Uploaded on: July 23, 2020 19:12:13 come from: Road and bridge municipal administration / Road and bridge construction design / construction plan
3 points

This information is the construction scheme of cast-in-place box girder of expressway interchange ramp bridge. The cast-in-place box girder of this bridge is a prestressed concrete box continuous beam with single box and single room cross section. The first coupling beam is 1.7m high. The cross slope of the bridge deck is formed by the rotation of the top and bottom plates of the box girder. The web is designed vertically. The fourth coupling beam is 2.3m high. The cross slope of the bridge deck is formed by the rotation of the top and bottom plates of the box girder. The web is designed vertically. The thickness of the web is 45-60cm, the thickness of the top plate is 25cm, the thickness of the bottom plate is 22-40cm, the cantilever length of the box girder is 2m, the thickness of the cantilever end is 18cm, and the thickness of the cantilever root is 45cm······ 1、 Project overview II. Preparation basis and principle III, construction deployment IV, process flow chart V, construction scheme VI, construction points, key points and control methods VII, project quality assurance measures VIII, safety production, civilized construction and environmental protection assurance measures IX, construction hazard identification and prevention and control X, support emergency response plan XI, annex (construction drawing) XII Support calculation sheet ······· 55 pages in total

 Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 1

Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 1

 Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 2

Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 2

 Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 3

Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 3

 Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 4

Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 4

 Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 5

Construction Scheme for Cast in situ Box Girder of Expressway Interchange Ramp Bridge (Page 55) - Figure 5

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