Hash online water quality analyzer is used in the first sewage treatment plant

   2020-09-01 internet Zhou Zhengju four thousand three hundred and six zero
Core tip: On April 10, the first sewage treatment plant in China built with the world's most advanced deep well aeration technology - Shaanxi Xingping Sewage Treatment Plant was completed and put into operation

On April 10, the world's most advanced deep well aeration process was first adopted in China technology The constructed sewage treatment plant - Shaanxi Xingping Sewage Treatment Plant was completed and put into operation. The project adopts Shuangwei deep well aeration patented process with international leading position in the field of sewage treatment technology , the process technology It is recommended by the National Environmental Protection Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission in China technology 1. It has been listed as a major demonstration project of environmental protection by the State Economic and Trade Commission (GJMZY [2002] No. 880) technology Process I

The completion of Xingping Sewage Treatment Plant is an important measure for Xingping City to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, promote the sustainable development of urban economy, and strive to build an ecologically harmonious and livable city. After the completion of the project, 50% of all industrial sewage and domestic sewage within 13.8 square kilometers of Xingping urban planning area can be effectively treated, and 40000 tons of reclaimed water can be provided for the society every day, which will play a decisive role in reducing the COD emissions of the city during the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, and also have great and far-reaching significance for the future economic sustainable development of the city.

It is worth mentioning that in the water treatment analysis system of Xingping Sewage Treatment Plant, Hash online water quality analysis instruments are used, such as P53PH/ORP controller, SOLITAX turbidity/suspended matter analyzer, 1720E low range turbidity analyzer, CODmax analyzer, dissolved oxygen analyzer, etc. to monitor water quality and measure important parameters such as turbidity, dissolved oxygen, COD, PH, etc. At present, all kinds of instruments operate normally, the measurement data is accurate and reliable, and the unattended automatic operation is realized.

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