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 Supply of large steel castings Large steel casting plants near Hefei, Hebei
  • supply Large steel castings Large steel casting plant near Hefei, Hebei
  • <p>The fittings on the mechanical equipment are generally large in shape. If you want to cast them in one piece, you need to find a large tonnage foundry to process them. Some small steel foundries have smaller furnaces, so they can't melt molten steel at one time. Multiple casting will cause casting defects. When selecting, you must find a manufacturer with strong casting equipment and rich experience</ p> <p>Advantages of the company:</ p> <p>2. Two 60 ton electric arc furnaces can smelt 200 tons of molten steel at one time. The base and archway used in ordinary presses are
  • 2020-09-02 18:07   [Xinxiang City, Henan Province]
  •   Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd   [Verified]
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 Manufacturer of large steel castings for large press bases
  • Supply of large press base Large steel castings Manufacturer
  • <p>The press base is one of the important parts of the press, which is equivalent to the workbench of the press. The press has a large volume and heavy weight, generally 10-50 tons, and is mainly used in forging, building materials and other industries</ p> <p>The selection of the press base directly affects the use effect in the later period. In order to avoid the suspension of equipment production due to the quality of the base, when selecting the press accessories, you must choose the manufacturers with good reputation and hard product quality. The price is not the standard to measure the output, but the cost performance ratio is. When purchasing, you are recommended to investigate more, understand more, and understand more customer reputation</ p> <p>Advantages of the Company
  • 2020-09-02 18:07   [Xinxiang City, Henan Province]
  •   Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd   [Verified]
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 Large steel casting manufacturers near Anhui supplying hollow shaft of ball mill
  • Supply ball mill hollow shaft near Anhui Large steel castings manufactor
  • <p>The hollow shaft of the ball mill is the key component of the whole ball mill, which plays an important role in carrying the rotation of the ball mill cylinder during the operation of the ball mill</ p> <p>The service condition of this casting is poor, and it has been working under a high load environment for a long time. Its structural shape is special, and there is also R zone. In terms of technology, its neck in contact with the ball mill spherical tile and the circular neck in contact with the cylinder must not have any hollow shaft. After finishing, it is not allowed to have obvious casting defects, such as shrinkage cavity, slag inclusion, segregation, cracks, pores, sand holes, etc</ p> <p>Advantages of Great Wall cast steel:</p><p>1 The hollow shaft of ball mill is generally a large steel casting, and some hollow shafts weigh
  • 2020-09-02 18:07   [Xinxiang City, Henan Province]
  •   Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd   [Verified]
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 Manufacturer of large steel castings for wear-resistant end cover of lattice ball mill
  • Supply of grating ball mill wear end cover Large steel castings manufactor
  • <p>The lattice ball mill has the advantages of forced ore discharge, fast ore discharge, and reduction of ore over crushing and sliming. Especially, this type of ball mill has high processing capacity per unit volume, and is widely used in the concentrator of our mine. During operation, due to the uneven wear of each part of the lifting bucket of the discharge end cover protection device during use, it was partially damaged. At the same time, the small steel balls that entered the gap between the lifting bucket and the feed end cover rotated on the end cover surface, which aggravated the wear of the lifting bucket and ribs, so that the discharge end cover could not be effectively protected, affecting the normal operation of the ball mill</ p> <p>Great Wall cast steel solved this problem through a special casting process, which greatly increased the wear resistance and impact resistance of the end cover</ p><p
  • 2020-09-02 18:07   [Xinxiang City, Henan Province]
  •   Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd   [Verified]
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 Supply of large steel castings with a unit weight of more than 5 tons Henan Changcheng Cast Steel
  • The unit weight of supply is more than 5 tons Large steel castings Henan Changcheng Cast Steel
  • <p>Generally, cast steel fittings are used for large mining machinery and equipment, Large steel castings Generally, the production cycle is long and the cost is high. If the equipment is replaced frequently, it will stop production, affect normal production and affect economic benefits. The selection of steel casting manufacturers must be strictly investigated</ p> <p>Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd. mainly produces Large steel castings , and single steel ingots below 30T, such as hollow shaft, big gear ring and sliding track of ball mill in building materials machinery; Grinding plate and roller of vertical mill; Supporting roller and tyre of rotary kiln; Frame for metallurgical and ceramic industries; Shipbuilding parts, auto parts, boxes, shells, hammers, drills and other products can meet the personalized needs of different industries for steel castings
  • 2020-09-02 18:07   [Xinxiang City, Henan Province]
  •   Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd   [Verified]
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 Supply a large number of large steel castings of more than 5 tons of zg35 material
  • Supply a large quantity of more than 5 tons Large steel castings Zg35 material
  • <p>With the increasingly strict requirements of the state on environmental protection, many small steel casting plants are forced to stop production due to substandard environmental protection and other reasons. In this high-pressure situation, only by keeping pace with the times can they survive</ p> <p>In response to the national green technology production call for procurement, our company has updated the production equipment in all links of casting production</ p> <p>1>Software simulation</ p> <p>2. Wood mold
  • 2020-09-02 18:05   [Xinxiang City, Henan Province]
  •   Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd   [Verified]
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 How much is the price of large steel castings for large press frame
  • Supply of large press body Large steel castings How much is the price
  • <p>The press body is a larger size and weight part of the whole equipment, and its weight accounts for 45~50% of the whole working base. Therefore, the fuselage must have sufficient strength and stiffness</ p> <p>With the closing of the last ladle hole, 129 tons of molten steel were poured into the huge cavity in the casting workshop where the molten steel was flowing and the red light was everywhere. Great Wall Cast Steel successfully poured the 88 ton press body processed for Shenyang customers. Its successful smelting marks that the casting process and level of the body castings of the Great Wall Cast Steel Press has taken a critical step forward, and is moving towards the development path of large-scale, batch and high-end</ p> <p>It is understood that the pressure of 88 tons of cast steel cast in the Great Wall
  • 2020-09-02 18:03   [Xinxiang City, Henan Province]
  •   Xinxiang Changcheng Cast Steel Co., Ltd   [Verified]
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