Ten philosophies of workplace survival

   2020-09-01 internet Li Qi three thousand one hundred and eighty-three zero
Core tip: In the workplace, in addition to learning the necessary professional skills, you must also understand some workplace survival philosophy, such as the following ten!   1、

In the workplace, in addition to learning the necessary professional skills, you must also understand some workplace survival philosophy, such as the following ten!

1. Wipe the stain on the glass or fetch a pot of hot water for your colleagues. These trivial things are good habits that you should develop and constantly strengthen. This is a stable and reliable capital for your work.

2. In the face of others' contempt and neglect, we should not avoid and shrink back. We should take the initiative to show friendship, which is beneficial and practical. There is a middle ground between avoiding and being sharp, so we might as well try.

3. In today's market, competition is always inevitable. When it comes to performance evaluation and benefit distribution, it is hard to avoid the difference between high and low. Don't be hostile to the other party because of this. The most capable competitors often get along with their opponents honestly.

4. It is a very appropriate move to help the new colleague to do his job. The grateful side will slowly change after he enters the normal work track. The psychology of seeking rewards and pulling people's hearts will make it difficult for the other party to further communicate.

5. If you do not have a prominent social interpersonal background and are deeply disappointed because of unfair distribution, do not act blindly. You have the most reliable power to trust: patience.

6. When others ignore or give you a cold shoulder, they are telling you how to treat them. Each situation implies a variety of potential suggestions. Maybe in the end, there is only one thing you need to grasp. It is not difficult to keep a low profile and show an honest smile.

7. You hate playing cards. You are wise compared with others. It is unwise for you to dislike your colleagues who like playing cards.

8. You are the center of your own career, and your colleague is the king of his own kingdom. He may be interested in you, but this interest is difficult to compare with his pursuit of self-protection and concern for his own future. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between "yours" and "mine" in work. Relative vigilance is good for maintaining the independence of both parties in work and personality.

9. It is inevitable that the same unit will have different treatment levels. For example, the paper money with a face value of 100 yuan and a face value of 1 yuan cannot be simply understood as the area in front is 100 times that in the back. There is no need to worry too much about this issue.

10. No matter what your current career prospects are, it will certainly be beneficial to focus on your current real work actively. It is the saddest thing in the world to have talent without performance, because it will cost you many chances of success.

Whatever the workplace, China Casting mesh I think it is beneficial and harmless for the development of the workplace to know more about philosophy and adjust more about my psychological quality.

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