Qingdao has eliminated the remaining 52000 yellow label coal-fired boilers "from coal to gas"

   2020-09-01 internet China Boiler Network five hundred and nine zero
Core tip: core tip: Yesterday, the Urban Construction, Environment and Resources Committee of the Municipal People's Congress submitted to the 27th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Municipal People's Congress a report on
Core tip: Yesterday, the Urban Construction, Environment and Resources Committee of the Municipal People's Congress submitted a report on the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution to the 27th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Municipal People's Congress. The report pointed out that the "coal to gas" transformation of coal-fired boilers would be gradually promoted, the energy structure in the central city would be optimized and adjusted, and the remaining 52000 yellow standard vehicles would be eliminated.
Yesterday, the Urban Construction, Environment and Resources Committee of the Municipal People's Congress submitted a report on the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution to the 27th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Municipal People's Congress. The report pointed out that it would gradually promote Coal fired boiler "Coal to gas", optimize and adjust the energy structure in the central urban area, and eliminate the remaining 52000 yellow standard vehicles.
The report points out that since 2013, 342km of medium and low pressure gas pipelines have been newly built, 114000 new pipeline users have been added, and 16 natural gas vehicle filling stations have been built; Completion of existing residential buildings energy conservation 2.56 million square meters will be renovated, and the heating metering and charging area of the three districts in the city will reach 9.06 million square meters, with 100000 users. In 2014, the concentration of PM2.5 in urban air dropped to 59 micrograms/m3, an improvement of 10.6% year on year; The concentration of sulfur dioxide dropped to 37 μ g/m3, an improvement of 31.5% year on year; The number of days of heavy pollution decreased to 9, a year-on-year decrease of 60%.
The report points out that to prevent and control air pollution, it is necessary to curb vehicle exhaust pollution. We will focus on the prevention and control of clean emissions, increase the elimination of yellow standard vehicles, eliminate all the remaining 52000 yellow standard vehicles in our city as soon as possible, gradually expand the prohibited areas for yellow standard vehicles, accelerate the pace of oil upgrading, sell gasoline and diesel for vehicles of national standard V in our city as soon as possible, and improve our motor vehicle network supervision system, Build information sharing platform.
We should accelerate the pace of industrial structure and energy structure adjustment, actively strive to implement the relevant policies of the "Belt and Road" development strategy, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, and drive the high-end adjustment of the product structure and the high-end extension of the industrial chain with the high-end transformation of production technology. Relying on the Shandong LNG project, strive to increase the supply of natural gas to our city, strengthen the construction of supporting infrastructure, gradually promote the "coal to gas" of coal-fired boilers, optimize and adjust the energy structure in the central city, and promote the conversion of old, old and small coal-fired boilers to natural gas and other clean energy or elimination in the central city; Develop and utilize renewable energy sources such as seawater, sewage, solar energy and air, and promote the use of mobile energy storage and hot water pump technologies to supplement and replace existing heating systems, reduce coal consumption and reduce air pollution.
By learning from and drawing on the experience of controlling dust pollution at home and abroad, the construction waste transportation franchise is fully implemented in urban areas and four urban areas; The sand and gravel processing plant and concrete mixing plant without legal procedures in the urban area shall be closed according to law, and those with legal procedures shall be operated in a standardized manner. A closed material warehouse shall be built to ensure that loading and unloading operations are sprayed to suppress dust, plant roads are hardened, and vehicles entering and leaving the plant are washed.
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