Uploaded on: February 29, 2020 19:28:21 come from: Road and bridge municipal administration / Road and bridge construction design / construction technology
5 points

There are 2 single track super large bridges 2489.18m long, 8 major bridges 1989.68m long and 2 medium bridges 133.08m long in this section. There are 12 bridges in total, with a total length of 4.407km, accounting for 20% of the length of this section, and 146 cushion caps.

 Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 1

Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 1

 Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 2

Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 2

 Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 3

Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 3

 Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 4

Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 4

 Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 5

Process test construction of cushion cap of newly-built railway super large bridge - Figure 5

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