Energy saving and consumption reducing structural adjustment project of Huayin Aluminum was completed and put into operation

   2020-09-01 internet China Foundry Network one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven zero
Core tip: On the morning of September 28, 2010, Guangxi Huayin Aluminum Co., Ltd. successfully completed and put into operation the technical transformation project of energy conservation, consumption reduction, structural adjustment, cost reduction and quality improvement. Technical Renovation Worker

On the morning of September 28, 2010, Guangxi Huayin Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd. successfully completed and put into production the technical transformation project of energy conservation and consumption reduction structure adjustment, cost reduction and quality improvement.

The completion and operation of the technical transformation project is a major step in the work of energy conservation, cost reduction and quality improvement, making full use of the rich capacity of the company's alumina production system, further reducing the energy consumption of products, enabling the company to have an annual production capacity of 2 million tons of alumina, becoming an enterprise with "low energy consumption and high output", which will further enhance the competitiveness of the company.

In more than a year of production practice, through the company's technical transformation and process optimization, the main process and equipment capacity of the alumina phase I project still has more than 20% surplus. In response to the national call for energy conservation and consumption reduction, Bank of China proposed to rely on the advantages of existing processes and equipment, through structural adjustment of energy conservation and consumption reduction, cost reduction and quality improvement technical transformation, Achieve the goal of more energy saving and consumption reduction.

Since the construction of the technical transformation project started on December 29, 2009, with the strong support and help of party committees, governments, construction units and companies at all levels, all builders have given full play to their intelligence, tenacious struggle, seize sunny and rainy days, pay close attention to the project progress, quality and safety, overcome various difficulties, and effectively ensure the steady progress of the entire project construction, And ensure the smooth completion of the project.

The completion and commissioning ceremony of the company's technical transformation project was presided over by Wang Yunhuai, the company's deputy general manager, Liu Mengduan, the company's deputy general manager, Zhong Yongfeng, the director of the Debao County United Front Work Department, and Luo Xianqing, the general manager of the Chinalco International Huayin Aluminum Project Department, respectively addressed the completion and commissioning ceremony. The leaders of the company issued the completion acceptance certificate, production compliance certificate and performance certificate of the company's alumina phase I project to Chinalco International Engineering Co., Ltd. Gan Guoyao, secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of the company, announced that the technological transformation project was put into production.


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