Uploaded on: 2023-10-17 11:26:55
5 points

Design drawings of a bridge (7-16MT) include: block reinforcement drawing, summary sheet of quantities, bridge type layout drawing of a bridge, catalog, general structural drawing of piers and abutments, structural drawing of reinforcement of pier capping beam, calculation sheet of quantities of pier foundation, structural drawing of reinforcement of pier pile foundation, continuous deck, deck pavement, structural drawing of reinforcement of abutment ear wall, structural drawing of reinforcement of abutment pile foundation Structural drawing of abutment conical slope, superstructure, expansion gap, instructions, structural drawing of abutment cap reinforcement, structural drawing of rubber bearing, structural drawing of 5m approach slab reinforcement of small bridge, structural drawing of anti-collision barrier reinforcement of small bridge, reinforcement arrangement of main beam, main beam skeleton, main beam diaphragm, main beam carriageway slab

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