Uploaded on: December 27, 2019 11:26:06 come from: Road and bridge municipal administration / Road and bridge works / road engineering
5 points

This information refers to the claim for expressway construction and its method, which refers to the request for economic compensation or extension of construction period to the other party for the losses not caused by its own fault during the performance of the contract. To correctly understand the claim, we should pay attention to the following two points: 1) Claim is a legitimate claim, which is to strive for reasonable compensation during the performance of the contract, not to make trouble without reason; 2) Claim is two-way. Both parties of the contract can claim compensation from the other party according to the contract. Based on the FIDIC contract conditions and the actual experience in the construction of expressway, the construction claims under the FIDIC contract conditions are discussed below.

 Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 1

Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 1

 Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 2

Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 2

 Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 3

Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 3

 Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 4

Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 4

 Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 5

Expressway construction claim and its method - Figure 5

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