1、 Project overview (I) Geographical location: xx City is located in the south of Guangdong Province, east of the Pearl River Estuary, close to the South China Sea, and adjacent to Hong Kong. The xx expressway in xx city is the main channel radiating outward from the eastern coastal area of xx, and the terminal point is connected with the highway from Renshan to Baisha Bay in Huizhou. Its construction will improve the high-grade highway network in eastern Guangdong, meet the growing traffic volume in the eastern coastal area and the needs of Yantian Port for port dredging, and promote the development of tourism and economy in the eastern coastal area It is of great significance to consolidate the coastal border defense construction, improve the emergency evacuation capability of nuclear power plant accidents, and meet the transportation needs of CNOOC Shell Petrochemical Project. The proposed Section C of Yanba Expressway is a continuation of Section A and Section B. The starting point of this project is located along the terminal point of Section B (chainage: K17+164), passing through Shangjingxin and Bagang Village, and the lookout point is located at the junction of xx and Huizhou (chainage: K29+100.742). Section C of Yanba Expressway is 11.937km long. The design starting point of xx section is K20+130 ~ K24+180, with a total length of 4.05 km. The layout of subgrade cross section is 0.5+0.5+3 × 3.75+0.5+1.5+0.5+3 × 3.75+0.5+0.5m=subgrade width=27m. Where, the middle number 1.5 is the width of the median, and the left and right sides are the width of the left curb, the carriageway, the right curb and the earth shoulder respectively. Crown cross slope: the crown cross slope is 2%, and the soil shoulder is 4%.

 Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 1

Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 1

 Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 2

Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 2

 Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 3

Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 3

 Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 4

Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 4

 Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 5

Construction organization design of an expressway in Shenzhen - Figure 5

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