Uploaded on: 2020-02-19 21:11:53 come from: HVAC / Building HVAC / Medical buildings
3 points

A project, located in the original Xinda Chemical Plant, is a special-shaped column frame shear wall structure. Building level: eleven floors. The building area is 12394.60 square meters. In order to implement the national guidelines, policies and regulations on safety production, ensure the safety of electricity use on the construction site, prevent electric shock accidents, strictly comply with the current national standards, specifications or regulations, do a good job in on-site construction electricity use, and ensure that the safety of temporary electricity use on the site meets the standard, the construction electricity use scheme is prepared according to JGJ46-88 Technical Specifications for Safety of Temporary Electricity Use on Construction Site issued by the Ministry of Construction.

 Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 1

Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 1

 Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 2

Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 2

 Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 3

Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 3

 Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 4

Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 4

 Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 5

Construction power scheme for cadre ward building of a hospital - Figure 5

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