Four misunderstandings of enterprises choosing to participate in the exhibition

   2020-09-02 internet China Foundry Network two thousand one hundred and eighty-eight zero
Core tips: (1) Select exhibition due to invitation. The invitation may be issued by the exhibition organizer, or celebrities, government departments, industry and commerce associations, industry associations
(1) The exhibition was chosen because of invitation.

The invitation may be issued by the exhibition organizer, or celebrities, government departments, industrial and commercial associations, industries association And so on. Most of the invitations sent by the exhibition organizers can be ignored. Invitations from celebrities, government departments, etc. may prove that the exhibition has some influence and the quality is not poor. However, it is unwise to accept the invitation and decide to participate in the exhibition without considering its own marketing needs and market potential. For enterprises, low-level invitations (including those from exhibition organizers) need not be considered, and high-level invitations can only be considered as one of the factors.    

(2) The exhibition was chosen because of the low cost.

Cost is one of the factors in choosing exhibitions. Low input and high output have always been pursued by all businessmen, including exhibitors. However, in the market economy where the relationship between supply and demand is regulated, there must be reasons for low costs. There may be three major aspects: first, the market potential of the place where the exhibition is located may not be large; second, the exhibition may not meet the needs of exhibitors; third, the quality and efficiency of the exhibition may not be expected. Therefore, it is often wrong to choose exhibitions because of low costs. Practice has also proved this point. (However, it should be noted that exhibitions funded by government departments or other parties are not included in this scope.) The cost is very important, but more importantly, cost-effectiveness. Therefore, costs should not be considered in isolation but comprehensively. Whether the market has potential, whether the exhibition is suitable for the needs of exhibitors, and whether the exhibition effect is good should be the most important consideration for selection, and low cost should be put in the secondary important position.    

(3) Select the exhibition because of good evaluation.

Celebrities, government departments, chambers of commerce association Journalism The media and others may make quite high comments on an exhibition. It may not be appropriate to make a choice because of this. Attention should be paid to the following aspects: this evaluation may be the result of the public relations work done by the exhibition organizers. The evaluators evaluate the exhibition according to their own needs and standards, which may be inconsistent with the exhibitors; The reviewer may not be an expert. Therefore, this kind of evaluation can only be used as a reference basis for exhibition selection rather than a main basis.    

(4) Exhibiting due to competitors' participation.

This is a very common phenomenon, especially for large companies. A good exhibition is an important trade place, and its appearance on this occasion has a positive significance for expanding or maintaining the influence of exhibitors. However, a competitor's participation in an exhibition has its own strategic and tactical considerations. The reason for each person's participation in the exhibition is not necessarily the same, and the participation behavior of others should not be taken as the reason for their participation. Therefore, in addition to considering its own marketing strategy, that is, why it participates in the exhibition, it is also necessary to consider marketing tactics, that is, what kind of marketing method to adopt and the market competition do not necessarily have to fight head-on. There are various ways to defeat the enemy and occupy the market. In short, we should consider various aspects according to our own needs, and we should not be led by competitors.
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