The technical characteristics of this project are: the engineering design is of high grade, the selection of engineering materials is strictly required, and high-grade domestic materials and imported products are mostly used, mainly including high-grade floor tiles, Seagull high-grade interior wall paint, cherry wood veneer, Matsumoto Songke Electric, and Wangxin brand mineral wool board ceiling.

 Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 1

Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 1

 Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 2

Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 2

 Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 3

Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 3

 Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 4

Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 4

 Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 5

Interior decoration construction organization design scheme of an office building in Shenzhen - Figure 5

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  • ten

    qq_1460386327865 LV1

    pretty good

    2017-01-24 21:06:14
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