How do exhibitors choose booths

   2020-09-02 internet China Foundry Network two thousand one hundred and sixty-seven zero
Core tip: the indoor standard international booth is 3m * 3m, and the standard configuration provided generally includes: one table, two chairs, two spotlights (or fluorescent lamps), and a 220V5A socket
The indoor standard international booth is 3m * 3m, and the standard configuration provided generally includes: one table, two chairs, two spotlights (or fluorescent lamps), one 220V 5A socket, and one paper basket. Three side coaming.

The indoor or outdoor space is generally 36 square meters, and no configuration is provided. If necessary, advance reservation or on-site lease can be made from the main venue constructor. It is selected by general enterprises for special decoration.

Standard booth type:

1. "Roadside" booth: also known as "single opening" booth, it is sandwiched in the middle of a row of booths, and visitors can only enter the booth from the aisle in front of them. This type of booth has the lowest rent. SMEs should pay attention to its location when selecting this type of booth, and give priority to the booth located near the wash room, the canteen, the fast food restaurant, and the coffee shop. These places are exhibition The most crowded area is easy to participate in the exhibition and capture business opportunities.

2. "Corner type" booth: also known as "double opening" booth, it is located at the top of a row of booths, adjacent to the aisle on both sides, and visitors can enter the booth from the aisle in front of it and the aisle perpendicular to it. The "corner type" booth has the same area as the "roadside type" booth, but there is one more side aisle for visitors to enter the booth, so the audience flow is large, and the tuxedo show effect is relatively good. Of course, the rent is 10 * 15% higher than the "roadside type" booth.

Type of special booth in open space:

3. "Peninsula type" booth: visitors can enter this type of booth from three sides, and its display effect is better than the first two. When selecting this type of booth, enterprises should cooperate with special decoration to achieve satisfactory results.

4. "Island type" booth: it has the highest rent among the four types of booths. It is different from the first three types of booths. Visitors can enter the booth from any side, so it can attract more attention. This kind of booth is suitable for display and has good advertising effect, so it is more carefully designed and relatively expensive to build. It is the first choice for large enterprises to participate in the exhibition.
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