You have to understand workplace psychology

   2020-09-01 internet Li Qi three thousand six hundred and forty-two zero
Core tip: regardless of whether you are a veteran or a newcomer in the workplace, you must know that the workplace is like a battlefield, and the risks are no less than

Regardless of whether you are a veteran or a novice in the workplace, one thing you must know is that the workplace is like a battlefield, and the risk is no less than any difficult battle, but the bulletproof clothing or various heavy equipment, you have to admit that you have to play psychological warfare well, and those things are all floating clouds, so, Today, I will teach you the psychological implications of the workplace, so that you can mature 10 years early and struggle 30 years less in the workplace.

First: Don't think it's forgivable to stay in the comfort zone of your heart.

Everyone has a comfortable area, in which they are very self-conscious, unwilling to be disturbed, unwilling to be pushed, unwilling to talk with strange faces, unwilling to be criticized, unwilling to work according to the specified time limit, unwilling to take the initiative to care for others, unwilling to think about what others have not thought of. This is easy to understand when I was a student. Sometimes such students are associated with the words "cold" and "personality", which can be regarded as commendatory. On the contrary, after work, you should try your best to change this situation. Otherwise, you will soon become the only object that nobody pays attention to at cocktail parties, or your endocrine will soon be disturbed due to stress. However, if you can quickly break the comfort zone of your previous student days and handle the relationship between business, interpersonal relationship and public opinion faster than others, you can quickly stand out.

At the meeting, a person who stays in the comfort zone of his mind will passively listen to the words of the leader, passively stand by, and die to complete the tasks assigned by the superior, but never care about anything other than this, let alone think of doing more to make the next work easier for others. Those who dare to break this comfort zone dare to put forward their own views and misunderstandings at an appropriate time, complete the work at hand as soon as possible after being approved and instructed by the superior, and accept criticism and adjustment from others at any time. (Note: Never wait for others to tell you what you think. This is the typical former)

At work, when the current employee meets a new colleague, he will pretend not to see him and continue his work. However, the new colleague soon became his own boss. The latter introduced himself generously and politely, and understood the relationship between the other party and himself.

At a party, the former always waits for others to speak, and likes to comment on each other's words in private; If no one speaks at this table, no one will know you until the end of the meal. The latter is a brave introduction and small talk at the beginning of a meal together. It seems very difficult, sometimes losing face, but often you will find how much the other person wants to talk to you.

The above are just a few small examples, but it should be noted that when college students go out of the campus, they should drive away the "randomness" in the campus at work, rush out of their own comfort zone as soon as possible, and begin to be ready to communicate with this society.

   Second: Do not "like"; "Someone will..."; "About"; "Later"; "Or"; "Maybe" and so on. Especially when talking about work with superiors.

I hate to hear that: "I will send this document to all people later"; Because it often indicates that I must always remind him not to forget. Similarly, the following words can also make people feel extremely disgusted:

"Someone will have those things ready"

"Maybe tomorrow"

"Customers will visit tomorrow or the day after tomorrow"

"It seems that he said..."

Generally, people talk like this, because it leaves a wide space for themselves and does not create a great sense of oppression for others, as if something must be found out. To tell the truth, half of the people who study hard in the university are fools. A person either works in class or after class. Neither of them has mixed colors. They are either super bull men or neurotic. Therefore, just because everyone is mixing, the campus is a romantic place, and it is easy for people to be simple. Therefore, the work of student associations is often inefficient. I think back to the work done in the school at that time, I thought it was very hard, but I began to feel what efficiency was after work. When you enter a place where money is used to calculate time, you should try to avoid the habit you developed in school. If the superior asks you when you can implement the promise you made to him, and you answer "tonight or tomorrow morning", the answer to him is completely equivalent to that you did not answer, and left a bad impression on him. (Of course, such answers are often common in school associations and student union work.)

There is a fable that a little mouse was just born. The mother mouse asked the little mouse: Can you see it now? The little mouse said: Yes. Mother mouse said: Can you see that sweet potato? The little mouse said: Yes. Mother mouse said, "That's a stone, which means you can't see anything and you don't even have a sense of smell.".

Paradoxical responses often reveal more of your weaknesses. It may be one or several of the following:

1. You didn't think of this job before, or you have been procrastinating.

2. You have no sense of responsibility and think that these are not important.

3. You should deal with the superior.

4. You dare not tell the truth.

5. You like to show off and promise something you can't do.

6. You can't work independently.

When your superior doubts the above options, subconsciously you have all the above weaknesses at the same time.

On the contrary, such an answer always irritates the boss.

First, his question was not answered, but only served as a reminder to you.

Second, he still needs to remember to remind you, because he does not know whether you have really implemented the work.

Third, he doesn't know how many things you have done have not been implemented in this way. (This is very fatal)

Fourth, the boss's own plan has to be delayed or postponed or can't give a clear end time because he/she often does not get a satisfactory answer.


A: When can you fix the leak?

B said: I have informed them that they will come to repair it tomorrow.

One day later

A: When will the maintenance company come back? Which maintenance company are you looking for?

B said: It seems that they can't arrange for anyone to come. If they can, they can come here tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

One day later

A: Why hasn't the leak been fixed?

B said: I will ask them later.

A said: I won't solve the problem before this afternoon, and I won't use it for work tomorrow.

   Third: Don't delay your work

Many people like to choose the latter between study and play, and then rush to finish the things to review at the last time. But please don't form such a habit in work, because work is never finished, and there is no room for you to "surprise". Or, when you are wandering and wondering how to implement it, your leaders can't stand it anymore and do it by themselves---- This is a dangerous signal.

Often we want to think about everything from beginning to end, and then we start to take the first step - --- and fall down.

for instance:

When I first called a girl I liked in primary school, I imagined all kinds of situations-------

1. She was doing her homework when she answered the phone. 2. She was doing her homework, and her mother answered the phone. 3. She is also very boring and wants to talk to someone. 4. She is being scolded by her parents. 5. She is thinking of another boy. 6. Her father answers the phone. 7. Some relatives came to her house and answered the phone. 8. She answered the phone, but her parents were nearby, so it was inconvenient to talk..... Wait, wait, wait. I thought about it all afternoon, and thought out the psychological preparation and coping strategies for various situations. Then bravely picked up the phone and pressed the buttons. As a result, she was not at home.

So, when you are hesitating and at a loss, you should realize that you are procrastinating. Wandering is because you are afraid of the possible consequences of this event and need to bear or deal with it yourself. When working, I need a minimum of self-confidence and believe in my ability. No matter what the next step is, I can lead it to the line I need. In addition, tell yourself not to think too much about time. If you don't know, ask for help or find ways. Worries and worries will give you more pressure and eat up the rest of your time.

In addition, let me warn you: never think about it. I know, let go of the things assigned by the superior first, and wait until this episode of Prison Break is finished---- 90% of the time, you will forget, or it is too late, because it takes more time than you originally thought. Doing what you say is always a good habit.

   Fourth: Do not think that the theory can be implemented on the completion!

This is too important. People who really implement the plan often find that the plan is nothing but nonsense when they start to do it. If you don't practice in person, the person who makes the plan will be despised sooner or later. Always need to improve their ability to do practical things, rather than empty talk.

First of all, if you are an office worker, or do planning and planning. Please don't let others try something that you think is impossible or difficult to do. For example, an open air singing party will be held in an afternoon in a place with few people. This will make the executor think you are playing with him and do experiments with him. Yes, in theory, singing parties can be held anywhere, but in different places, the mood of the executors is different.

Second, discuss your arrangements with the executive. For example, you can arrange your new subordinate to sit anywhere, but if it is a corner that is difficult to contact with everyone, it may be worse than you do not arrange anything. Indeed, in theory, all a person needs is space to sit down. But in fact, it is far more than that.

Again, don't expect everything will go according to your plan. Theoretically, this meeting will last for two hours, but this is a situation under the premise of "not considering that the whole audience is debugging the microphone 30 minutes after the opening", or "no such sharp questions are raised off the court". College students are used to making things "look beautiful in theory". Thesis, ppt lecture, exam, debate contest... These campus IQ competitions all teach us how to do a good job of "talking on paper". You must believe that your ability to "handle" things is weaker than you think.

If you are a student at school, test yourself to see if you can handle the following situations:

1. The school needs to make a school uniform. You can find the supplier and negotiate the price. There are at least three companies' quotations.

2. How to deal with the theft of a student caught by the school security guard?

3. The street light of a very important section of the school is broken. Can you keep it on for three days.

4. The canteen needs to hire a chef who specializes in Muslim dishes to work within a week.

When you start to think about the above problems, you will find that his thinking is quite different from "looking at the performance trend of the company in the past two years and making a marketing plan for the next quarter". You will find that as long as you do "look perfect" in the latter, no one knows what will happen if you do so. If you think about the above work, you will feel a lot of pressure. Because you don't handle it well, the result is obvious failure and bigger problems will occur one after another.

By the way, this feeling is what "work" gives you! This is the difference between "work" and "talk on paper"!

  Fifth: Don't let others wait for you

Under no circumstances should you let others wait for you from their work. In college, it may be just a few half joking complaints from people in the dormitory, which may lead to the loss of your potential partners at work.

When you are doing a job, you should know the progress of others, and never fall behind.

It's not like taking an exam. You are slower than others, so others can hand in your papers first. When it's time for you to finish your work, you will be penalized. The situation in work is as follows: this is an exam that no one can finish. All people are assigned to do different parts of an exam paper. Some people are assigned to read comprehension, some people do cloze, and some people do grammar... Then everyone copies each other, so that everyone is done. If everyone has finished their own part, but you still haven't finished it, someone who works fast will start to do your part of the problem, and then copy each other. Slowly, everyone will find that your workload can be completely replaced by someone else, and the whole team can not need you. At this time, no one will get the answer from you, nor will anyone give you their answer - unfortunately, you have no use for the value.

Please remember this example.

   Sixth: Don't think details are unimportant

In college, people tend to do things carelessly. Just look at them. On the contrary, the essence of management in an enterprise is to do simple things in detail. A hurry to find the key to the safe is likely to deprive you of the opportunity to be promoted to financial supervisor.

The management of the company, in fact, does not need to achieve 90% - -- for example, optimize the core work process of the management, change the company's image in front of the local government, improve product quality, improve the working environment... But the management needs to do 100% - -- for example, Keep the files of everyone in the company orderly according to certain rules, set up a sign in desk for outsiders at the entrance guard, take away the extra chairs in the conference room, talk to the TV station about coming to the company for interview next Wednesday, send the trial pack to customers, add a cut to the produced coffee, take photos of the next cover characters, etc. If you can do all the details honestly, then you will have the cost of promotion.

Many people don't know what they will do in the future when they graduate, so they say to themselves: I will do management in the future! Do management? Ask yourself, if the company's assets are stolen, all staff morale is low, the office is disorderly, the company's elevator is broken, the printer is out of ink, the purchase plan is overspent, the product is unsalable, and the customer is late... Are you willing to solve such problems and start small? After thinking these things over, consider whether to regard management as a space hole.

   Seventh: Don't be negative, just because what you do is not your interest.

Obviously, in the student days, when we did what we liked, we would pay 200% of our energy to create. But if it was boring, we would not care about it. We'd better have a way to deal with it. But 80% of the things you do at work are tedious and seemingly mechanical. If you are depressed only for this reason, you will be depressed for longer. You should know that your boss has been worried about this project. Do you still want him to see your expression?

Learn to enjoy your work and focus on what you can learn from your daily work. If you work hard to complain about your work now, then you will work hard to find a job next. Try to use less words such as "interesting" and "curious" to describe the job you want, but "substantial", "sense of achievement" and "willing".

Think about the following positions, you will find that many jobs in life are not interesting things that you can do when you are in good condition:

1. Toll collector at the toll gate of the expressway: face a small window all day and send out a card, which will last for several years.

2. School canteen chef: always cooking big ribs and chicken legs. Burn for one year.

3. Writer: The deadline for submission is coming. I'm still pregnant with inspiration. I haven't had breakfast for two weeks.

4. Surgeon: As soon as I fell asleep, I was asked to perform a 3-hour operation. This should be done at least once a week.

5. Sales in the sales department: the products are not easy to sell. I came to work at 8 o'clock and sat at the door of the store alone until 6 o'clock in the evening. No one came today, just like yesterday.

6. Bus driver: I drive without your command. I have been driving this line for three years.

7. Pet shop assistant: Business is not good, so I have to come here early in the morning to listen to the barking of 20 dogs for a whole day and a year.

8. Company staff: leave work at two o'clock in the evening and go to work at eight the next day. The point is that there is still one hour to go. It has been like this for a month.

Then I wonder if I have only been in contact with this job for a month or just met with few difficulties. At this time, the voice of complaint is the loudest.

Never think about choosing an interesting career, because there is no such job. No "kind" of industry is happy, because if there is one, everyone will do it. Try to ask your own interests at most.

   Eighth: Never rely on company training to improve work ability

It is absolutely impossible for a person to be reborn after one training. On the contrary, the information learned from group training is often the most useless information. Just like the big pot cooking in the canteen, there is always no dish you want to eat most, because it is easy to do this, and it is not easy to offend people.

Many students value whether the selected company has training, which means that you don't know what the company does, or even how to learn these skills.

My perception is that if you don't know how to learn the knowledge you want and what knowledge you want, you will only do two kinds of behaviors:

  1。 Wait for others to teach you, and wait for others to discover what you don't know.

2. Look for ready-made answers and copy them. People who expect company training are most likely the first type (not excluding very few really excellent company training)

Many students have this habit of thinking:

Because how much can the training of this company be completed

And because this level is exactly what I want to achieve

So I try my best to enter this company

Because I joined this company

Therefore, it will naturally make me reach the expected level.

We drew an equal sign between attending training and achieving results. In fact, the information obtained from group training is of the least practical value. Never expect that you will get more than others by listening to the class alone and by the teacher giving the same thing to all people. Put more attention on observing and thinking about your own needs, and find out where the problem lies and get the answer through observation and practice is the real knowledge.

So, just starting to work, I don't know anything. Don't think that is normal, because the company has not been trained yet! After I receive the training, I will know everything. If you know nothing and wait for others to pity your ignorance and give you knowledge, you will pay more IQ for your ignorance.

   Ninth: Don't shirk responsibility

Shirking responsibility is a conditioned reflex of fear. Don't think others can't see it.

I remember something in my primary school. When I didn't bring my homework with me once, the teacher would scold me and say: Why do you always leave your homework behind?

I said: No.... When I was about to falter, the teacher said: What is not? Have you brought it?

I said: No

The teacher said: that is not to bring! What is not! namely!

Then I found that I was just afraid of taking responsibility and said "no" like a reflex. If you look around carefully, you will find that there are countless people using "no" as the first reaction after being asked.

In fact, many people do the same with their work now. When they are asked by their superiors, they reflexively take the evasive action. However, this action is often followed by weak excuses and some crude excuses. This will make the boss feel that you are difficult to communicate with, and very untrue.

Another situation is that no matter what circumstances, I blame a person who always emphasizes objectivity. In fact, this is the most typical characteristic of students. This shows that he is too vulnerable to other things and is determined by them. If the following types of conversations occur between you and your boss, think about whether you need to change your way of doing things.

A: Why haven't you shown your report to the vice president yet!

B: C was printing just now. I was waiting for him to finish. Now he is probably ready. I'll go and have a look

B: There are still some things to be modified

B: b also wants to give something to the vice president because I'm waiting for him

B: A said that my report should not be shown to the vice president (A is a colleague of B's level)

B: I wonder if the vice president is here. His door is closed.

B: d he asked me to print the document for him! Blame him! (d is the peer of B)

B: I can't find my cup. I'm looking for it.

The disadvantage of a person who is unwilling to take responsibility is that he will make his boss doubt his loyalty, because the order given to him by his boss will often be put aside or executed at a discount because of a small matter, and will be changed by the consciousness of others.

   No. 10: Don't say to yourself, "I'm a college student"

This contains a lot of information.

1. Don't think how noble you are

2. Don't still demand yourself according to the standards of students

3. Don't feel inferior

4. Don't wait for others' care

5. Don't use this as an excuse to comfort yourself by making mistakes

6. Don't forget to figure out how much the company pays for itself. Be sophisticated. This is not a volunteer.

Character is the basis of good interpersonal relationships, and also the key to ensure the quality of interpersonal relationships. In addition, interpersonal skills are also particularly important. Some people will be grateful for doing good deeds for a lifetime, while some people may be thankless for helping others. Not only can they not get gratitude and reward, but also can make people jealous. When selling the same product to the same customer at the same price, some salesmen may be rudely driven out, while others may sign large orders or even be honored by customers.

   The skill of interpersonal communication is a very complicated topic. Due to the limited space, I can only make some simple lists based on my own experience.

1. Give more encouragement and praise to others, try to avoid criticism, criticism and complaint, and do not force others to admit their mistakes.

2. Learn to listen. Don't talk too much. Try to make others talk more.

3. If you want to join others' conversation, you should first find out what they are talking about.

4. Try to be neutral and objective before talking. Before you show your own tendency, you should first find out the real tendency of the other party.

5. Pay attention to each other's social habits and imitate them appropriately.

6. Don't interrupt, correct or supplement others' conversation easily.

7. When others are in difficulty, take the initiative to help and encourage more.

8. Don't neglect etiquette just because the other party is friends and relatives.

9. Try to talk about what others want and teach them how to get what they want.

10. Always treat people with a smile.

11. Be a person with a sense of humor. But don't just laugh at yourself when telling jokes.

12. Be a person who breaks away from low tastes.

13. Try to look into the eyes of others when talking to them, no matter whether you are speaking or listening.

14. Try not to change the topic.

15. Learn to listen to the other side's voice. You should also learn to express your meaning tactfully through the implied voice.

16. Be sure to inform others in advance when visiting.

17. Don't call when others may be busy working or resting. Unless it is very urgent.

18. When you call someone, ask them if it is convenient for you to talk.

19. One thing that two people know is no longer a secret.

20. If you speak ill of anyone behind his back, it will come to his ears sooner or later.

21. Don't say harsh words.

22. Remember the names of others. Develop the habit of occasionally reading business cards and phone books.

23. Try to socialize with people you hate.

24. Be sure to respect each other's privacy, whether friends or husband and wife.

25. When many people are together, when you talk to one of them, please do not ignore the existence of others.

26. Be brave to admit mistakes.

27. Face everyone around with a humble attitude.

28. Give sympathy and understanding to others.

29. Replace "command" with "suggestion" wherever possible.

30. Don't make commitments easily. We must try our best to do what we promised.

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