Self discipline nerve training method makes the workplace closer to success

   2020-09-01 internet Li Qi three thousand and forty-six zero
Core tip: Self disciplined people may not succeed, but successful people must be able to control themselves. A self disciplined person is bound to be more successful in the workplace.

Self disciplined people may not succeed, but successful people must be able to control themselves. A self disciplined person is bound to be more successful in the workplace. The autonomic nerve training method is one of the most effective tools I have seen to stimulate physical and mental potential and promote personal growth. It, together with NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), NAC (Neural Chain Adjustment), speed reading, mind mapping, and breakthrough thinking, is the most powerful tool I have ever seen. Combined with individual desire for growth and invincible perseverance, it can enable individuals to grow like a silkworm.

Self discipline nerve training method sounds like the highest level of self-discipline, perhaps it is. This is why Schultz, a German medical doctor, chose the term "autonomic nerve training method" to describe his own unique new prescription. Once we master this simple exercise, when the pressure appears, we can quickly relax and let the whole body and mind return to harmony.

For people with a fast pace of life or heavy learning tasks, the "autonomic nerve training method" is ideal. It is like mental gymnastics, which is very helpful to people in all fields. You only need to do this exercise for 7 to 10 minutes a day, and sooner or later you will achieve the desired effect. Choose a place where you are not easily disturbed to practice, and you can reach a "super" powerful state within a few seconds.

You will learn from the "autonomic nerve training method" the autonomic nerve training principle of autonomous control of body state. These were originally designed to train Soviet astronauts. The famous neuroscientist Della pointed out: "Even after several years of meditation and a year of yoga practice, I haven't been able to completely relax like practicing the 'autonomic nerve training method'. This is an elegant, reliable and flexible system. Therefore, I am willing to recommend it to super learners. If you want to be excellent or just want to feel better, you can try it."

Although it takes 8 weeks to learn the autonomic nerve training method, if you master it, you can enter the brain body balance state in a short time. ok Let's start now.

1. The preparation activity adopts a position that you think is comfortable: semi recline - relax on a comfortable chair or lounge chair, lean your head against the back of the chair, place your arms and hands on the arms or thighs, do not cross your legs and feet, and turn your feet slightly outward to place them comfortably. Keep your eyes closed.

Lie down - lie on your back on the sofa, bed or cushion, with a pillow under your head. Bend your elbows slightly, put your arms on your sides, palms down. Separate your legs and relax, with your feet slightly to the side rather than straight up. Close your eyes.

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