Uploaded on: 2023-10-10 14:19:01
5 points

1. This volume of construction drawings is the second volume of the third volume of the electrical part of the new 110kV Goutang substation project: 110kV Zhifang substation side 110kV Zhigou line protection and secondary wiring. 2. For the new 110kV Goutang substation project, according to the preliminary design review comments, a 110kV outgoing line bay - 110kV Zhigou Line needs to be expanded from 110kV Zhifang substation in this phase. 3. This expansion bay still adopts microcomputer integrated automation system. 4. A set of microcomputer line protection device is configured for the expansion of 110kV Zhigou line: GPSL621C-11 produced by Guodian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd

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