Uploaded on: 2019-12-02 13:37:01
5 points

With the continuous development and improvement of automation construction and transformation of power enterprises, most power grid enterprises have realized the functions of remote measurement, remote signaling, remote control and remote regulation (four remotes) of remote substations. At present, in order to improve labor productivity and increase economic benefits, electric power enterprises have begun to implement the unattended mode for their subordinate units. The image monitoring system is a further supplement and improvement to the above management means, called remote viewing. The establishment of a remote video monitoring system can monitor and monitor the on-site environment, relevant data, environmental parameters and images of each subordinate unit, so that the situation of each subordinate unit can be understood and grasped in real time and directly, and the situation can be responded to in a timely manner. This has been widely supported and applied by the power sector.

 Power multi-level remote monitoring system solution copy - Figure 1

Power multi-level remote monitoring system solution copy - Figure 1

 Power multi-level remote monitoring system solution copy - Figure 2

Power multi-level remote monitoring system solution copy - Figure 2

 Power multi-level remote monitoring system solution copy - Figure 3

Power multi-level remote monitoring system solution copy - Figure 3

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