Uploaded on: March 22, 2020 09:30:40 come from: Architectural design / Building Design Code / Analysis and research report
5 points

This document is a case study of safety management of construction projects, 34 pages in total. Content introduction: Safe production means that no casualties, major occupational diseases and poisoning will occur in the construction. The safety production management of construction projects refers to the management of safety involved in construction activities, including the industrial management of construction administrative departments on safety issues in construction activities and the enterprise management of the main body engaged in construction activities on the safety production of its own construction activities.

 Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 1

Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 1

 Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 2

Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 2

 Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 3

Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 3

 Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 4

Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 4

 Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 5

Construction project safety management and case analysis - Figure 5

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