Does the problem of parts frequently lead to the responsibility of the whole vehicle or deceive the public?

   2020-09-01 internet China Foundry Network one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five zero
Core tip: The fact that cars have to be recalled due to a part problem is unknown. Since when, people who often pay attention to the news have frequently appeared in our lives

The fact that a car has to be recalled due to a part problem is unknown since when it has frequently appeared in our lives. People who often follow the news may have a feeling that on average, there will be a recall event in two days. However, at present, there are few such incidents in China, most of which occur in North America.

Parts problems frequently lead to vehicle calls

Manufacturer's response: recall is the embodiment of responsibility to users
Cars bring a different color to people's lives. There was a saying that said: after having a car, people will know that others look at you differently. Leaders will talk more about you when they see you. Colleagues will ask if the car is coming when they see you, and they have to be close to each other when they have nothing to do
I thought that buying a car would bring convenience and convenience to my life, but if I encounter a recall, it will become a big trouble. In a common saying, it is "spending money to buy pain", which greatly reduces the excitement and passion of just buying a car. However, from the perspective of automobile manufacturers, when they find problems and choose to recall, they also bear considerable risks, and recall will also make automobile manufacturers lose a lot of money. However, the recall work is carried out based on the attitude of being responsible for users and the subjective awareness of minimizing the risk rate. This is indeed to avoid the continued occurrence of accidental injuries, but the frequent recall of vehicle enterprises will also make the public uneasy. We think it is normal to recall occasionally, but more and more of them later. Is there a problem with the attitude of automobile enterprises towards the supervision of parts and components?
As we all know, the car is a very complex system, which needs to be composed of very sophisticated and difficult high-tech components, and the requirements are very strict. This requires the automobile manufacturers and the supporting parts enterprises to strictly check. In my impression, the recall phenomenon was rare in the past, and it occurred frequently in a few years. Perhaps it is because the technology of the automobile industry is updated too fast, and many intelligent models are combined together, which will lead to some problems. Or it may be that some kind of failure occurs due to improper use of product materials. However, automobile manufacturers should strictly control the occurrence of such incidents. Although on the one hand, it can reflect the responsible attitude of vehicle enterprises, after all, frequent recalls will also have a negative impact on users' psychology.
User: Full cooperation in case of recall
Some friends with cars said that they would fully cooperate with the manufacturer if they bought a car in this situation. After all, it is for the sake of the car. In addition to the complicated formalities, the whole process is very fast. In addition, most users also said that this also reflected an attitude of vehicle enterprises to be responsible for users.
In any case, the customer's cooperation does not necessarily mean that they agree with it. Those parts manufacturers that provide complete vehicles should also be more strict with themselves to minimize potential safety hazards, which is really responsible for the majority of owners and users

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