"Made in China 2025" industry 4.0 or air return

   2020-09-01 internet China Forging Network four hundred and six zero
Core tip: Recently, the overall plan of "Made in China 2025" has been reviewed and approved by the executive meeting of the State Council. This plan proposes the "three key points" of China's transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power

Recently, the overall plan of "Made in China 2025" has been reviewed and approved by the executive meeting of the State Council, which proposes the "three-step" strategy of China's transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power, and is expected to be released soon. Analysts pointed out that the curtain of "Made in China 2025" is about to open, and the concept of Industry 4.0 represented by intelligent manufacturing will return to the capital outlet, including intelligent robots and automation Equipment deserves investors' attention.

"Made in China 2025" attracts attention

"Made in China 2025" proposed a "three-step" strategy to transform from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power: enter the list of world powers in the first decade; In the second decade, we will enter the middle of the world power; In the third decade, 2045, China will enter the leading position of a world power and become a manufacturing power on the centennial of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

"Made in China 2025" has made specific arrangements for the goals and tasks of the first decade. To achieve the goal, we need to mobilize all forces to promote it together. Specific measures include the establishment of a leading group for building a national manufacturing power, and the development of a "1+X" implementation plan and planning system.

People from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology previously said that the "Made in China 2025" plan will appear in the "1+10" mode combining top-level design and key industries. In addition to transformation and upgrading, the "deep integration of industrialization and informatization" has also been highlighted. It is understood that the plan proposes nine tasks, ten key areas and five major projects. Among them, the nine major tasks include improving the innovation capability of the national manufacturing industry; The ten key areas include new generation information and communication technology industry, high-end numerical control machine And robotics, biomedicine and other fields; The five key projects include the construction of national manufacturing innovation center, intelligent manufacturing, etc.

Industry insiders pointed out that intelligent manufacturing is an important starting point for "Made in China 2025", and intelligent manufacturing or Industry 4.0 is the commanding height for the integration of the Internet and traditional industries. Considering the unbalanced development of China's manufacturing industry, it is still in the situation of not completing Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0 as a whole. The path of China's future industrial development should be Industry 2.0 remedial courses, Industry 3.0 popularization, and Industry 4.0 demonstration. The theme investment triggered by "Made in China 2025" deserves investors' attention.

Industry 4.0 is expected to return to the air outlet

Promoting Industry 4.0 must meet the requirements of appropriate automation Level, big data interconnection mode, and sufficient profit space. The essence of Industry 4.0 is not hardware innovation but system integration. Therefore, the essential difference between Industry 4.0 and Industry 3.0 lies in the mode change brought by the two-way feedback of information flow through big data interconnection. The reform of this mode will reorganize the industrial chain pattern and the market space of flexible links. From the current perspective, the promotion path of Industry 4.0 in China must start from the advantageous industries. Under the wave of "Made in China 2025", Industry 4.0 is expected to return to the capital outlet, and the industrial chain includes high-end industries numerical control machine Industrial robots, sensor logistics automation Factories, among which intelligent robots and automation Equipment deserves investors' attention.

In terms of A-share investment, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities pointed out that the main logic of Industry 4.0 investment is that model innovation drives valuation improvement and demand space opens to confirm profits. First of all, focus on the expected increase in valuation driven by model change, and three types of enterprises will benefit first: the first type is the pioneers of traditional industries that directly benefit from model change; The second category is industrial manufacturing and transformation of industrial services; The third category is companies whose mode change is expected to open up the upstream market space. It is suggested to focus on the industrial Ethernet switch leader.

Secondly, it is suggested that investors should pay attention to the leading targets of two sub sectors in the transition from Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0: the first category is the combination of Industry 4.0 and hot demand industries; The second category is expected to become the tradition of industry integration standard setters in the future automation Industry leader.

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