This project is an outdoor decoration project with a large amount of work. It is surrounded by residential areas and opposite Jiexiu Central Hospital. The rainy season construction period has brought adverse factors to the night construction. Therefore, we need careful organization and scientific management to ensure the completion on schedule.

 Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 1

Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 1

 Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 2

Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 2

 Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 3

Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 3

 Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 4

Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 4

 Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 5

Construction organization design of outdoor curtain wall of a complex building - Figure 5

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