1. Adhere to the principle of fully meeting the requirements of bidding (including design) documents. In terms of overall construction arrangement and resource allocation, all requirements of the bidding documents on construction period, project quality, construction safety and civilized construction have been met. 2. Adhere to the principle of handling affairs in accordance with laws and regulations. The construction organization, technical management and other activities of the project shall strictly implement various national and local laws and regulations, the current technical standards and specifications of the country and the Ministry of Construction, and other regulations in the bidding documents. 3. The construction technology and organization measures shall be formulated according to the project characteristics and actual site conditions of this bid section, and solutions and measures shall be formulated for key and difficult problems of the project. Promote new technologies and processes to improve project quality.

 Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 1

Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 1

 Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 2

Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 2

 Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 3

Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 3

 Construction Organization Design of a University Student Apartment in Anhui - Figure 4

Construction Organization Design of a University Student Apartment in Anhui - Figure 4

 Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 5

Construction organization design of a university student apartment in Anhui - Figure 5

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