation of 55.40m, a main power house floor top elevation of 53.30m, a crane rail top elevation of 81.30m, and a roof beam bottom elevation of 85.30m. Uplift piles are set at the bottom of the powerhouse foundation to ensure the stability and safety against floating of the main powerhouse. The underground part of the main powerhouse is the raft bottom plate, the cantilever retaining side wall, the upper structure is the bent structure, and the light steel roof. The auxiliary power house is arranged at the downstream (north) side of the main power house. The axis of the upstream side wall of the auxiliary power house is chained at H0+280.10m, and the axis of the downstream side wall is chained at H0+295.10m. The axis distance is 15m. The auxiliary power house is arranged as 7 floors according to the requirements for the use, installation, management and operation of water turbine and electrical equipment, including 3 floors underground and 4 floors above the ground. The underground part of the auxiliary powerhouse has a total length of 102.50m and a total width of 15.5m, while the above ground part has a total length of 114.5m and a total width basically unchanged. The auxiliary powerhouse is a full cast-in-place frame shear wall structure.
  • Safety supervision planning of a project in Beijing
    This document is a safety supervision plan for a project in Beijing. This document is very valuable for reference and is hereby shared for everyone to learn. The content is detailed and can be downloaded for reference.
  • A single-layer industrial workshop project in Beijing
    A single-layer industrial workshop project in Beijing. Invested by Beijing Construction Engineering Group Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., designed by Beijing Longjian Engineering Design Co., Ltd., supervised by Jingxing Supervision Company, the general contractor is the 18th Project Management Department of Beijing Construction Engineering Group First Construction. The construction was officially started in June 2009, and the estimated construction period is eight months. The project is mainly composed of main building and annex building.
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