Uploaded on: August 12, 2020 21:51:55
3 points

The project has the following characteristics: A. The bridge is an urban bridge, with aesthetic requirements; B The geological conditions are complex, and the local area belongs to karst landform area, with more underground karst and abundant underground water; C、 The prestressed design of this bridge has many types and is relatively complex; D、 The construction procedures of the single column large cantilever pier and the simply supported box girder of the approach bridge cross frequently; E、 The construction procedures of arch rib, beam and suspender of the main bridge also have certain cross operations; F、 The construction process of the half through arch of the main bridge is complex, and there are many concrete pouring in the air, which makes it difficult to measure and test; G、 The arch crown of the main bridge is more than 30 meters from the ground, and there are many aerial operations, which are difficult for safety and quality management; H、 There is a normal road under the main bridge, which has potential traffic safety hazards.

 Organization Scheme of Interchange Project - Figure 1

Organization Scheme of Interchange Project - Figure 1

 Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 2

Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 2

 Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 3

Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 3

 Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 4

Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 4

 Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 5

Organization Plan of Interchange Project - Figure 5

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